Where to start???

Jul 07, 2011

So....I have been missing for quite awhile. I have been in a total funk. I have been so disappointed in myself. I have not been doing right. I get sad and mad and depressed everytime I think about it.....the emotions send me right back to the snacks. NOT ANYMORE!!! I am sorry of feeling sorry for myself. I WILL get back on track. I am tired of being fat, I am tired of being sad, I am tired of being lonely. I can not fail after everything I have been through. Are you kidding me???? I will start going to support groups and maybe start seeing someone on a regular basis. I deserve to be happy.....I will do this for ME!!!

2 Weeks post op

May 13, 2010

Well....here I am 2 weeks post op. I had a great hospital experience and I would highly recommend Dr. Weaver and St Francis hospital. Everyone was awesome. They were very kind to me and also to my mother who was with me most of the time. Thanks mom!

I am down about 25 pounds since pre surgery diet. I lost about 12 pounds on the liver shrink and rest is slowly trickling off. I have been tired and have enjoyed my naps.....but I need to do a better job of walking walking walking. I skipped a couple of days this week but I believe I am back on track. I go for my follow up on Monday and will have these annoying staples removed. WOOHOO!!!

I am having a rough time with some eating as well. I have made my self throw up a few times from eating to fast. Hopefully I have learned.....don't know I am kinda hard headed sometimes. I have been able to eat a few things like oatmeal and some soups and stuff like that. I have found that my tastes are changing and don't like some stuff I used to like some cheeses etc. I am still drinking protein shakes everyday even though sometimes I have to gag them down. Oh well it will all be worth it in the end.
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I guess it's official.....2 weeks and counting

Apr 14, 2010

So today I started my 2 week liver shrink diet. It wasn't so bad. I don't feel like I am starving or anything. All I did today was think about food though. I hope each day gets easier..... The big day will be here before I know it. Ready or not world here I come!

making changes.....

Apr 05, 2010

I got some great news today.....My surgery has been moved up a week. I am now scheduled for 04/28. The date works better for me at work. I was surprised they were so quick to chang my date at my request. I start the liver shrink diet next week. I was told I would lose up to 20 lbs on this diet. We will see.......


I did it!

Apr 02, 2010

So I got side tracked big time. I once again let life get in my way of doing what I wanted and needed to do for me. Not to worry though.....back on track!!!! I finally did 6 months consecutive supervised diet. I had to have an upper GI performed and my doctor had no problem writing my referal letter. YEAH! I was approved by my insurance in 5 days! WOOHOO!!! I had my consult with the surgeon and I have a date. May 4th! I am so stoked....

My journey begins....

Jul 11, 2008

Today was a big day for me. I switched PCP after 15 years. I spoke with my new doctor and told her from the beginning what my plans were. She has NEVER referred a patient for WLS. I will be her first. I am scheduled for blood work and labs next week and my psych evaluation the following week. I had a sleep study done last year but the surgeon wants it repeated. I have contacted my surgeon and also my insurance. I have been researching this for 2 years and decided now is the time.

About Me
Horn Lake (Memphis, TN), MS
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2008
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My journey begins....
