How time flies!

Sep 22, 2009

I should be ashamed!!!! I stay so busy with school and taking care of my children, I barely get time to catch my breath! Just wanted to pop in for a quick update though! I have been fighting the food demons again, I refuse to give in! The hectic go, go, go...makes it harder to eat like I should. Therefore this is a daily battle, I have reached the stage of "filling out" in places where I gladly welcome the filling out *if you catch my drift.* It's nice to have some cushion on my backside for those long lectures in class. I recently started back in attendance with a support group and I hope to find one that suits me soon. I miss the motivation that comes with going to those. I am so paranoid that I will continue "filling out" and just wake up oneday fat all over again, so I try to be mindful about what and HOW I'm eating! God how I miss that honeymoon phase, not feeling hungry was so awesome!!! I have been dealing with an unexpected complication from surgery though. Long story short, I have "reactive hypoglycemia" and after MANY trips to the dr's and finally ending up in the endocrinologist office...they determined it to be a product of the surgery. I am having to monitor my blood sugar, take a pill with each meal and be extremely in tune with my body's signals. I recently had the first bout of passing out in public *SCARY* I am not sure when or if this will resolve on its own, but I am hoping and praying it will. Other than that I am doing well physically, mentally Im a limp noodle. School is exhausting:) I am still wearing the same size pants, so i'm safe for now! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

I am SO slack

Jul 24, 2008

I just wanted to make a quick update, as I have been told I am slack and need to. I am nearing the 18 month post surgery mark. I have had a fairly uneventful experience, sometimes its had to believe I have even gone through any of this...I feel pretty "normal" if there is such a thing. Its only when I have one of those "episodes" of a blood sugar dropping or just feeling "loopy" I remember what my body is going through on a daily basis. I have noticed a significant increase in my bodys defenses being OVERprotective. I have battled a yeast infection over and over and just was diagnosed with oral thrush for the first time in my life. I wonder if the changes in nutrition has done this, or if its just a process of aging. I hope to find out someday...I am going to ask to see a specialist and try to anyway. Other than that I have been hovering the same weight now for the past several changes by a few pounds every so often and as quick as it goes up 3 lbs, it comes down 4...I guess being so heavy before I didnt notice minute changes due to fluid ect. 

On the bright side, Losing weight has given me the courage to obtain my GED and now enroll in college...I hope to oneday be a nurse! I think it was alot easier to hide behind excuses when I was overweight.  I dont see things as such a threat anymore. I definetly have more guts than sense lately.  I have a few friends going through the process of having surgery, my dad has had the surgery and my mom hopes to someday. I only wish the best for them all and I am here if you guys need me. current weight is *155 and my BMI is 22.9*

Almost there!

Jan 28, 2008

I havent posted in a while, but wanted to give a quick update. I am 11mths out and nearing the 1 year mark. I got a little discouraged over the past couple of months because I didn't lose ANY weight until recently it started to come off again. I am happy to say I am 150lbs less and my BMI is now under 25 and I am in the "normal" weight catagory. I still weigh 168lbs and want to be 160. So I am nearly there I cannot believe it. What a fantastic and wonderful ride this is I am on. I can do things I never even imagined I would be able to...this is a second chance and for that I give God all the glory.

6 months out!!

Aug 09, 2007

Its official..Half a year gone!! Already..Nothing major to report except I have done it..I am more than 100lbs less than what I was six months ago, and for that I thank the good Lord above. Without the blessings I have been given I would not be where I am today. I thank God for everything and I feel like a different person. I have not had my 6 month follow up with the surgeons yet, I go on August I will report the latest and greatest then!!

5 months post op

Jul 09, 2007

Hello again! I haven't got a whole bunch to update with, but I am trying keep a semi consistant log of happenings. I was five months post op as of yesterday. And to date I have lost from my heaviest weight of 317lbs ,98lbs. I am going according to the day of surgery though and that puts me at 91lbs from that date. I am still hoping to make my goal at 6mths of 100lbs lost and I feel thats fairly certain to happen. I have struggled with losing on a steady basis but it seems to even out. I have no idea why I will go for 2 weeks without losing even a pound and suddenly I will lose 5. But as long as I am still losing weight I won't be overly concerned. I have still been doing things as instructed as far as diet, I know I need to be doing more excersising at this point and I am thinking of joining curves with a girl from my support group. I have been doing the usual stuff around home with the kids, But we did just this past weekend go to a waterpark and for the first time in all my adult life I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I remember in past visits. I still don't notice this huge transistion in the way I appear to others I guess because I look at myself everyday, But when I slip my rear end into a size 14 pants I know something definetly has changed. I am so grateful for everything that I am gaining as I am losing. I forgot how to smile and my mom has commented many times on the fact that I smile all the time now when she sees me. I am kind of tired alot lately I am sure something is out of whack there, but its just part of the deal I expected. Other than being tired I am doing fantastic, I never get sick and for that I feel so blessed. I do experience the mad rush for the toilet once in a while and get the shakes and rapid heart beat if I eat the wrong thing. I will still be grateful that is all I experience, I absolutely hate throwing up and that was a big worry of mine pre op.  I guess for now thats about all I will be updating next month after my 6mth checkup.  

3 months out!

May 13, 2007

Hey everyone! I came to update a few days later than I intended to. I had my 3 month follow up with the surgeon on May 8th (one day shy of 3 months) I was so blown away on the scale I had to do a double take. My scales at home are a tiny bit off and I had lost more than I realized. I saw 239 and couldnt believe it. That means I have lost 71 lbs and 43% of my excess weight in 12 weeks. My surgeon was in meetings and they had rescheduled me without me knowing so when I showed up for the appointment I had no idea I wouldnt see Dr Chapman, But I was just happy to see anyone that had any sense really. I had only had one minor "bump in the road" recently and was anxious to see what was causing it. I had broken out in a "rash" or hives of some sort on my face and neck several days here and there since surgery but it had increased in frequency and intensity over the past few weeks. I figured it was either from TOO much or TOO little of something in my diet or supplements. He seemed to think it was from a deficency and sure enough the blood work showed a bit of protein deficiency, So im working even moreso on bringing in more protein. Seems im always hunting for protein these days...but its all worth it. I feel really good still...I am working on increasing my excersise more and more. I actually "raced" my daughter on foot yesterday without feeling like I'd pass out afterwords. I even jogged a little during my evening walk (after wearing heels allday even) I was impressed that I could do that, its been so long since I capable. Anyway thats all the news for now..I'll keep updating as things progress!

2 months post op

Apr 11, 2007

I am just updating since I got a late start at all this.. I am 2 months post op as of yesterday and I have lost 52lbs. I am adhearing to the diet and still measuring out 2 ounce portions of everything. I had to go back to boost for breakfast somedays because I was skipping meals somedays because I was just not sure what I could eat. I have been very blessed and not experienced any major problems..I have had a few episodes of food getting stuck at my stoma OUCH! But because I have been following the rules mostly I have not been sick...Only a lil queasy a few times.  Overall I am doing very well... I feel good and love getting into smaller clothes every few weeks. I hope that by my 3 month follow up I will be down another 20lbs. My goal is to make the 100lb mark by 6 months. I was 310 before surgery and I weighed 258lbs yesterday, not bad for 2 months YAY!!

About Me
grimesland, NC
Surgery Date
May 03, 2006
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 7
I am SO slack
Almost there!
6 months out!!
5 months post op
3 months out!
2 months post op
