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February 2008
Hello everyone I am back after being offline since my surgery, Sept. 2, 2004.  I am looking forward to updating my profile and talking to everyone again.  I have missed being here soooooo much!
Please be patient with me while I learn all about the new features here.  I will have pics up soon.  
Post-op 3.5 years and 200 pounds lighter.
Glad to be back

September 1, 2004

Burtterfly Kisses

I have been spending my time packing and unpacking my bag. lol Beth has packed one for her and one for each of the kids. We have been washing clothes I haven't been able to wear recently so they will be ready for me. I have had a lot of phone calls, emails, message board posts and even had a visitor. Mom Ellis, Melodie's mom came by with some clothes from Mel and a few gifts. She sent me a shopping list pad for my refrigerator & butterfly magnet, and the most gorgeous handmade card I have ever seen. I absolutely love it and have it in my journal to take to the hospital with me. I didn't have a guest book yet but she made me one of those too. I can't begin to say how much I love it. When my granddaughter saw it she said, "Oh this didn't come like this she took the time to do this for you." Oh yeah she did! I can't wait for everyone to see it and my card! Thank you Melodie!

Sandy Pierce is my angel which means she will stay current on my condition and post it for everyone online. She is my contact person. Thanks Sandy!

I have been working on getting my journal up to date. I have collected a ton of stuff from the internet all along my journey. I have also printed my posts, emails and anything I thought appropriate for it. Mindy has actually done all of the printing for me. I have also collected keepsakes like my last restaurant menu, any cards, poems... special things from special people.

I thought I had already posted my good news here but I don't see it. Erin aka erinthedietitian, posted on her forum that she talked to Dr. C. and he is letting her go into surgery with me. She is truly an angel! I can't believe she knew how important that was to me. Having someone there with me to hold my hand just makes everything perfect. I am at peace with my decision to do this. I am totally confident in my surgeon and I have no fear. I am at peace with everything now. And, I am ...
...one step closer!

August 29,2004

Support Meeting Butterfly Kisses Galore

What a special group I belong to! They are absolutely the best. We had a wonderful meeting and I met some more new people.

At the meeting our total loss was over 1900 lbs. Terrific! I will be adding in on the next meeting I attend. I hope so anyway. hehehe

We had a visitor at the meeting. Sara Beaven, LISW psychotherapist, who led a round table discussion of our wl jouney. We discussed what got us here, what it took to make the choice of bariatric surgery, body /inner self, fear, shame, sadness, anger, betrayal, hope, joy, and relationships.
(Personally I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion. I thought it was excellent!) Want to do it again! Then we switched gears and...

We all had fun with Melodie's idea. No it was not making cards. It was ... everyone had a card with their name on it and all cards were passed around for everyone to write on them something about that person. Everyone got their own card back. Then we all shared one of the written comments on our card with the group. It was so much fun! Melodie added art and decorations on the cards that made them extra special!

We talked about the cookbook and ask that EVERYONE start sending in those recipes! There is one change in the plans for the cookbook. We will not be getting it in time for Christmas sales. The deadline is August 31. Originally I was told we could get them in 30 days but that turns out to not be the case. So it will be closer to a spring sale!

Sandy announced the next meeting is actually the anniversary party. There are lots of activities planned at Charlene's home. She has lots of room for cornhole, horseshoes, badminton, cookout... It is going to be a blast but I will be at The Deaconess Hospital having my wls. :-)

Finally we said our goodbyes and some of us went out to eat together. But, before we left everyone gave me hugs and wished me well with words of encouragement. One in particular was very sweet and special. Amanda McManness. She is 23, married post op and so special! I really admire her. Then we were off.

I got to pick the restaurant and chose ElRanchito Mexican. I love their food and it is not expensive. Everyone there was celebrating my last meeting and meal with them pre op. We all talked and had fun. The Schrands paid for my dinner bless their hearts. Said it was for me altering her scrubs. I said no but it didn't matter. Love those two! I took home some food for the family because Mom, Beth, Kirsten and Kamille were at home waiting for me. They love it when I do that.

My dear friend Melodie picked me up for the meeting and as usual we had a great chat. Shared more personal things and really got to know one another better. She is absolutely an angel!

I had a picture taken of me with my bag that Terry sent me. I want it put on the web site for Terry. She is so special and her mom is sick right now. Maybe that will help cheer her up some. I hope so. Guess what? This week she sent me a 2 lb cannister of protein powder. God bless her!

