Onderland is coming........

Jun 30, 2010

Onederland has been my goal for years.  It seemed so far away.  The Lord has blessed me with this surgical tool called "RNY."  This blessng has made my long term goal a fast approaching short term goal.  I can't think of any more to say then "Thank You Lord!"  I'm 9 pounds away from ONEDERLAND!

What will I do next after making it to onederland?  I think I will set a few more realistic goals and try my best to achieve them.  Goals such as running in a small marathon and of course another weight goal.

This new healthy, thinner life is a blessing for me, but further more my husband and son likes it.  They enjoy my change in attitude.  When I was 267 and trying to get bigger, I was more grumpy and irritated.  They enjoy the change in eating habits.  I'm trying to work with them as well on eating healthier.  It's been a job working with my husband on this.  He likes the old fashioned foods that our grandmothers and great grandmothers used to cook.  Oh well, he will come around.  I do exercise more and more.  I actually jog.  Now that's something I couldn't do nor would I try, but now I look forward to jogging.

Pre op before liquid diet:  267lb
After Liquid Diet:  249lb
1 week Post OP: 238lb
2 week Post OP: 229
3 week Post Op: 237 (water weight gain from dehydration)
4 week Post OP: 223
5 week Post OP: 221
6 week Post OP: 221 stall
7 week Post OP: 221 stall
8 week Post OP: 218
9 week Post OP: 209

This brings total lost to 58 pounds

Have a great day OH friends!
1 comment


Jun 23, 2010

Hello to my OH friends, wow I haven't blogged in awhile.  I'm doing great! My journey has been worth it, but so hard. I just came off of a stall.  I have maintained my weight (no gain, no loss) for the last 3 weeks and all of a sudden, I started to loose again. I haven't had any dumping at all, just a few nausea feelings.   I'm happy, God is good. 

I hope all has been well with everyone.  
A few things has been going on in my life since my surgery: I had my 35th birthday, my new home is finally finished being built, and we are moving this weekend. Yay!

Pre op before liquid diet:  267lb
After Liquid Diet:  249lb
1 week Post OP: 238lb
2 week Post OP: 229
3 week Post Op: 237 (water weight gain from dehydration)
4 week Post OP: 223
5 week Post OP: 221
6 week Post OP: 221 stall
7 week Post OP: 221 stall
8 week Post OP: 218


May 31, 2010

Hi guys, I'm 4 weeks post op and all is good.  These are my stats for the new comers and the soon to be's that are interested.  I know I was all into profiles with these type of posts, just to get an idea of what I could be after surgery.  Now I'm posting to give others this idea. These types of posts helped me to make my decision as to what procedure I wanted to have.
Pre op before liquid diet:  267lb
After Liquid Diet:  249lb
1 week Post OP: 238lb
2 week Post OP: 229
3 week Post Op: 237 (water weight gain from dehydration)
4 week Post OP: 223

Have a blessed week!
1 comment

Back on the loser's bench

May 24, 2010

Hello OH friends I'm back.  I was down for a moment, but I'm back   I have lost 4 of the 7 pounds that I put on.  I'm back on the loser's bench.  I been working out and really getting in my liquids.  I feel so much better.  Yay Me!!!!

Thanks for everyone that sent me messages and comments.  I really appreciate them all.  I been taking your advice and it is working.  I'm glad I have OH!

1 comment


May 12, 2010

Hello OH friends, I haven't posted in awhile because I've been sick .  I have been losing weight and feeling great, but all of a sudden I started to feel tired and weak.  I could hardly hold my head up.  I felt light headed and not very attentive,  along with a little confusion.  I thought I was just losing my mind.  However, I went to my pcp and my surgeon's office.  I thought I wasn't taking my meds right, but I was.  I just wasn't getting my fluids in properly .  Well you know the rest.  I'll be fine, I have another follow up appointment tomorrow @3:00. I will keep you informed!

It's so hard to sip, sip, sip!

1 week Post Op Update

May 03, 2010

Hello OH, This is my first update . Im one week post op and feeling good.  I haven't had any difficulties except trying to get in all my liquids.  All is well and I decided to go back to work on Monday 5/10/10.

Pre op before liquid diet:  267lb
After Liquid Diet:  249lb
1 week Post OP: 238lb

Everyone Have a blessed week!

Great day for walking

Apr 30, 2010

Hello all! It's so beautiful and hot here in Wilmington, NC.  It's 80 degrees right now, (10:30am)  I love it! I went walking around the loop at the park this morning. I walked a mile.  I'm so proud of myself.  I had my meds, vits, and now i'm enjoying some vanilla greek yogurt.  It's so good and good for  you too.

Have a great weekend everyone!

My surgery day

Apr 28, 2010

Hello all! Well I had lots of sleep today when I came home.  I want to tell you all about my surgery. 
I arrived at the hospital 4/27/10 at 5:00am.  I was immediately checked in.  They directed my husband and I to a small room where I had to change clothes, then they gave me another pregnacy test.  I just had one less than a week ago??? but anyhoo, they gave me a shot in my stomach.  It was a blood thinner called plavix to prevent blood clots.  They put my IV in my left arm, at the same time I was asked to verify my personal info, etc.  My parents and my sister showed up at this point and my best friend.  We were all in this one little room laughing and talking, etc.  They put the stockings on my legs that prevent blood clots.  The surgeon came in to talk with me and to let me know what time the surgery would begin (7:15am) and how long it will last.  Then he left out the room and the anesthesia folks came in to talk with us and explain the procedure.  They were really cool! They cut a few jokes and told me to think of a nice "cocktail" .  Then they put the anesthesia in my IV.  My husband, parents, sister, and best friend all gave me hugs & kisses and I was off to surgery.  All I remember was being rolled out of the room on the bed.  I was out cold before we got down the hall.  When I woke up I was in my room with a nice flat screen tv, comfortable bed and a couch that turned into a bed for family, etc.  

The room was very nice and comfy.  I was waited on like royalty.  The best thing of all I had NO PAIN!  I'm still in shock about this, because pain is what I feared the most on this journey.  I had Ice chips and that's about it.  I was a littly droggy from the meds.  I didn't get any sleep with all the "room service"

5:00am  4/28/10, the nurses came in for bloodwork and then I had to drink this awful tasting stuff for some xrays to make sure my new pouch isn't leaking etc.  After all of this I was back in my room and I tried to go to sleep until check out time, but several people came by to visit so no sleep for me.  Around 1:30pm I was told I could go home.  The surgeon made another visit to explain my prescriptions and diet once i got home and that folks was my surgery 


I'm Home! Surgery went great!

Apr 28, 2010

I'm home everyone. My surgery went great, I have no complications and NO PAIN.  I'm still sleepy from the meds and tired from the nurses coming in and out my room all night.  I'm on the loser's bench now! Watch out for my updates soon.  I will post again shortly. I have to go to sleep now. 


Apr 25, 2010

Hello everyone, I just wanted to write and say thank you to all of you that has been so supportive thru my journey.  I'm getting prepared and wrapping up some loose ends before tuesday.

This will be my last blog until I return home from the hospital.  Keep me in your prayers and I promise to see you all on the "other side"

God Bless


About Me
Wilmington, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2009
Member Since

Friends 102

Latest Blog 40
