chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 7 years, 11 months ago

i never got car sick before and now it seems like every little thing will make me motion sick. I drove to the dr. Office on wed. and almost puked in the waiting room. I go back to work on Monday and have a 25 min commute. Please tell me this goes away.

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 7 years, 11 months ago

victory at target today! It has a Starbucks inside. I was in a very long checkout line and the whole time I was trying to figure out how to have something and stay on plan ( 8 days post op and on full liquids). I was all set to order a tall decaf non-f

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 7 years, 11 months ago

i have an appointment tomorrow because I'm worried about pain and tenderness around my bellybutton. 

I guess I just need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing by going to see my surgeon. I have a tendancy to over react and i don't want to

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

Yipppeee! I have a surgery date!!!! I am getting sleeved on June 15th and start protein shakes on June 1. I am so excited and overwelmed. The office gave me the don't gain weight this week, keep journaling, no food funerals lecture. Can't wait to join

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago

I recieved some test results and totally freaked out. I tested possitive for H.pylori, and sleep apnea. The follow up sleep study to fit the machine is late April. As for the H. Pylori, two weeks of antibiotics (six pills a day Yikes!) plus I have to w

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

I am finally to the point of getting my pre-op testing. I will have the upper GI, bloodwork and treadmill test done within the week. However, they can't get the sleep study schedualed until the end of APRIL! Thankfully because this is pre-surgery testi

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Sorry for the length of this post, I'm wrestling with some things and it helps to write it all out.

I am preop for sleeve. I finished my first round of the doctors appointments, and they have submitted for final insurance approval. I was feelin

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

My first round of appointments are finished and my file is being submitted for insurance approval today! She said they have heard back anywhere from 24 hours to four weeks.....I know this can take awhile, but it is still exciting!

I know that t

chaplainJess uploaded a photo 8 years, 10 months ago

chaplainJess wrote a blog post 8 years, 10 months ago
Pre op appointments - Today I had three doctors appointments. I had a good weigh-in, losing about 6 pounds in three weeks. The first appointment was with the registered dietitian. This was a very good v...

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I am so excited after my meeting with the weight loss surgery center. I have struggled with my insurance company. I have called them three times to confirm that surgery is covered. Each time I get a different answer. I finally talked with a supervisor

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

I am pre-op RNY. It seems like everyone I tell about the surgery asks the question "why?" I feel like the PC answer is that I want the surgery to improve my health. There is truth in that answer, but it is so much more than that. My real answer is I wa

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I went to the seminar yesterday! I am getting excited/nervous. The program looks great, but there will be more out of pocket expenses than I was expecting. They have a 12 week program, with weekly support group meetings and appt. with each member of th

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I am considering RNY and a random question jumped into my head this morning. -

Every time I diet, my food gets more expensive. I am eating less, but what I do eat costs more. What about the post-RNY lifestyle? I would imagine that the food budg

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago


I am in the early stages of research. I live in south bend and plan to attend the free informational sessions for both South bend Memorial hospital and St. Vincent Hospital in Indy. According the hospital's websites and online reviews, S

chaplainJess posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone!

I am new the forum and wanted to introduce myself. I am 32, 5'7 and 290. I am 90% sure that I want weight loss surgery, and am in the "research - read everything I can" stage. I'm not sure about which surgery. I'm going back and

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Apr 26, 2015
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