fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 2 years, 4 months ago

Its been a while!

Had my RNY in May 2017.

Had my second daughter August 2019.

Gained about 10lbs from my lowest weight and pretty much haven't budged. I would love to lose about 10lbs. I started tracking my food again but realiz

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

I am not sure where exactly I fit in on these boards.

  1. I am a revision
  2. I started at 235.5lbs (at 5'0)

At my last appointment they called me a slow loser. I thought I was doing great. I have lost 68lbs - my surger

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 4 months ago

Hi Everyone,

Lately I find myself preoccupied with the fear of regain.

I know this stems from the fact that I have only ever maintained weight loss for a couple years. I am 8 months out tomorrow, and I can't stop obsessing over the futu

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 6 months ago

I had my 6 month follow-up appointment. I was slightly discouraged when I kept hearing "Oh, you're losing very slow compared to others.." Huh?

My weight on the day I started Opti was 235.5, this morning I was 178lbs, but a couple weeks ago I w

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 9 months ago

Ok, I know, this topic has been beat to death. I knew going into this surgery that Hair Loss is REAL - I just didn't realize how MUCH hair loss. So here I am, like clock work, month 3, washed my hair, and CHUNKS/CLUMPS of hair are just falling out effo

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 10 months ago

Hard to believe its been 2 months since surgery.

Weight loss was super slow for my second month. I lost 7.1lbs. Since I started Opti (May 2) I have lost a total of 34.6lbs. I am happy with that! I am SO close to Onderland - sitting at 200.9lbs

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago


Last week I felt like I was getting a bladder infection - but was not entirely sure. I thought maybe I could be dehydrated so I increased my water and drank diluted cranberry. Yesterday I woke up and was unfortunately peeing bloo

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago

Please forgive me...

I have a firming lotion that I LOVE but it has caffeine in it...Can I still use it? I feel so ridiculous for asking this because I would assume I can still use it?

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago

Can't believe its already been a month (on the 16th) since surgery!

I am on soft foods now, and it seems to be going well. I am still never hungry, and force myself to eat. Still finding it difficult to get in all my protein. Today I weighed in

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 6 years, 12 months ago

Happy Thursday :)

I am one month post RNY tomorrow and really itching to exercise. The doctor confirmed no lifting/weight training until I see her again in August.

I would love to get back into something (cardio and bodyweight exercise

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

I am ALMOST 1 month post op (day 24) and I feel amazing. I do not feel like someone who had surgery! Aside from the fact that I am never hungry, I would never know that I had this surgery. I feel like I am progressing well, have not had an angry pouch

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Ok, this is likely TMI but I definitely need help figuring this out!

I started purée yesterday. What a disaster it has been! I can't keep anything in! I keep having diarrhea.

This morning I took my chewable multi and within 30 mins I

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

I know it's been mentioned - but I have been searching the forum high and low.

Where can I order this online that ships to Canada?

Thank you!

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Happy Monday :)

I am really struggling to get in everything during this stage. I am 6 days post-op today and really have no interest in food and I almost have a satisfied or full feeling.

Is there any Greek Yogurt Suggestions?


mobius wrote 7 years ago
It is unfortunate that the surgical lightweights group has been so inactive during your time of prep. I am a lightweight. I was diagnosed and the medicated for so many problems I may not even remember them all. My surgery was Sep 9, 2009 - Almost eight years ago. My surgeon's goal for me was 173 lbs and my personal goal was 163. I was a diabetic who required non insulin injectables, glucophage and another med that reduces absorption of glucose to keep my A1C below 8. I am now on metformin only and I have not been above 6 for years. My internist keeps saying "when you were a diabetic. I had a heart attack and triple by pass in January of 2001. My heart and circulatory system are still just fine. No chest pain and no blockages in my entire body. I had a dozen other diagnosis, but there is no use dwelling on them or even listing them because they are no longer a big deal with the exception of RLS which has continued to progress. I also have developed neuropathy which appears to be independent from diabetes. By the way, for the last five years my weight has floated between 159 and 168 depending on the season and my emotional state. ======= Without RNY I would be dead by now. there is no doubt in my mind at all. I have paid for my success in a minor way. If I eat too much I feel bloated and miserable. If I eat too many simple carbs to fast I feel sick for 30-40 minutes. These are my only two reminders that I was very close to being dead by now and instead I am alive, active and a part of my family. Dear Fat to Healthy, You will make it. Just listen to your body, get counseling if you start to fall apart and believe. You will be with us for many years. Congratulations on your decision to live a real life. Mel

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

its day 3 for me!

Day 1 and 2 were the hardest. My heart rate and BP were high, they did a lot of tests to determine why but attributed it to the pain. The worst pain I have is where my lap band port was.

I can't believe I have zero i

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Wow! Feeling so much better compared to be first two days.

I was discharged yesterday so being at home was so much nicer than being in hospital.

I am on the full-fluid phase now. So weird not being hungry. I have zero interest in food

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

I had my lapband removed and RNY yesterday.

There were a lot of adhesions from my band.

Feels like I've done 1 million sit ups.

I had a very rough night. My heart rate is very high, and the machine beeps everything it gets pa

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Wow. Tomorrow is the day. It felt like this day would never come, but now that it's arriving, I feel like it's happening so fast!

I am anxious. But excited. I expect the first few weeks to be difficult (I have a band and I did a liquid diet wi

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Surgery is May 16.

Relieved. Excited. Scared.

Day 11 of Optifast and I feel frustrated. I am hungry. And when I am hungry all I can think of is FOOD. And then I start wondering how someone who is thinking about food is going to be succ

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

My Surgery is May 16

Revising from Band to RNY

Anyone want to be buddies? I have kept this private as that is my personal preference, so it would be nice to talk to someone going through this too :)

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Its a personal preference of mine to keep my surgery private.

I am on day 9 of Optifast.

Basically I told those I work with (one is a friend who is nosey) that I am doing a detox. I have kept it short as I really don't think its that i

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

My Surgery is a week today! May 16

Revising from Band to RNY

Anyone want to be buddies? I have kept this private as that is my personal preference, so it would be nice to talk to someone going through this too :)

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

My surgery is next week, and I wanted to start getting organized.

The dietitian suggested chewable vitamins, but when I spoke with a friend who had the surgery, she said they don't absorb as well, and to get regular vitamins and crush them. Is

fromfattohealthy posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

I am on day 6 of 14 of Optifast and I have trouble getting in 4 shakes a day. I can manage 3 but 4 is overkill and makes me feel incredibly nauseous. The hunger has surpressed and I'm getting in a lot of water and some broth, but that 4th shake is a st

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Aug 06, 2015
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