Plus Size Vogue Italia Feature: What say ye??

on 6/24/11 6:21 am - Pasadena, CA
I'm curious to hear what kinds of reactions this provokes from my peeps here on OH:

While I'm happy that plus size models (all still skinnier than me, dammit) are getting top page billing, I'm not sure that it's done in the right way.  It seems to me to be playing more on a fetish:  scantily clad larger women surrounded by food.

Rarely do we see plus size models in clothing - it's almost always in lingerie to illicit the shock value.   I'd like to see plus models as just part of the norm.  No shock value needed.  They're there because they represent a larger majority of REAL WOMEN, and because they're beautiful.  THAT kind of magazine layout will make me happiest.


Diva Taunia 

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on 6/24/11 7:07 am

Unfortunately, the photo is extremely suggestive, a crotch shot- really?  The impression is that these 'plus size' read 'fat' models are trashy.

It is also a real shame that a size 8 was a big deal on the cover.  No wonder the regular women are unhappy with their own selves.

Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 6/24/11 7:46 am - Belleville, IL
where are the "plus" sized women? They look pretty normal to me, they look more like a size 8 than a size 12 or 14!!!! To ME, "Plus Size" means, a size OVER 20.. (Hence "Plus" size!)

These women are GORGEOUS and I don't see them as PLUS sized at all! I'm a size 8 and have bigger "guns" and more muscular thighs than them...Maybe Italian sizes are more. um..."bigger" (shrug)

Anyway, che bella! Good for the Italiano's! They know how to feature BEAUTIFUL women.

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/11 7:58 am - CA
  ' Where are the plus sized women?'   I was wondering the same. They look like beautiful & normal sized women to me.
on 6/24/11 8:37 am - Pasadena, CA
 I know, I'm looking at this like, "Ok, I'm a size 10 and they are all WAY smaller than me."  NO WAY are they plus.  They're just plus-er from the norm.


Diva Taunia 

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Elizabeth N.
on 6/24/11 11:34 am - Burlington County, NJ
If they are smaller than a size 10, they are NOT "plus-er from the norm." Not in the USA at any rate. Probably not in Italy either.

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/11 9:16 am
I just checked out the entire set of pics from the spread and I think it's wonderful! Yes, they are not "plus" in our version of the plus sized world, but for high fashion photography they are.. and they are beautiful!

For those interested, click through the entire set, for those that are offended by the human form, don't as there are topless pics, this is Italian Vogue after all.. I would love it if this were the norm for all fashion models, but it's not, and it won't be.. but I'll enjoy it now. Vogue now has Vogue Curvy.. which I will be checking out- thanks Taunia!
on 6/24/11 9:41 am
 I don't think the pictures make them seem "trashy". This is Italian Vogue, they are very liberal when it comes to showing it all. Also, photography is art, a naked picture of a woman is beautiful and artistic in their eyes. 

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on 6/24/11 10:20 am
Thats just silly there is nothing plus sized about those girls. I am a 14 and I am already super happy... I wouldnt ever think to be called plus size. that's nuts.
on 6/24/11 10:51 am - Pasadena, CA
 For me, it's not about them being "trashy."   I agree that we've got come cultural differences in the way we look at and view beauty.  I think what bothers me the most is that this is being showed off in such a "lool!  we photograph sexy plus size models looking hot and sexy!"   instead of NO mention of their size be made at all.  OR , I dunno, maybe not make them look like they're all gonna bust loose into the "heffas" they are and scarf down all that food!

For me, this starts blurring some lines:  where is the cultural appreciation vs. the vrey real fetish of mwn wanting fleshy women for their physique, often time turning them into fetish roles.

Why can't they all be highly stylized and dressed up and out on a luncheon with tea enjoying the wonderful bags and company?   Instead, it's blurring the line between bbw sexy to bbw sexual fetish. 

I just wish they weren't sitting around like sailors with food all around them.  Meh.


Diva Taunia 

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