I started collecting things for the hospital today. My small fan, back scratcher, journals, personal items and things like that that i can do ahead of time.

Mindy will take my to my pcp on Monday and that is the last thing I have to do before going to the hospital.

Beth talked to mom and she is going to let me use her lift chair during my recovery. That is awesome. Sure is a great relief to me. I have worried so much about how I will be able to sleep and to get up to go to the bathroom. It is going to be hard. The chair will make it manageable. Thanks Mom!

Guess that is all for this time so I will say I am...

...one step closer.

August 26, 2004
Butterfly Kisses at Dr. Curry's

I had my pre-admission testing done today. Seems odd to say this but it was fun. Mindy and Cammy took me and sat in on everything they could. Beth was home with the kids and cleaning. Bless her heart the place was beautiful when we got home.

We arrived at valet parking which is a luxury, especially when you use a walker, and went right to registration. The same sweet person, Helen registered me again this time. And, again she walked us to the elevators making sure we had the directions straight. She is really thorough and sweet. Then we went to the testing department. It was right at Endoscopy but I didn't see any familiar faces. And I was looking for my old friends. :-)
The girls really gave me the ribbing because I had my appointment time as 1:30 and it was at 11:30. I was never so embarassed in my life. They were really angels for taking me. They sure had fun giving it to me though. hehehe Jackie, Cheryl and Mary Ellen took excellent care of me and were certain that I had all of the information and knew what to expect. Mary Ellen's husband has had the surgery and is doing great. It was a painless process and when done we went upstairs to see Dr. C., Erin, Nancy and to finally meet Lesley.

Erin, who is my personal angel, went over my homework and passed me. hehehe I asked a few questions and then we did some chit chatting until Nancy was ready for me. Talk about thorough Nancy is the best!

By the time I left she was certain I had no questions and knew what to expect. I just love her she is so kind and supportive of me. She too is one of my sweet angels! Dr. Curry then went over everything!

He also made sure I had no questions and then I signed the paperwork. So I am ready for surgery. EEK!!!

Before I left the office I got to have a talk with Lesley. What a sweetheart! We have talked over the phone but not in person. She is just a doll! Exactly what I would expect to find there. They are all so good to me. They treat me like a queen. I love them all. I couldn't ask for a kinder, more compassionate or more supportive team. I am blessed! And I am also...

...one step closer!

August 20,2004

Butterfly Kisses

I went to the weekly meeting with The Midwest Losers support group. It was so much fun! I really love going to them. Erin came again and sat with me. I just love her. She is so supportive of me. On the other side was Deb Schrand. I took 4 of her scrubs home with me to alter them for her. The arms are just too tight and uncomfortable. I feel good to be able to do something for someone. Melodie picked me up again. She is such a sweetheart. I always enjoy talking to her too. We both want the best for the group. Deb French went back to work so she can't come to meetings for a while. I miss her. Jimmie has been feeling real bad and having pains. I hope she gets to the bottom of it and feels better soon. I miss her too.

I talked about Terry from VA before and I got a surprise from her. I got a package and in it was a canvas bag that she had a beautiful butterfly decal put on and printed on it
" PJ's journey...
...just bring it on!"
I just love it so much I cried. And, inside were things for the hospital. There was powder, lavender liquid soap, a book and a crossword book. What a fabulous surprise! I was so happy. I love the bag and carry it now to meetings! Can't wait to take it to the hospital with me!

I have the right walker now. Had to send the first one back. This one is a Bari - walker on wheels. It is made for obese people and is a rolling walker. I will be able to walk post op now. Heck it is helping me a great deal now! I am so happy. Things are working out!

So, I am ...
...one step closer!

August 19,2004

Very Disturbing News!

I got an email from Cathy letting me know she is no longer at Deaconess. My angel! This cannot be true! She was the first one I met at the weight loss unit and has been with me from the beginning. She has fought for me on every front! My heart is broken. I so wanted her there for my surgery. A sad day! No butterfly kisses!

August 19,2004

Hey Everybody!

There are many important things I have to do before surgery. I know I mentioned (probably a few thousand times hehehe) that my daughter and her 2 girls have been spending more time with me since I got a wls date. Well, now they just stay here all the time. They decided they like it hehehe and just stay. And, will until I don't need them so much. Oh they go home when they need something or just to check on things but they never stay gone long. They know I have a lot to do to get ready for my journey and they don't want to miss any part of it. I am truly blessed.

