Thirumalariaj Jayakumar

"My first impression of Dr. Jay was that he was a very small & soft spoken man. He is very friendly and answers all of my questions no matter how dumb or redundant they are. LOL. The NeWeigh staff is very knowledgable and friendly. Almost all of them have had WLS and give helpful information when I ask them questions as well. The thing I least like about Dr. Jay is that at the very last minute he suggested that I might want the Gastric Sleeve instead of the RNY. I was kind of confused by that statement because I had been going to him for 6 months and he had never mentioned it before. My insurance doesn't cover the sleeve but it made me question if I should even have the RNY since he had suggested something else because of my pre-existing iron deficiency. The NeWeigh staff really pushes aftercare and for everyone to attend meetings for greater success. I haven't attended my first post-op meeting yet but I will tomorrow. Dr. Jay addressed every risk of each WLS the first day I arrived. We even watched videos and he gave up visuals of each surgery as well. I would rate Dr. Jay as an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Both surgica competence and beside manner are both important. I want my doctor to sincerely care about my well-being and be precise in the procedure as well. Dr. Jay was indeed both!!"
About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2010
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