Asking bcuz I really don't know the answer.

on 2/13/12 9:19 pm - IA
A couple of weeks ago my regular doc was going to send me to the er just to get some iv fluids, unless I could increase my fluid intake. I have increased it but not by much. For some reason, I can't get it in. Ive been drinking smoothies, so Im thinking those must count as fluid...but the only amount of actual fluid going in those is 1/2 cup of milk and 4 ice cubes. I drink that like 3 times a week. Ive only been getting in about 32oz a day...and that's pushing it. My question is, how bad is it to dehydrate after having RNY? I have an appointment this morning but am thinking of canceling, because I was only going because I thought I was too dehydrated. I'm not sure of all the symptoms but my face has gotten kind of scaley (sp) and my lips are chapped. Mouth and throat are so dry it hurts to swallow and I've had a headache that won't go away. I urinate maybe 3 times a day.
Holly O.
on 2/13/12 9:21 pm - Bradenton, FL
Keep your appt.  this doens't sound normal.  Dehydration is very very dangerous.  Get treatment quickly!!


Citizen Kim
on 2/13/12 9:38 pm - Castle Rock, CO
Honestly, you are over 3 months out - why are you NOT drinking enough?  You know it's a potential problem, you should do it because you have to!!

I am a reluctant drinker which is a BIG problem living at this altitude but I just have to suck it up and make myself.

Unless you have a medical reason why you are physically unable to swallow - there's no excuse to cause yourself a medical condition like dehydration severe enough to need IV fluids!!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 2/13/12 10:01 pm - IA
You are absolutely right. There is no reason for me to not be drinking enough. I carry powerade zero with me everywhere, sleep with it on the night stand, its even right here about 6 inches from me as I am typing. I just simply can't get it in. Stupid, I know. But it is what it is.
on 2/13/12 10:30 pm - NJ
What do you mean by 'I can't get it in'?  Is it because your pouch rejects it and you throw up or because you just don't feel like drinking?   It's a habit you HAVE to form - just keep sipping, sipping, sipping.  Keep a log.  Make the shakes with 1 cup of milk instead of 1/2.  Force yourself to drink because the alternative is landing in the ER and who needs that???

If you are experiencing all of those symptoms, go get the IV and take it from there.  This surgery is all about developing new, healthy habits and following your doctor's orders.  Sometimes it's hard, but comes with the decision to have the surgery.  

Good luck and take care of yourself. 

Susan M.
on 2/13/12 10:50 pm - Howell, MI
I was dehydrated at 2 months and ended up in the ER for hours getting fluids, you need to go, please do not make that mistake, I am not sure the smooties are enough. I now always have a bottle of water at hand and force myself to drink, I would be talking to my surgen not just your reg Dr. it can get very serious.
Good Luck


Age 56 Height 4' 11" 

Paul C.
on 2/13/12 10:57 pm - Cumming, GA
 Dehydration is no more dangerous for an individual with an RNY than it is for a normal person. That being said Dehydration is VERY DANGEROUS for ANYONE.  There really is no excuse to not get your fluids in especially at 3 months out.

Trust me I know how easy it is to get busy and forget to drink, but when I hit these points I put myself on a timer.  evey 10 minutes the timer goes off and I take a drink.  And remember 64oz is just the base you may actually require more.  Because of my activity I drink upwards of 200oz a day, and for today I am already at 90oz.

Go to your appt and if needed go to the ER for an IV just to get you back to a normal hydration, if you can't get your 64oz in there is no way you will ever be able to catch up. after the IV be deligent about getting your fluids in. Even more so than your protein.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Jamie B.
on 2/13/12 11:13 pm - MI
Hey Missie...sorry to hear your not feelin so hot!

I noticed I wasn't meeting my fluid goals too, about 8 wks post op. I started making it like part of my schedule, like protein. I wasn't hungry back then (that sure has changed!) so I scheduled protein every 2 hours. I scheduled drink time 1/2 hour before food time. I just drink, drink, drink the entire half hour. I am OVER my goals every day now! And it serves another purpose. I still eat protein every 2 hours, but I get hungry now too. Drinking the half hour before takes away the hunger...real or head hunger! I also think it helps since we don't drink with food or 1/2 hour after.

Point being you may have to "schedule" drinking until you get used to it. Thought I'd share since it worked for me.
on 2/15/12 11:49 am - IA
Hey dr recommended exactly what you said. Scheduling my drinking. 4 oz every 30 minutes. I think knowing that it's something I have scheduled now will help and hopefully be a habit that I form. Before I had surgery I was diabetic and thirsty all the time, never had to worry abou****er. I guess I became accustomed to that. Life is different now, I need to get on track with this fluid intake. Thanks for the concern! Oh, that head hunger sucks. That's when I have to do something to take my mind off of it...usually I get my music on and jump on the treadmill. Your weight loss is going great!
Jamie B.
on 2/16/12 4:07 am - MI
Well I'm glad you have a plan. I guess part of my OCD actually paid off after surgery...I plan, schedule, and recheck all my post surgery requirements.  I've been blessed not to have any issues.

As far as the weight loss...its not GREAT...but its steady still, so I'll take it. After that one 3 week stall in January, its moving again. I see your knocking on the door to Onederland!! I'm here waiting to cheer you on!!  Summer dresses and the "little girl" side of the store are waiting for us!! 
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