We are having a lot of fun spending this time together and we talk about the surgery and make plans about all kinds of things. I am needing their help more and more, and they want to learn how to support me post op. But, it does butt in on my Internet time and my time with you, my friends.

They are so good to me and try to make sure I am not disturbed but what does an 2 year old know about "not disturbed"? So when she says in her whinny little 2 year old voice, "Hold me" I know the day will come when I will long for those words and I hold her close. I hold her as much and as often as I can. And it is a joy to watch her and remember when the 12 year old was her age. They lived with me when she was born so I had a lot more time with her. I have a lot of memories with her and am making memories with the 2 year old. While I am enjoying watching the older one go through the changes of adulthood it is a bit saddening. She is becoming a lovely young lady and I am very proud of her. And, I realize I am getting a chance to see their mother being a mommy and loving them so much. It is a joy!

I am loving it! They are my life and a big part of why I am going through this journey. So, please forgive me for not spending ALL of my time here right now. You see I have lots of important things to do before my wls. And, I am enjoying doing them so much!
And I am...

...one step closer!

August 18, 2004

I had such a great time at the last meeting. Mindy has teased me about being a popular girl because everyone who came in the door said "PJ!" and came over to give me a big hug. I was loving it! I have made so many good friends at the meetings. Deb S asked me to do alterations on her new scrubs so I will get them from her this Friday. She is such a sweetie I would do anything for her.

I got my walker today. Not sure I am keeping it or that it is the right one. Nancy is checking on some things and going to let me know. Nancy is an angel! Erin has asked me to let her pick me up and take me to her meetings. I do want to go but hate to put her out and told her that. So, now she is insisting so yeah! I am going on Sept 16! I am excited about that. She is truly an angel too!

I have been blessed and am...

...one step closer!

August 13, 2004

Wow butterfly kisses all over the place!

Absolutely the best meeting yet! If it gets any better I can't stand it. We had around 60 people there. Dr. Curry, Erin the dietitian, and Nancy his nurse were there. They answered questions from everyone for an hour and a half. It was very interesting. I talked to Nancy about her ordering a special walker for me. I talked to Erin and let her read my menus. She said I did great. I had some new friends there too.

I have talked to Cindy Hoeffel and Nikki Forsee online for a while now and finally got them both to come to a meeting. I loved meeting them and getting to talk. Nikki also went to Fridays with the group. We had a lot of fun. My sister- in- law Mindy went too. She was really interested in everything and went out to eat with us too. And, Vicki Linke who I met on Obesityhelp.com came down from Toledo for the meeting. Gotta cut this short for now but will fill in more later. I am...

...one step closer!

August 7, 2004

Sooo Many Butterfly Kisses!

Last night I went to the best support meeting I have been to yet. I will try to relay some of the reasons it was so special.

Lori and Ashley Hardy were there. Lori, mother of 14 year old Ashley told their story so eloquently. Ashley had wls in Feb. 2004 and has spent 108 days in hospitals since. All of her problems were not related to wls but very serious none the less. Especially the Combined Immune Deficiency which is very rare. The good news is they are on their way home to North Carolina now and will hopefully begin a somewhat normal life.

Terry Moore has been in town visiting from Virginia. She brought all of her beads and let anyone who wanted to, make bracelets for free. They are beautiful. I made one I can add my medical alert to. Everytime I wear it I will think of Terry. She is a very kind person and so special to the group and message board. Thanks Terry!

Jimmie C. picked me up for the meeting and then I went to the slleepover at the Holiday Inn with Sandy, Terry, Sharon, Deb S. and Debra F. Dave S. was there on another floor with Maze. I had a blast. Melodie and Charlene came by for a while and we all made bracelets, stuffed pillows and talked the night away. It was a great bonding experience. I truly feel like I am a part of a wonderful family.

This meeting was very well attended too. I talked about the cookbook project and got a lot of support. I am going to begin work on it.

I talked to Dr. Curry's office yesterday and got the information I need for pre op testing... Nancy is so nice! I am all set with an appointment.

I am a bit emotional today, not only due to the special meeting last night, but due to this post Kimberly A. posted on Dr. Curry's forum for me. She is an angel!
08/07 10:57 AM
I just found out (you probably all ready know) but I just found out that PJ has a date September 2nd come on everyone join me in a little happy dance......yeah for PJ.......I am holding a seat for you girl....I'll keep it warm......waiting for you on the loosers bench....love to ya...god bless and yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh -- Kimberly Acosta"

so you see I am...

