AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

You guys, I just totally spaced.  LMAO  I entered all my foodstuffs into MFP and then promptly forgot to post the menu thread.  HA!  I need a nap already.  Be back shortly...

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Good Morning all!  Who's at work today besides me?  Matt's got the day off and I gotta tell you, I had to resist mightily the urge to make lots of noise and wake him up before I left.   LOL    Eevillll. 

So, how was everyone's weekend?  Saturda

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Good Morning all and welcome to Photo Friday!  Post 'em if ya got 'em.  I'm just going to put this out there; I'm having a shitty day already and it just looks like it's going to get worse, so forgive me if this is short and "sweet".  LOL  Feel free to

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Halfway point of the week!  Woo!  It's supposed to be a super nice fall day here today; like 73 degrees and sunny.  Plus the leaves are starting to change colors and it's just beautiful.  I...think I may be coming down with a cold.  Or something. 

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Good Monday Morning all!  You guys, I am so tired.  SO TIRED.  The bullshit I'm dealing with at my son's school has me and my husband all spun up.  We've drawn a line in the sand at this point, and there's no going back.  My husband contacted the dioce

AngryViking uploaded a new photo 7 years, 8 months ago

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

I'm about to start training a new girl today, so I have like -0- time to post.  I also flew out of the house like a banshee this morning without any foodstuffs, so my menu is a big ol' ? 

QOTD!  I'm going to bring the room down for a bit.  How

AngryViking uploaded a new photo 7 years, 8 months ago

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

This is a drive-by because I have a meeting in 8 minutes.  I'm working my second job tonight so I just brought a bunch of stuff to get me through the day.  Natch I don't know the totals.  I'll figure it out later.  LOL 

Time since surgery:  2 y

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Good morning all!  It's shaping up to be a bright sunshiny day here in the 'Cuse.  I'll take these days whenever I can get them this late in the season.  Winter Is Coming.  LOL 

Is there a graceful way to eat sunflower seeds?  You know how some

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago

Hey guys, how's things?  LOL  So, obvs I was absent last week.  I was dealing with some personal issues and felt the need to step away from social media (except MFP, because I need to keep my login streak!) so I could get my shit together.  I realized

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to Photo Friday!  I'm so glad this week is over; for some reason it totally kicked my ass and I'm not sure why.  What I do know is that the Great OH Ithaca Meetup is nigh!  Huzzah!  We are a go:  T minus 33 hours 30 minutes and counting!! 

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Good Morning!  It's going to be beautiful today, so I am blowing this popsicle stand at noon and taking myself to Onondaga Lake Park for a nice walk in the 70 degree sunshine.  I effing deserve it.  LOL  Except I didn't decide I was going to do this un

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Good Morning my menu friends!  Well, after yesterday's spectacular weather, it is chilly and gloomy with on and off rain.  Gotta love getting like 3 seasons of weather in 24 hours.  LOL  I also can't seem to regulate my body temperature here in the off

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Happy Tuesday!  It's going to be a glorious day here and I have to work both jobs.  Boo!  I think I'll duck out at lunchtime just to get some fresh air and enjoy what could be one of the last days of nice weather in CNY.  Winter is coming.  LOL

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Tired.  SO tired.  Between my regular job and my PT job, I haven't had an actual day off in like two weeks.  Plus last night Matt fell asleep on the couch and I've been awake since he climbed into bed at 2am. 

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to Photo Friday y'all!  Let's see your bright shining faces!  I forgot my tablet at home, so no new pics from me.  sadface  However, if you're my FB friend you probably saw the pictures of my kid saying the welcome prayer at his school

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

I did it!  Even though I overslept, I managed to make breakfast for my kid (steel cut oats and fresh peaches...nom), he actually ate it, he was wearing the correct uniform (gym day) AND he got on the bus!  Winning!! 

QOTD!  Vanity license plate

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Happy Hump Day!  So, I know you're all dying to know (not), but my son had a good first day at school yesterday despite the circumstances.  LOL  He attends a small private school and he's been going to school with the same 20 kids since Kindergarten an

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

I am a hot mess this morning.  As you might know, I don't sleep that great and typically will wake up between 3 and 4 am.  So, when I was up this morning I was scrolling FB and one of my friends from back home had posted that her girls were starting sc

AngryViking uploaded a new photo 7 years, 9 months ago

AngryViking uploaded a new photo 7 years, 9 months ago

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to Photo Friday!  Let's see your bright shining faces!  As usual, I have no new pictures, so you'll just have to pretend.  LOL

Who's got great plans this weekend?  I have to work tomorrow and then Sunday is my wedding anniversary!  This

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Good Morning!  Lemme ask you guys you ever have those days when you feel fat and bloated and then for no reason the next day you feel super fierce?  No?  That's just me?  LOL  Well, I was feeling gross yesterday but I'm feeling pretty gr

AngryViking posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

Good morning from gloomy Syracuse!  It's supposed to be cloudy with on and off thunderstorms all day.  This is the perfect day to snuggle in under the covers with a good book, but where am I?  At the cubicle farm with all the other patient accounting g

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 20, 2014
Member Since

Friends 3
