Hi, I am 39 going on OLD.... I feel old.  I can't wait to feel my age or hopefully younger.  I am excited for this surgery as I have been really feeling the health issues the past few months get worse.  ( I have not told my hubby about my chest tightness because I don't want him to worry more)
I have one dog but he is more like a two yearold child... Haloti my american bulldog.  I thought I liked the "smart" dogs like German Shepherds and border collies ect.... but learned quick that the "dumb" ones are better!!!  They do not open sliding glass doors and get out to go to Safeway where I get a phone call from the store saying come get your dog he is in the meat dept and customers are scared.  *he was a harmless german shepherd but none the less intimidating* 

I used to have horses but I felt my weight was so much and I was embarassed to ride with the size of my thighs.... However that said...I will get another one when I lose weight.

I have 2 kids........ 19 y/o son who tries my every nerve right now with trying to be his own man.... but I love him to death and can't wait to see what he does with his life... Proud mama...
And my daughter will turn 17 in Feb 3 days after my surgery....... She just laughs when I tell her I will be wearing her jeans next year...... She is a doll but man she is stubborn like her daddy.  I just hope 17 is not as "hormonal"  as 16 was... Please Lord I want some hair left... :)

My Hubby.... Now thats a man.  I have been with him since the first day of my freshman year... 25 years now.  Married for 20 will be 21 this summer.  He is wonderful and very hard working...... and I am thankful he has been my rock. 

Ummmm pretty much I am a boring average lady with no exciting stuff going on in my own little universe.  Sorry no table dancing in my life... ;)  *well maybe someday............. 

I have cheerleaders helping my get thru this .......... people who have been there done that and have had sucess with WLS.  I have friends who don't understand why I want it but are supportive and are behind me 100%. 
So as I travel down this path I will try to make a few entries in here but for the most part I am a private person and I find it hard to believe that someone is really that interested in finding out about me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2010
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 5
