
Jan 21, 2010

This is a cross-post from my VSG board where I am posting in a C25K group:

Saw my bariatric group's personal trainer and he told me to get off my treadmill and get out doors. Now understand here folks that I live in Ottawa, Canada... we're the world's coldest capital city next to Moscow. I looked at him like he had 2 heads. But we talked some more and said if I really want to do a road race 5K in April, I needed to get off the treadmill (and for the sake of my knees!!). 

So I got a crash course on how to run outside. I dropped $350 on appropriate clothing (shhh... don't tell my hubby!) and knew if I didn't do it right away, I wouldn't do it. So out to get a fancy bra (mine doesn't wick sweat), a pair of CW-X Stabilyx Insulated Running Tights, a windband to keep the wind/cold out of my ears, sweat wicking gloves and a Running Room jacket.

On my way home from the store, it was a beautiful day - blue sky, sunny and about -2C (25F or so?). This is on the balmy side for late January. (Shivering yet?)  I put on all my gear with a CoolMax tank shirt that I bought last week, a CoolMax/wicking type short sleeve t-shirt, the tights, socks, my coat, gloves, headband, iPod and shades and I was ready to hit the open roads!

I decided to go back and redo W3D3 - the 90 sec and 3 min runs since I'd never run outdoors. I had mapped my route since I knew I was running about 3km on my treadmill (check out http://www.gmap-pedometer.com) so I didn't go too far and have to walk back, etc. My arms were cool/cold during my warm up - can't lie about that one but the rest of me felt good. For next time, I definitely need a long sleeve shirt that will wick. About the end of my 1st 3 min run, I undid the "pit zips" about 1/3 of the way in my coat but kept on going.

Other than almost getting hit by a car half a block from home (I had the right of way with a green light - not sure how she missed me in my bright red coat?!), it was good! Need to take Kleenex next time for the drippy nose but otherwise it was really enjoyable. My stride is so much different outside - so totally different!

So here's a challenge to my fellow treadmill sisters... do one of your running workouts outside. Not sure if this will post right but you can always click to see the image - this is me heading out for my workout yesterday. Note the snow - you can do this!!  (You don't need all the gear but I will say I came home and my bra was reasonably dry but I could feel the sweat had wicked out as it was supposed to - amazing!)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/ottawamom/IMG_0492_av .jpg

 Also wanted to add to this post...

Saw the dietician at BMI yesterday. She suggested now that I'm exercising that I do need to add some more calories - but not to overdo it - add maybe 150-200 calories. And carbs at that!  So after my Zumba class (or a run), I should have some fruit with half a serving of protein... or one of my new whole grain pitas (half of one) with a tbsp of peanut butter. So add one more snack on exercise days.  I can do that! :)

And I got weighed - last weigh in at BMI was Nov 12th and their scale showed 227. Yesterday I was 215 so another 12 lbs in 2 mths (and a week).  And over Christmas?  Yep - I'm pleased. :)  So on their scales, I'm down 124 from my peak. This morning, I am 211 so I'm down 128 lbs on my scale. :D  Yep - can't complain one iota about that can I?

Oh - and I'm putting this on my blog. We'll see who reads it. LOL  I am starting to follow my new path in life. I am registered to take the Zumba Gold Instructor training Jan 31st. I am also registered to do the Fitness Education program with the Y. I am torn about which stream to take - to become a PFT (personal fitness trainer) or another stream but I think I will start there. When I am done (by June), I will be a certified Y PFT and certified Zumba Instructor with a specialty in the older adult stream (and have some training towards working with the overweight & obese clientele).  I am taking a course for PFTs starting Monday night for the next 4 wks called "Training the Overweight & Obese Population". Here's the description:

Training the Overweight and Obese Population Trainer: Rob Matthews This four week session will explore and educate trainers about the overweight and obese population - including why it is becoming an epidemic, current statistics, common causes plus biases/racism correlated to obesity, common health risks to look for, the science of training versus the art of training when working with this population, program development, establishing S MART goals, creating adherence, and monitoring progress.

I'm really getting excited about it all!

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