...one step closer!

July 27,2004
Meeting Erin and others Butterfly Kisses

Today was filled with kisses! I had my session with Dr. Curry's nutritionist, Erin. So I had to be at Deaconess Hospital for a few hours. Beth couldn't go so Mindy, Christian and Cammy took me. They pushed me in a wheelchair because I just can't do all of that walking with the leg problems.

I knocked on the door of the office and when I opened it Erin and Cathy both looked around and suddenly recognized me. Erin jumped out of her chair and said , "It's PJ!" and gave me a big hug while Cathy was coming across the room to get her hug too. That girl Cathy really is my angel! I will always say that! I tell you they are just the sweetest girls! Erin is so bubbly she cheers you up right away. She made me feel so good saying she was glad to finally meet me! Dr. C. sure has a wonderful staff. Since we were early we went upstairs to the new WLS Unit and visited with 3 patients. That was fun talking with them and their families. Then it was time for the meeting so we went back downstairs.

In a few minutes 2 more patients joined us. One was Karen Doyle who I have talked to online. We finally met in person yeah! The other I had never met, his name is Dennis. Everyone was so nice.

Erin had a ton of great information in a binder for us and she went over it with us. She also had a water bottle, samples, literature and some coupons for us. That was really nice. I will take my time and go over every thing again and again. I want it to be second nature for me. I really want to do my best at this!

When it was time to leave I asked Erin to weigh me just out of curiosity. I weighed when I was there back in April and just knew I gained. Well, I just don't know how I am gonna break it to Dr. C. but I gained 22 pounds. Whew that is bad but I am really glad it isn't more. Since I have had leg problems I have had to lay down with my feet up so much and can't walk much. And, not being able to drive I don't get much chance to get out. And, then there is the stop smoking thing which is tough and I replace it with snacking... Oh me! Well, I will just have to face him with it. lol And, he wants me to try to lose before surgery! Whew am I in for it!!! It is for my own good and I am gonna try. It is really bugging me and it is really hard.

Just before we were ready to leave I got to meet Nancy. I had never met her before either. The last time I was there Linda was the director of nursing and now Nancy is. Before Jolene was the nutritionist and now Erin. I like them all. Unfortunately Lesley wasn't there today so I will meet her the next time.

It seems like I have waited so long for this but I really haven't. I waited too late in life to start it. I truly wish I had started it years ago. So much time wasted!

Well, I am gonna go start reading and begin my homework. Yes, homework! Can you believe it? Erin gave us homework. Oh it isn't bad just to do some menus and shopping lists. I can do that. Losing that 22 lbs is the challenge. lol

One more thought... The first time I weighed there was on a portable digital scale. This time we used a big stationary digital scale. So, could there be a big difference in the two scales? Gonna have to ask about that. Anything will help! lol

Well like I said I got lots of kisses. Big muwahhh butterfly kisses! And, now I am...

...one step closer!

July 21, 2004

Well I couldn't help myself yesterday and wrote to Cathy again. Today she called me with a date! September 2, 2004 at 7:30 am I will begin my new life! Beth, Kirsten, Kamille, Cammy and Christian were all here when I got the call. I started to yell and everyone got quiet. Then they all hugged me and started asking questions. It was so exciting! Beth and Kirsten jumped up and started cleaning my house and I kept trying to get a grip on my feelings and emotions. I called all of the family and then got on the message boards to announce it. I got tons of replies. My sis in law Mindy is planning her vacation from work around it. My aunt and uncle are in from FL and plan to be with me through it. I am so blessed with a loving family and friends. What a support system I have.

Thank God for my blessings! Thank Dr. Curry for scheduling me even though he doesn't have a provider number yet. And, thank you Cathy, Dr. Curry's assistant, for being such an angel!!! What a big fat butterfly kiss today was!!! Now for sure I am ...

...one giant step closer!

