As I was reading the profiles on here, I realized we all share the same story with different twists and turns.  I was heavy all my life. I say heavy and not obeses because when I was in highschool I was 180 lbs. I would say chunky.. as I was only 30 lbs over weight then.. and how I would LOVE to be 180 again, or 190.. hell, I would be estatic with 210! My first pregnancy I learned that I could really eat, and that that cookie dough was realllllllllllllly good. LOL. Hence my 110 pregnancy weight gain. Three years later I would lose 50 lbs, only to get pregnant again and gain 60 back!! That was 11-15 years ago... and I have been on the yo yo bandwagon ever since. But I only seem to fluctuate 20 lbs up and 20 lbs down. Until recently. I injured my knee last spring, and it hasnt' been the same since. I have severe arthritis in my left knee with makes it extremely painful.. let me say the work EXTREMELY again... painful to do any kind of distance walking or impact workouts. The Dr. wants me to start swimming, which I love, but I don't have a pool... sooo that means going to the gym. Not a biggie... except I am a full time employee, full time student, full time mother and fiance, new homeowner, and the mother to a very (very) emotionally needy pooch!!  When I first started to say those weren't the reasons I couldn't make the gym, I thought they were excuses. So I evaluated my life, and truly I do not sit down and stop running until 8:30 at night, and by the I am exhausted. In the meantime, the weight continues to frustration builds...... as does my concerns for my health in the future....

About Me
Appleton, WI
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2006
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 18
Almost 4 month post op.....
2 Months Post op
One month Surgiversary
11 days post op and 2nd surgery
First day home...4 days post up
One more day.. craziness
5 Days until RNY
10 days and counting.. and the Pre Op testing...
Only 2 more weeks.....
Rubble Rubble Rubble
