Meal prep planning for maintenance

on 7/24/16 1:43 pm - Canada

Starting to do a Sunday meal prep and planning routine as my eating gets off track otherwise.   Please join in and share what you are pLanning and prepping for the week ahead.  I do best when I keep it simple.  I have two options for each meal and will change it up each week to keep it interesting.

This week:


  1. Fruit, greens and protein powder shake using cashew milk
  2. Cottage cheese, chia seess, apple


1.Egg, millet, turkey bacon muffins, salad

2. Fish baked with lemon, garlic, dill & salad



  1. Tuna, mixed veggies, mozzarella cheese casserole
  2. Chicken sausage, lentil, veggie casserole
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
H.A.L.A B.
on 7/24/16 2:21 pm

Since my 4 year post op I can not eat the same thing day after day. I need variety. My body needs variety..or it is "no go". Mentally and physically. 

So I made sure I have a lot of different options

Baked Pork loin

Pork chhops


Chicken soup

Baked chicken


Meet Spaghetti sauce and zoodles 

HB Eggs

Different veggies: mostly cooked, some raw

Berries (one for 2 days in a week)

Eggs and chicken stock to make egg drop soup

Sausage (i had sausage last week so I probably will pass on them this week) 

Bacon (some cooked) 

Frozen fish and shrimps. 

Snacks are dark chocolate, protein ice cream.. Nuts and seeds, nut butter... 

Unfortunately I never know what my pouch would I am ready. Lol..





Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/25/16 6:24 pm

What kind of chicken soup do you make or buy?

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/26/16 5:11 am

I buy plain organic chicken stock or chicken bone broth (to make homemade egg drop soup, or add to dishes instead of water)

When I make my own - I get either whole chicken or at least thigh.. Load my pressure cooker with chicken - and other veggies (celery, carots, leeks, etc) add spices - fenel, carraway, ginger, salt and pepper - add water just enough to cover - and pressure cook for 25 -30min. 

Because of RNY - I strain most of the stock after cooking and use rather very thick style chicken soup with veggies... _(almost like a stew). Or on small pouch days - I add more stock to allow me to eat more... More liquid = more slider foods. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/24/16 3:48 pm, edited 7/24/16 9:06 am - Canada

My approach is not as defined as yours. I plan ahead for the day, but like to have lots of options available to mix things up a bit. To make that work, I try to have several meals' worth of cooked protein on hand, and prepare the individual meals as my mood dictates (eg. take cooked chicken and make a curry, or stirfry it with garlic and ginger, or flavour it with assorted herbs and spices or condiments). I buy meat when it goes on sale, and fruit and veggies are selected by what is fresh, in season and on sale, or from frozen.

Protein sources include:

Beef, chicken, pork - usually baked or roasted but sometimes prepared in the slow cooker. I like lamb too, but never think to buy it. I divide cooked meat into individual portion sizes and freeze. I usually remember to thaw, but if not, there is always cheese! 

Salmon - fresh, frozen or canned, and shrimp - usually prepared from frozen.

Ham - I buy a few when on sale, freeze them, and thaw one as needed. Precooked.

Eggs (scrambled, HB, or omelette), greek yogurt, cheese, turkey and/or chicken nibblers. I don't have milk or cottage cheese as I am lactose intolerant (was even before the surgery). Peanut butter and nuts are trigger foods, so I (mostly) steer clear of those. 

I occasionally crave steel cut oats, so will add protein powder when I have them for breakfast.

Baked beans or curried lentils, and refried beans once in a blue moon.

Bread, crackers, grains, rice, potatoes,etc. - almost never eat them, except for an occasional bit of sweet potato. Crackers are another trigger food to be avoided.

Veggies - avocado, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, celery, squash, bell peppers, green beans, green peas, spinach, zuchinni, etc.

Fruits - berries are my favorite - fresh or frozen, small apples, small bananas, and when in season nectarines, cherries, and occasionally melon. The only citrus I can eat (again, not connected to rny) is blood oranges, and I look forward to those in February.

My snacks tend to be yogurt, fruit, chicken nibblers, a small serving of meat, hardboiled eggs, sugar-free jello, etc. I just purchased an ice cream maker, so will be trying frozen protein ice cream made with 2% lactaid.

Hope this helps!

 Edited to add: I track every bite (even the embarrassing mistakes) on MYFITNESSPAL, and aim for an average of 1100 cal/day over the week.


RNY on June 23, 2014  -  HW: 280, SW: 230, CW: 166, GW: 140


on 7/25/16 7:28 am

Not sure if you have a kroger, but they make a carbmaster milk that you can drink if you are lactose intolerant. Same with the fairlife milk.

it has a lactaze enzyme that allows you to drink it with intolerance issues. I used to only do the lactaid milk, but the carbmaster milk has 3 sugars and more protein than the lactaid.

thought i would mention it.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 7/25/16 8:12 am - Canada

Thanks! No Kroger's in my part of the province (are they anywhere in Canada?), but I will be on the lookout for Fair life and Carbmaster next time I shop.  :)

RNY on June 23, 2014  -  HW: 280, SW: 230, CW: 166, GW: 140


on 7/25/16 7:25 am

I'm not in maintenance, but I make sure I have plenty of meat options, a few veg choices that are acceptable, and then second tier choices like protein bars, shakes etc.

If I am home which I am during the week, I have the meat/yogurt options

If i need to be away, I usually go for protein bar/shake options or some thing appropriate related.

This week I'm trying two new recipies

wanton wrap lasagna

eggroll in a bowl



HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 7/25/16 9:33 am - TX
RNY on 10/06/15

Sundays I try to do 'fridge recon' to ensure I have a plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Monday through Weds. I usually buy grapes and blueberries and I wash and portion those out into little 1 cup measured containers to grab for my lunchbox. Beyond that, I fly by the seat of my pants and cook each night.  I want to cook ahead but I end up getting side tracked most Sundays. 


Consultation weight: 265, Surgery date: 10/6/15, Goal: 150, Current weight: 129; 5'5, 46 years old

"I am basically food's creepy ex-girlfriend. I know we can't be together anymore but I just want to spend time hanging out" ~me, about why I love cooking so much post WLS

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