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on 6/9/24 7:36 pm - St. Augustine, FL
Topic: RE: calcium/protein

I had DS surgery in April 2020. I too am experiencing low calcium, low protein, low vitamin D and low iron. Working the last year I have finally got my Vitamin D up to normal and my iron, while a little low, my ferritin level is in high end of normal. I am taking BlueBonnet liquid Calcium 3 times a day and iron twice daily, but not with the calcium. I am having protein test later this week. I am praying the protein and calcium is approaching normal. I am working with an endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic. I am not sure why yours isn't getting to normal. But know you are not alone. Hopefully You and I will both figure it out soon.

on 5/25/24 7:52 am
Topic: RE: Pending Disaster Re: Fish Antibiotics

Yes, I?ve heard about this issue. The FDA has indeed sent warning letters to manufacturers of fish antibiotics, including the supplier in Utah, to stop selling these products, likely due to their misuse by humans. This means we will now need to get a prescription from a doctor for Flagyl. It might be challenging with non-WLS doctors, but a DS surgeon should understand our needs. Does anyone have more information or alternative solutions?

on 5/20/24 7:24 pm
Topic: RE: Need help for my mom

I had an extensive gastric surgery in the mid 90's... I also have difficult absorbing. to get her levels where she needs to be , will have to be aggressive in supplementation. It has taken me several years and i keep tweaking mine as i find what works and what does not..

B1 and B2 are critical for nerve function.

, i was having tingling and urinary issues..I had to search for B supplement that was well rounded... and had high of all of the nutrients.. i found one by rexall. a B complex, and a second one at Sams club.. marked B complex..( is 9.99 for 300 tabs). very high in all of the needed B range..

... Re: Vitamin D, Needs D3, she will not have the gastric enzymes to change D2 to D3, so get her D3,

.. To increase protein.... cut veggies in half and increase protein ... My script was for 90 Grams for maintenance.... to change weight had to increase that by 15 grams..,

ADD: a gastric enzyme to at least 2 meals per day... it should be labeled for Fat, carb and protein digestion.. I have gotten substantial relief from these... I take 3 tabs 2 x a day...She should also be taking K2 in a mdr is 100mcg per day.. it is the mineral mover of the body and will help her maintain bone and teeth.

When i started on it i began with two per day/ at night with 200mg mag citrate, within a few days my leg cramps that were low level and muscle weakness went away... after a week i changed my K2 to 100mcirograms a day.. this is the common strength. of a stand alone k2..

For fatty liver... cut every sweetener.. every White food.all carbs possible.. leafy greens yes. cabbage, cauliflower, Yes.if she tolerates them.... Look at u tube video's on natural approaches to healing a fatty liver.What your doctor is recommending goes along well with those, that i have seen. it will give you both a better understanding of the why's of fatty liver... Liver can be healed in a few months with diet modification.

I too took what my dr recommended.. and i had osteopenia and lost almost every tooth in my head..guidelines changed and i did not get the memo...looks and feels like i have reversed that.. I fell about a year ago, and did not break anything... ( big snake frightened me and fell over own feet, trying to give him space.LOL )

on 5/19/24 8:55 pm
Topic: RE: Finally a Successful Anemia Drug

Hi Janet, Are you in Leesburg, Florida? I am asking because I live there. I wanted to know the name of your doctor that gave you the infusions as I am currently needing one. It seems so difficult to find a doctor that cares.
Thank you for any help on this.

White Dove
on 5/10/24 10:00 am - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Need help for my mom

I am so sorry this is happening. She is the exception and most people do not have that type o experience. I do hope the feeding tube helps. Do they use the feeding tube to add more protein?

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/10/24 9:49 am
DS on 10/25/17
Topic: RE: Need help for my mom

Not well, unfortunately. Her doctor says she is starving to death. Her levels are like zero despite her eating a ton of protein (and she's eating so much of it that she gained ten pounds). They had to give her a feeding tube and we're all hopeful that this will turn things around for her. She's so weak that she can't even get up to go to the bathroom on her own. We've been very, very worried

Tanya B.
on 5/2/24 6:37 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: Need help for my mom

How's your mom doing? Pray she is doing better. I never would have recommended gastric for someone 69. Can be very harsh and a long recovery. I'm m 16 yrs post op. And only now are most of my levels in the normal range. I also take 50 iu of vitamin D four times a week. That's how low I got.

Tanya B.

on 4/28/24 8:34 pm
Topic: RE: DS to RNY revision?

I've noticed it's common for people to go to mediocre doctors nearby and then be willing to travel the world to fix problems later. Your doctors recommendation seems dubious. I would get another opinion and seek out an expert, even if you have to travel to find one.

Best of luck!

on 4/28/24 11:01 am - New York, NY
Topic: RE: I need help

Can you update? Have you decided to look into WLS?

I'm a long term TDSer. There are many vets at who can also help out.


Duodenal Switch/Lap -- Drs. Alfons Pomp & Michel Gagner - New York City

4/4/05: 265 lbs/BMI: 45.6

4/11/05: 256 lbs/BMI: 43.9 (date of surgery)

7/27/08: Gallbladder Removed


on 4/26/24 8:57 pm
Topic: RE: calcium/protein
On March 15, 2024 at 12:51 AM Pacific Time, califsleevin wrote:

Take a look through the various articles and blog posts from Dr. Keshishian at . There is likely something in there covering your concerns, as it is something that would come up from time to time in our support groups (before covid halted them.)

It is likely something that you need to see an endocrinologist about to see what's happening - thyroid possibly? If you are just now seeing low levels in your labs, it may be something that has been going on for a while as the body works to keep serum Ca levels constant - by using your bones as a reservoir - so certainly something to get on top of. Have you had bone density scans lately? That's something that should probably be routine for anyone with a malabsorbing WLS.

Thank you for submitting this information. I greatly appreciate your advice. I will review Dr. Keshishian's articles and consult with an endocrinologist to understand my condition. Having your bone density tested is also a good idea. I will closely monitor my health condition and take the necessary steps. Thank you for your support. I also use time calculator to track my regular check-up dates.

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