July 20, 2004

It is so hard not to email or call Cathy everyday to ask if I have a date! I have been spending my time on obesityhelp.com and imnotfatanymore.com. I have been making butterfly pillows for the patients and helping out where I can. Our last meeting of the Midwest Losers was cancelled so a group of us met at Sandy's house and it was fun. Sandy and Rose are so sick right now they can't attend meetings. Sandy had surgery for a bowel obstruction and Rose is suffering from nausea and diarrhea all the time. I sure hope they feel better soon. Susan had her surgery yesterday and is sitting in a chair today. Her husband called to tell me she did well with surgery but is sore. I will call to talk to her later. Kimberly and Nikki are doing great! Debra is doing great too. I can't wait to join them! I hope I am ...

...one step closer.

July 12, 2004
Approval Butterfly Kisses

I saw my PCP today and got some somewhat good news about my legs. I have been afraid I have the symptoms of beginning Lymphedema. She said she doesn't think so. she also said that broken open places that are weeping are not related to the swelling. She thinks the swelling is due to water retention and will stop ofter surgery. She also said the open place looks like Shingles but is not. She wants me to meke an appointment with a dermatologist. I have cream to use and bandage it twice a day. If that clears it up I can cancel the dermatologist. So that is the best case scenario for me.

I also got a letter that is my approval from Medicaid. I was thrilled. Now I talked to Cathy and found out that they are just waiting for the provider number from Medicaid. As soon as they get it they will call me with a date. Soooooo I am really...

...one step closer!

July 7, 2004
Cathy, Erin & Staff Butterfly Kisses!

Well today was a special day. I called the psych to tell them I want my report. They mumbled something about losing it and that transcriptioon was working on it and would get it out. I asked what I could do to speed it up and was told nothing. So I went back online to lick my woulds. Callwave rang and I knew it was Dr. Curry's no. I started to get off line to call them back and my cell phone rang. I answered and it was Cathy saying she had a bit of bad news. I figured it was about my report being lost. Then I heard what sounded like a party on the phone. Everyone there was in the background shouting, "You're approved!" I almost fell over. They were yelling and clapping and laughing. I just started yelling and crying. They are so special!

So, now we are just waiting on scheduling that day. I really am...

...one step closer!

July 5, 2004

I want to fill in the news about my legs. Both feet and legs have been swelling badly. About the first week of June my right shin broke out in small spots that were like water blisters. When I touched them they rubbed away and the water ran. I tried neosporin for about 10 days but it didn't work. Since then they have continually gotten worse to the point of running like a tap! I called Dr. Tsai and she ordered water pills and me to come in. Well I couldn't get in right away and this week she has been out of the office doing hospital duty. Now it is just worse to the point of being painful. When it is ready to weep it starts stinging, burning and then builds to pain. So I called today and they are gonna call me back with an appointment. I recently watched Amy Williams on MTV and am really afraid this is the start of what she has, Lymphedema. I really hope not but I did send her an email. She replied saying that it is how she started. Can't wait until this is gone! I am afraid only the surgery will help.

Today 2 of my friends are in Deaconess Hospital with Dr. Curry. Kimberly Acosta for wls and Sandy Pierce for bowel obstruction emergency surgery. I have sent messages to both and they are in my prayers. I suppose I am...

...one step closer!

July 4, 2004
Friendship Butterfly Kisses!

I went to another meeting and it was great as usual. Met more new people and had a round table discussion of everyone's journeys. We talked about the fundraiser selling Home Interiors candles. I can't wait to get the baked apple pie candle! OMG it is awesome!

My wls friend Kimberly is having her surgery in the morning. I sent her an email and hope she got it tonight. She is gonna do great and deserves this chance to be healthy and happy.

I recently received a couple of boxes of clothes from post ops. WOW they are great and I sure do need them. Don't want to spend money on clothes until I am in a much smaller size! I am still waiting for myu ins approval to get to the golden hands of Dr. Curry so he can schedule me. So again I am ...

...one step closer!

June 29,2004

Here is a post I put on obesityhelp.com taday to support wls patients.

Hi Everybody!
Dr. Curry is back in OR so the wait is over for many of us. I want to encourage all of you to remember to come back here and to Dr. Curry's forum to post about how you are doing. It is so important to the rest of us. We all feel a kinship and want to know how you are.

A few reminders for Dr. Curry's patients and others too...

