wendygail posted a comment 7 months, 1 week ago
This looks really good. Gonna have to try this.

wendygail posted a comment 7 months, 1 week ago
I have tried many, many protein drinks since my RNY in October...

wendygail posted a comment 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Chili was good. My son requested potato soup. I had to try it. It was...

wendygail wrote Chili kinda night 8 months ago

it was 45° when I got up at 6:30 this morning. Suppose to be in the mid 70's today and back in the mind 40's tonight.  I'm thinking it's time to break out the crockpo...

wendygail posted a comment 8 months, 1 week ago
Thanks y'all

wendygail wrote New scale 9 months, 2 weeks ago

 I've gotta buy a new scale.  My bathroom scale, even with a new battery, won't give and a...

wendygail posted a discussion topic 11 months ago
Has anyone tried the new root beer flavor Premier Protein Shake? Was was/is your opinion? TIA

wendygail posted a discussion topic 11 months ago
In the last 12 days, I have lost 3.4 pounds. Since April 27th, I've lost 10.2 pounds. Finally!! A loss instead of a gain. It isn't much but, I'll take it. I'm gonna go back over my food log. I keep track on MyFitnessPal.com as as well as pen and pape

wendygail wrote Finally 11 months ago

In the last 12 days, I have lost 3.4 pounds.  Since April 27th, I've lost  10.2 pounds.  Finally!! A loss instead of a gain.  It isn't much but, I'll take it.  I'm gonna go back over my food log. I...

wendygail posted a discussion topic 1 year ago
I have nobody but me for the 76.4 total pound gain over the last few years. That being said, to the ones that have said that I;ve gained back every bit of weight that I've lost, THANK YOU FOR PISSING ME OFF AND GIVING ME THE DETERMINATION TO GET THE WEIGH

wendygail posted a discussion topic 1 year ago
I have nobody but me for the 76.4 total pound gain over the last few years. That being said, to the ones that have said that I;ve gained back every bit of weight that I've lost, THANK YOU FOR PISSING ME OFF AND GIVING ME THE DETERMINATION TO GET THE WEIG

wendygail wrote Pissed off but Thankful 1 year ago

I have nobody but me for the 76.4 total pound gain over the last few years.  That being said, to the ones that have said that I;ve gained back every bit of weight that I've lost, THANK YOU FOR PISS...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years ago
Thanks TierraMoone.

wendygail wrote Up again 2 years ago

I'm up to 297.2 this morning. Not sure what I had reagined to. I had noticed that I was retaining fluid, and feet,ankles and leg was swollen as well as my right hand. After talking to my cardioligs...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 1 month ago
This looks really good. The only thing I can see that my boys...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 1 month ago
Thank you TJFox and Tidgel. Appointment went wellish. He wasn't...

wendygail wrote Upcoming Cardiology Appointment 2 years, 1 month ago

I've got a cardiologist appointment on Monday, 04/25. I was curious as to what I weighed when I was there a year ago. So, I looked on my charts (thank goodness for the Dr office portal), saw I weig...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 2 months ago
On the recipe for the protein balls, could I use regular milk instead of...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 2 months ago
This sound so good and, very easy to make. My only problem...my...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 2 months ago
What's the recipe for the raspberry chipotle sauce? I've not seen it...

wendygail wrote Rambling 11: My Growling Stomach 2 years, 4 months ago

Got up this mornig, and my stomach was growling louder more than usual. So, after I packed my husbands lunch bucket, I made myself my coffee and two pieces if toast with margarine.  That quiten dow...

wendygail wrote Weight gain and a Cold 2 years, 5 months ago

I weughed in this morning and, am up to 299.5. I'm okay with it but, not okay with it.  I know, since I was sick for a few days, my eating habit/patteren, wasn't where it was suppose to be. Not bla...

wendygail wrote Rambling 10 2 years, 5 months ago

Been sick with a sore throat,cough, stuffy head.  It wasn't COVID. after 3-4 days, am finally feeling a lot better. My eating hasn't been the best in the world as my husband and son brought home fa...

wendygail wrote RAMBLING 9 2 years, 6 months ago

Weighed this morning and am down to 298.1 pounds.  I'll take it. My short term goal is to get back too 233 #, Which was my lowest post-op...

wendygail posted a comment 2 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Tidgel
About Me
Live Oak, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2007
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My heaviest
8 years later. Not my lowest

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