Need travel tips at 5 weeks out!

on 3/9/15 4:35 pm - San Diego, CA
RNY on 02/04/15

Hi, I am 5 weeks out from my RNY and I am flying to Portland with my teenager to look at a college this weekend.  Our flight is around 4.5 hours including a layover and we will be arriving in the late evening, then renting a car then heading to a hotel.  So I will be traveling for probably 2-3 small meals/snacks that first day.  And I don't think the hotel has a refrigerator so I won't have a place to keep my own food once we get there.  I don't know what kinds of food/snacks to bring that will travel without refrigeration.  I'm just ending the soft food stage and am currently eating lots of shakes, eggs, cottage cheese, chili, tuna, meatballs, etc.

I could really use suggestions on how people have handled traveling, including ideas for high protein, soft foods that travel.  And also ideas for eating out.  Thanks so much! 

on 3/9/15 4:59 pm
RNY on 11/21/14

Portland is rich with restaurants, and you won't have problems finding something that will work for you. What hotel are you staying at? I can give you an idea of what is around you.  I live in Portland. 

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 3/10/15 5:45 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 02/04/15

There are so many options that I can't decide which neighborhood to stay in!  Other friends suggested the Marriot or Lucia downtown so that is what I currently have booked.  But I was just now looking at a cheaper option that has an in-room fridge - Silver Cloud Inn at 2426 NW Vaughn.  We don't have too much extra time (about a day) so I'm trying to pick a place where we can walk around near the hotel and give my daughter a taste of the city.  But I can't figure out what 'neighborhood' that should be.  I know she would love shopping of course, but we're not interested in chain stores or expensive boutiques.  Would this be the Alberta district??  Any ideas? :)

on 3/10/15 10:33 am

One of my friends stayed at that Inn last year and when I visited I found that there were several nifty restaurants nearby, as well as some small neighborhood markets.  You shouldn't have too much trouble finding good food choices nearby.

I'd like to suggest taking some turkey jerky (your favorite flavors), single servings of cashews, and high protein content bars on the plane.  Also, if you want to take protein powders, get single-servings so they are labeled and the TSA won't have conniption fits about loose white powders!

Don't stress yourself too much;  you will find what you need.  Portland isn't devoid of food we can eat.

on 3/9/15 5:08 pm, edited 3/9/15 5:12 pm
RNY on 02/19/15

Maybe also try packing a soft-sided cooler and hitting a grocery store for cheese/yogurt/ice? I have successfully brought one with me before on the plane with a big frozen gel pack, but that was to keep Meds cold.

ETA: Protein powder and shaker bottles travel really easily too :)

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 3/9/15 6:37 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

I'd toss a couple of scoops of protein powder in a ziploc baggie and put it in a shaker bottle and maybe a tuna packet just in case that late night arrival leaves you with not the best options. Other than that... hit a supermarket in the AM and get a couple of things (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) for the day bring a soft sided cooler and ask for ice in the deli or fish department. 

Loved Portland... this SoCal gal loved all the trees and green. 

Hope you have a great trip!

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 3/10/15 5:51 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 02/04/15

Haha, being from Southern California too and loving the mountains, I'm guessing I may end up liking Portland more than my daughter!  Thanks for the suggestions!

on 3/9/15 9:11 pm

Most hotels will provide a refrigerator if you ask in advance - tell them you have medical issues causing special dietary needs. 

For the flight - pack pre-measured protein powder. Some airports actually sell decent protein shakes in the snack shops but you never know. Hard boiled eggs work well for travel too. Plan to buy a couple of bottles of water at the airport for the flight so you don't get dehydrated. 

Once you arrive, stock up on water for your shakes. Other options for restaurants:  scrambled eggs, shrimp (order shrimp ****tail and just eat the shrimp), a few veggies, cottage cheese/fruit, hamburger patty, flaky white fish. You very likely won't eat much of whatever you order.

And don't forget, you can also get the small cans of tuna with pull-off tops. I'd keep a couple in your bag just in case. 

Happy travels!


on 3/9/15 10:20 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

At five weeks out, constipation probably isn't an issue yet?  Traveling binds up a bunch of people, so I'd recommend increasing water intake just to make sure.  Food ideas:  cheese sticks, pre-packaged protein bars and drinks, yogurt, bottled water.  I find yogurt, cheese, and eggs can go without refrigeration a lot longer than most people entire day in my totebag has worked out fine, especially cheese.  Eating out: grocery store delis

on 3/9/15 10:21 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

Oops, I just noticed you live in southern California.  Keep in mind my non-refrigeration notion comes from living in northern Minnesota.  We live in a refrigerator!!

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