Though I am pre op I have learned...
...not to get too discouraged about the post op blues. Remember they will go away. And so will the, "Oh why did I do this to myself?" period.
...not to fret too much about instant weight loss or lack there of. It is not uncommon to have a lot of water from surgery. It will go away. And, put the scale away and only use it once a week or every two weeks. It can cause a lot of discouragement and anxiety if you stay on it all of the time. Lock it in your car trunk.
...gas pains can be particularly painful and it does move around. If you are not sure or scared call dr. immediately.
...if you have ANY quesitons or doubts call Dr. Curry!
...take it easy on yourself! If you have open or lap you have had major surgery on the inside and need time to heal. Walk as you are able, drink, get meds in and get plenty of rest.
...come here as often as you are able to keep us posted on you. We care and want to hear from you. We also have a lot of support to offer you. Use us! We are here for you!
Anyone else have any words of advice to add?

Ok enough of that. I am so excited for all of you ! Just can't hardly wait for my date!
Take care of you!
Hope it helps someone.

And as always I am...

...one step closer!

June 28, 2004
Fun Butterfly Kisses!

Jimmy Cheek picked me up for the support group meeting with Midwest Losers on Friday. She also brought along Vicki Wolff who is a post op. They both are just beautiful. Makes me even more anxious! I had a good time with them. I met some more members and had a great time! Darrell and his wife Shirley brought me the chargers for my cell phone. (only $1 each) Debra, Claire and Lisa too. Dr. Dwayne Smith from St. Elizabeth Hospital talked about surgery and the benefits of exercise. I am happy I have Dr. Curry! We went to a El Ranchito afterward. It was good and the price was right. I liked it. Have not heard about my date yet but I suppose I am ...

...one step closer!

June 24, 2004
Dr. Bernfield Butterfly Kisses!

I had my psych eval on the 21st with Dr. Bernfield at Deaconess Hospital in Cincinnati. Before I left he gave me a verbal approval! WOOHOOOOO!!!

I posted on this on OH when asked about the questions.
Here are the questions. It was very easy. I didn't have to have a bunch of tests. He simply asked me about my meds (what, when started, why, and how long taking, do they help...take a list, include dosages, it will help). Then asked about family history a little bit (abesity, depression, alcoholism, illnesses, ...). Wanted to know about past surgeries my child, my family, my support system, if I have ever thought about suicide, if I ever tried it, what caused me to get depressed and if I thought it was severe, if I knew what I am in for, did I research, did I have a good support system... Wanted to know what I have done to prepare. Asked why I want surgery and what I expect from it. Really basic things I guess. When we were done I asked him if he thought I was a good candidate and he said yes. He said everything seems ok and I have researched and have a good support system.

It was really a breeze but I am so glad it is over. My ins is approved pending this report. Now I am really waiting for a date! CAn't wait! Good luck to you with everything. Hope it goes as mine did. I was pretty confortable with him. Good luck! I think the key is really to try to RELAX.

Since then I have been patiently waiting for the report to get to my surgeon, from there to ins, and approval back to the surgeon. So.....I am just trying to keep busy and reading, reading, reading,

Going to another support group meeting on Fri. Jimmie is picking me up again. She is so sweet! Will report more later. And again I am...

...one step closer!

June 11, 2004
Midwest Losers Butterfly Kisses!

I went to a support meeting with Midwest Losers in Cincinnati tonight. They are online at www.imnotfatanymore.com. I didn't have transportation and they got me in a carpool. Jimmie Cheek picked me up and she was nice and lots of fun too. She is post op and looks fabulous. They had a psychologist, David Katkin, lots of conversation and sharing, a sugar free cake for everyone to try, raffles and about 25 of us went to TGif after the meeting. I really had a good time. I especially like the social aspect of this group. I need to get out and have fun again. Look forward to going again. I am again...

...one step closer!

MAY 24, 2004

I feel like I have just gone one step back. Due to transportation troubles I had to reschedule my psyche eval. I can't believe something like this happened. I expect the unexpected and to have setbacks but not this type. So I am a bit bummed but trudging on. Nothing is gonna stop me now. The worst part is that their next available appt is a month away on May, 21st. Dag! Hate that but can't change it. I will call to see if they have had any postponements so I might get in sooner. Can't hold me back now!

I am still working on the smoking "thing". Boy it is a thing too. When I knew I had to reschedule my appt I got so upset and the first thing I thought of was where are the cigarettes and what do I have to eat. Old habits do die hard. Nothing easy about it!

Now on the brighter side there are more and more patients going to Dr. C. and posting to the message board. I love it. I remember when I was the only one sometimes for days. Now everyone is finding it and coming together in support of one another. It is wonderful. I want that support and want to support others. I think it is vital to our success. I check in everyday. Still check the surgery dates everyday too and imagine seeing my name there hehehe. I'm so crazy. But it is fun.

