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Friday, May 17, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/17/24 5:03 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Weight up 1.4. Definitely not surprised as we had a Chef's table dinner last night. I couldn't eat much of any course but there were a lot of them. I feel that if I reweighed in a day or two that it would drop back a bit. I weighed Justice too - he is down .4 since March but up .2 since December when the vet said he should lose 3/4 of a pound. His 3.5 miles per day suit him well but helping DH eat his food does not.

The smaller blisters on my feet are mostly healed but the larger ones still need some time. It has been a week since I stopped the dreaded medication. I just added it as an allergy on my online medical record. I refuse to take it again. BTW, my BP really is pretty good still. It was almost too low with that medication which made me dizzy sometimes.

Today was supposed to be a down day but we were invited to go to an exhibit opening at the local art museum by some friends. So off socializing we go again. The day will be relatively quiet so I may begin some actual packing (vs just segregating stuff I want to bring). Four days until we fly north. DS Went to visit friends for the day and overnight so we don't have a car.

Have a phantasmagorical Friday!

on 5/17/24 8:50 am

Liz, glad your feet are on the mend. I can't imagine how uncomfortable MULTIPLE blisters on your feet must be. I've had one at a time for whatever reason and that was bad enough!!!!

I am very, very happy with my first week on tirzepatide compound! I'm down about 3-4 pounds. I don't keep track like I used to... As long as I'm losing over time I'm happy. I have let go of the "stats". It's helpful in managing my eating disorder behaviors. I no longer deal with tenths of a pound. I round up or down. Anyhow....

I'm celebrating being the weight on my driver's license! LOL! So, in the three months of semaglutide and last week's switch to tirzepatide I have lost 26 pounds. I have lost 31 since December when I hit that all time high weight. I am happy, happy with where I am today. My next two goals are 1) to be in the next "decade" down on the scale - less than a pound to go on that, and 2) to weigh what I did about 6 years ago when I felt that while my body was too big, my face still looked like me.

I took my shot last night. 50 units of COLD medicine has to be injected rather slowly or else it burns! I started pushing it in and had to slow way down to avoid the burning feeling. I think next week I will let the liquid warm up just a bit before injecting. Oh, Liz, I'm feeling a tad jittery again this morning. I do think it is the med. Are you still noticing that the day after you inject?

On the FB page I joined (recommended by Orderly Meds) I read that some people are breaking up the larger doses of tirzepatide into two separate doses 3 or 4 days apart. I'm not sure why they do that and if it's even recommended. The people who do it that way seem very happy with the result. I would not do that without Dr. approval. From my understanding meds are designed to work in specific ways. I wonder if injecting the med every 3 or 4 days helps with the "half life" of the med and builds up the med in the body more effectively????

Believe it or not, off to another dog show this weekend. I was so excited to find out that Molly is currently number 2 Airedale in the USA in breed standings. Must keep her position! The only Airedale ahead of her is the beautiful female that won Best Opposite Sex at Westminster this week. Su*****redible company in which to be!

Fun Fridays all around!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/17/24 9:08 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Every 3-4 days - very interesting. Can you furnish the name of the FB group?

on 5/17/24 9:47 am

Just posted it on the FB TT page.

on 5/17/24 10:30 am
VSG on 06/13/12

I always let my meds warm up before injection. One time I injected right after I took it out of the fridge, and the burn really surprised me.

on 5/17/24 7:49 pm

31# since December is significant weight loss and I think what might be equally important as the amount lost is your sustained and continuing loss over an increasingly lengthening span of time. December to May! Just, wow! Successfully practicing what you're doing day after week after months is going to take you all the way to goal. Being happy with what you see in and of yourself is such a powerful thing! Good on you!

on 5/17/24 10:04 am

The uptick in weight is probably understandable with your excellent first month, Liz! I had a period of gaining and staying the same after my first big drop.

Peps, you are an absolute star in the Airedale world! First Blitz at Westminster and now Molly #2?! I love it! My friend is famous!

I had to laugh at Peps not bothering with tenths of a pound. I love every 5th of a pound my scale gives me (0.2 increments)! Today I was down 0.4.

I didn't get much to eat yesterday with all the decorating hubbub. I am liking how it's turning out. I still need a lot, but it's getting there. They flipped the shower door (the top edge was chipped, so flipping it puts that part in the track). They re-taped the drywall where it had cracked. They didn't get to my new fancy toilet install (one of the Toto bidet ones), getting the sink and vanity installed in the powder room, painting the new drywall mud (it was wet)... The powder room vanity is REALLY tall. Had I realized that I wouldn't have gotten it. But it's pretty. My guests now have a height limit though. Liz, you might struggle, but I'll make an exception! I might need a stool...

I'm liking the layout in the family room. It needs accessories, pillows, and a new rug still. And artwork. And the new banquette, table and chairs. So a ways still to go, but in the right direction. Still need the dining room chairs. Rugs for all rooms. Yada yada!

Not much planned for today. I may go get a mixed media painting I liked at a local gallery. It's got semi-precious stones and ammonites adhered to it. Her work is really cool. Her mother is a jewelry designer of some renowned and wanted her daughter to take over for her. She liked painting and sculpture more than jewelry design, so she compromised and uses the same stones in her paintings. This one has lots of greens and golds. Would be good for my family room. The bottom pic is of the detail. Very Sedona with the crystals!

I've just started Killing Eve on Netflix. Pretty good!

Okay, I'm off to start the day... take care everybody!

on 5/17/24 10:33 am
VSG on 06/13/12

How creative! Very beautiful. I love the natural elements.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/17/24 10:44 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Very special!

on 5/17/24 7:57 pm

The specks of turquoise/teal(?) makes that picture. It's like a form of mosaic-beautifully pieced together on canvas. Lovely
