Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

I had my RNY in 2010 I started at 300 lbs and now weigh 117 lb. I can barely eat anything, have very low White Blood Cells, and in 2013 started getting Adult Onset Epilepsy. I am VERY religious about taking my vitamins, Iron,, calcium, etc. My Bariat

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

I had my RNY in 2010 I started at 300 lbs and now weigh 117 lb. I can barely eat anything, have very low White Blood Cells, and in 2013 started getting Adult Onset Epilepsy. I am VERY religious about taking my vitamins, Iron,, calcium, etc. My Bariatr

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

Hyperammonemic Syndrome After Roux -En-Y Gastric Bypass. This is a very insidious disease. I am working with neurologists, my bariatric surgeon and others. It is a rare disease with no cure. It steals your mind, and personality but unlike Alzheimer'

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

This is a very insidious disease. I am working with neurologists, my bariatric surgeon and others. It is a rare disease with no cure. It steals your mind, and personality but unlike Alzheimer's you are very aware you have it and what it happening.

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

This is a very insidious disease. I am working with neurologists, my bariatric surgeon and others. It is a rare disease with no cure. It steals your mind, and personality but unlike Alzheimer's you are very aware you have it and what it happening

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a comment 6 years, 11 months ago
Thank you, how kind.

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

I had RNY Surgery 7 years ago in June of 2010. I NEVER regretted it once. Yes, there indeed are a lot of "mind games" you have to get over and you have to make the surgery work for you...It is JUST a TOOL, not truly something that will never make you "

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

I had RNY Surgery 7 years ago in June of 2010. I NEVER regretted it once. Yes, there indeed are a lot of "mind games" you have to get over and you have to make the surgery work for you...It is JUST a TOOL, not truly something that will never make you "

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

There was someone on here a few  years back whom had this disease "Sphincter of Oddi Disorder" a funny name for a very screwed up disease.  I owe several folks here apologies because my foggy brain has NOT been paying attention. I have no gall bladde

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

There was someone on here a few  years back whom had this disease "Sphincter of Oddi Disorder" a funny name for a very screwed up disease.  I owe several folks here apologies because my foggy brain has NOT been paying attention. I have no gall bladder,

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 10 months ago

Dear DS'ers:

Am having problems with my RNY after 6+ years out (Staple line failure-Food air causing problems in remnant stomach) thinking of the DS. However... The local "chop and shop" Bari places around here just do the band/VSG and RNY. (Th

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi everyone both old friends and "new folks".  I was new once and had a TON of questions (Perfectly normal) I wondered everything from will I ever "eat or drink normal again" (You will and that is more of a problem than NOT drinking or eating normally)

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi- I had the RNY in 2010, had great success am down to just around 120 lbs, however had always been plagued by liver and pancreatic problems AFTER RNY surgery. Just came out of hospital where the CT Contrast ultra sound showed that stitches to my un

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi- I had the RNY in 2010, had great success am down to just around 120 lbs, however had always been plagued by liver and pancreatic problems AFTER RNY surgery. Just came out of hospital where the CT Contrast ultra sound showed that stitches to my unus

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Looking forward to my 6 year Surgiversary and getting Dog Carting in!...

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago

OK, so I am 6 yeas out and always did my own B12 injection (Prescribed by my PCP) sadly my PCP passed away very suddenly. I have a NEW PCP and he is very nervous about me injecting my 1000 mg B12 1x monthly. He said he did NOT want me to do any B12 and

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

I notice a lot of people ask what might work for them or what other folks have tried.  I have been on Psymeds since probably 1980 and was put on everything from Thorazine to topamax.


Recently my Psychiatrist wanted to take me off Well

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

First, I would do this surgery again if I had too. I have NO REGRETS about my RNY.

Now the bad news. Many people who have RNY either regain weight or have other problems. This has happened to me. Sadly I am in Terminal Liver failure. I am not a

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

We all want to be "skinny" and Healthy, please be aware that when your doctor says complications can happen they CAN happen. 

First, I would do this surgery again if I had too. I have NO REGRETS about my RNY.

Now the bad news. Many pe

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

We all want to be "skinny" and Healthy, please be aware that when your doctor says complications can happen they CAN happen. 

First, I would do this surgery again if I had too. I have NO REGRETS about my RNY.

Now the bad news. Many peop

Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

We all want to be "skinny" and Healthy, please be aware that when your doctor says complications can happen they CAN happen. 

First, I would do this surgery again if I had too. I have NO REGRETS about my RNY.

Now the bad news. Many peop

About Me
Belleville, IL
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2001
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