Okay wanna hear my brainstorm idea? hehehe After I have surgery, lose 200 pounds and get healthy I am gonna apply for the Swan or Extreme Makeover and go for a hot body again. hehehe Now isn't that a novel idea. I bet no one else thought of that lol. Oh sometimes I just crack myself up hehehe. I'm am off now to check message and again I guess I am...

...one step closer!

MAY 17, 2004
Good News Butterfly Kisses!

I had an appt with PCP today and I have lots of good news. My stress test was great! My sugar is at 7.2 and I am gonna work on getting it lower for surgery. My BP has NEVER been high but it was 2 weeks ago and again today. Dr. Tsai gave me meds for it. I told her it is the stress of waiting for this surgery lol. She is signing off on me and sending her letter of approval to Dr. C. I am telling you I have been truly blessed with two wonderful doctors. How it happened I have no idea. Thank you God!

Another tid bit of information is that I quit smoking yesterday. I only have to quit 2 weeks before surgery but I figured why not now. It can only help my recovery. I smoked a half pack a day and only in recent years. They are outta here! And, I feel good about it.

Now, I called this morning for a psyche eval and they are getting me in in one week. Hard to believe. I think Dr. C. and Cathy must have had something to do with getting me in so fast. May 24th the psyche eval and then I am good to go. Everything will be done and I will wait for that call from Cathy...

...one Step closer!

MAY 15, 2004

Okay I am a little bit bummed right now. I got a call this morning from Dr. Curry's office. They called Medicaid to get the status of my approval and Medicaid wants a psyche eval. I have to call the psychologist on Monday and make an appointment. I know I shouldn't be bummed because Dr. C. is still healing from his hand surgery and his next surgery is not until June 28th but still. I thought all testing was done. So I will get this done and then wait for my date. I just hope they can get me in soon! I can't be waiting around for weeks or months to get in I'll go nuts! I really want to have lost a bunch of weight by Christmas at least.

On the brighter side Dr. C's practice is growing and several of us are keeping in touch. That is fun. I trade email with 2 girls who have already had surgery and they are doing great. And they are a great source of support and motivation. Thank you Nikki and Tracey. Kimberly is having her surgery on June 28th and we were so hoping to have it on the buddy system. Good luck Kimberly! We are all sisters in this wls and I call us Curry's Losers. So I guess I am ...

...one step closer!

MAY 11, 2004
Scattered Butterfly Kisses!

I have been very antsy lately. I am not good at waiting at all. Especially when that is ALL I can do. I can't walk, drive my car or even clean my house now. I plan on what I am gonna do and am ready to get going and stand up. That is it I just sit back down because I can't do the things I want to do for hurting so much. Depressing! So you see waiting is all I think about and it is hard.

My daughter and sister-in -law are coming over Saturday to clean my house real good for me and help get things organized for surgery. I just have to have access to my computer during recovery hahaha. That will help me so much and give me a great deal of peace of mind. I can't wait!

While I am waiting I spend a lot of time (all my time!) online. Last night I was doing a lot of reading and found a profile of Miss Brooke. She is 26 years old and post op and extremely talented at putting her thoughts and feelings into words. I started reading around 11:30 pm thinking just one more profile. Once I started I was hooked and I couldn't stop reading. Before I knew it it was 2am. I laughed and cried and laughed again! It was one of the most exhilarating experiences. I am still thinking about things she said and think I am gonna read it again and again. It was really good for me and I must thank her for that. So here is the link in case you need inspiration or just a pick me up. It is definitely worth the read!

One of my best friends in the world ( and I have a few believe it or not, I have been blessed) stopped by today. She had this surgery about 7 years ago and said she wants to go through it with me and will stay with me for a week or 2 post op. She wants to be here as much as I want her to. That made me feel really good today! She is my angel and I love her! Ok gonna go now and look for some more inspiration and motivation. Problem is it makes waiting harder hehehe. I want it today!!! And as always...

...one step closer!

MAY 7, 2004
A Good Butterfly Kiss!

This week I had the tests ordered by my PCP at St. Lukes in Ft. Thomas, KY. I had a stress test (Adenosine Myoview) and an EKG. Neither was bad but the stress test left me exhausted. Still feel like there is a lump in my chest and I need to swallow real hard. My mood is not too good but that could be lack of sleep lol. Other than that feeling ok and waiting for a date. And, as usual I am...

...one step closer!

MAY 5, 2004
A Relieveing Butterfly Kiss!

I saw my PCP yesterday and came away feeling better. She did bloodwork and an EKG and ordered a stress test. Knowing that she is doing this in prep for my surgery makes me feel it is getting closer. That makes me feel better. I accidentally burned myself with hot water and she took care of that too. I am so clumbsy with this weight. Often off balance or losing my footing. Hate it. Knowing that she is positive about the surgery makes me feel really good like it is gonna happen.

Got email from Tracey who had the surgery with Dr. C and she is doing great. Also got email from Cathy with some encouraging words. This support is encouraging and motivating and means so much to me! They are wonderful! Still waiting for a date but I am...

...one step closer!

MAY 4, 2004
The Kindest Butterfly Kiss!

I wrote a post to the message boards and forum yesterday about how bad I was feeling and guess what. I got the sweetest e-mail from Cathy with Dr. C. today. She saw my post! She told me to keep my chin up and that they were gonna do everything they could to make this happen for me. She not only made me feel good but special too and that helps. She is the greatest! Dr. C. is lucky to have her! I am...

...one step closer!

MAY 2, 2004

I am having a very bad day today and don't want to forget it. I want to remember that I cried all day. I want to remember grieving for the life I lost out on being fat and miserable. Want to remember all of the pain. Want my surgery day to get here soon. I want to be thin, healthy and happy again. I suppose I am...

...one step closer!

APRIL 28,2004

I got some devastating news about Dr. Curry. He was involved in a car accident and has torn ligaments in his hand. He had surgery today (4/28/04) and is doing fine but it is scarry to think what could have happened. I thank God that he is going to be okay. He can't do surgery for 6 weeks but I don't have a date scheduled so it won't matter to my schedule. I feel for those who have to delay. All I know is that my experience with him and Deaconess Hospital has been wonderful so far and I will wait no matter how long it takes. Hope he has a speedy recovery.

I also got news that my test results were normal and they are sending in my paperwork for approval!

While I wait I am staying busy reading and chatting here on Obesityhelp.com. I am continuing to educate myself and my family and friends for what is coming. Getting my support system in place and ready to deal with me and my new life.
And I am...

...one step closer!

APRIL 22, 2004
A Giant Butterfly Kiss!

I had my testing today and everyone involved was super! Love the hospital staff!!! Valet parking even helped me in and out of the car and everyone from registration to my exit was just super. The nurses in Endoscopy were AWESOME! And that is saying something! Deaconess can be proud of that service. I see great things ahead for Dr. Curry and Deaconess!
And, now I am...

...one step closer!

APRIL 16, 2004
My First Butterfly Kiss!

I attended a seminar last week (Arpil 8, 2004) with Dr. Trace Curry and had my first consult with with him today (04/16/04). He gave me all the time I needed(yes he did!) and answered all of my questions. I had my internet research and was ready for him. He and his staff were ready for me too and went above and beyond for me.

I have never been to this Deaconess Hospital (Cincinnati) and they came to my rescue when I got lost and even got me transportation back to my car. I didn't know the closest place to park and so I parked the farthest distance away of course. My Asthma hates when I do that. Anyway they were very accommodating and made me very comfortable.

I will have 2 test, one for gallbladder and the other a scope of my stomach, and then they will send the paperwork in. I will see Dr. Curry again and should get a date at that time. I would do it tomorrow if I could! I am...

...one step closer!


I thought I would let you in on some of my passions. One that has been with me since early teen years is crocheting. (posted 6/3/04) I can crochet anything lol. My favorite thing right now is baby hats and scarves and I do sell them. I have made millions of afghans from newborn to king size. Here is a pic of a twin size daybed set with a close up. I have tons of pics of things I have made.
Another passion of mine is making pottery. I took art in college and concentrated in clay. My favorite is throwing pottery on the wheel. It is so good for me too. I am not currently working with clay but will love to get back to it. Those are hi fire bowls that I made, and hi fired tumblers that I sold at a music and arts festival. I have tons of pics of my pieces. I may add other pics as time goes on. Hope you enjoyed them.

My WLS journey began by attending a seminar on 4/08/04.

BEFORE pics taken the day of my consult 4-16-2004.




About Me
Wilder, KY
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2004
Member Since

Friends 1
