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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/7/24 7:10 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Florida summer is arriving! This week is super sunny with temps in the high 80s-90. Next week will be hot with the thread of thunderstorms. We leave 2 weeks from today and it sounds like we will be ready (weather wise at least).

So interesting that these GLP-1 medications build up in the body but that after some time we may develop a tolerance. They are learning so much about it. I read an article this morning that indicated that very early research seems to demonstrate that it adds some protection from Parkinson's disease. I know from my days with late DH that some researchers felt there was a link with insulin in one's body and Alzheimer's. Maybe it will help there too.

On the other hand, DD who is on the second level of compounded semaglutide says she isn't feeling any effects at all. Her physician wants to move her to the brand name version if her insurance pays enough and she can get the supply.

In the meantime we are ready for our next set of guests arriving in less than 90 minutes. I just need to get my shower but have to cool down enough from my walk to take it. Have a tantalizing Tuesday!

on 5/7/24 9:36 am

Interesting you say that about Alzheimer's and insulin. I was watching a YouTube video by a doctor on glp-1s and the brain the other day and she said they often refer to Alzheimer's as Type 3 diabetes. And that these drugs cut down on the plaques and tangles that are present in the brain in Alzheimer's. Here's the video. Her videos are very informative.

DD, I was so relieved to see your post about a resolution lasts night! Fingers-crossed it's good. Peps, poor pup! The cast is awfully cute though the reason is not. I wonder if Molly was sympathy limping? Stranger things have happened.

Kirby is going through an "I don't want my food" stage. Fergus used to do this occasionally. I even got a bag of his old food (Purina sent me a coupon for a new bag after the poop incident) thinking it was the new one, but he doesn't want either. Otherwise happy and healthy.

I did get a bag of the stuff the trainer uses as treats and he goes nutso for that. This is it. It's actually dog food, but it breaks apart nicely for use in training and you can hold it whole as a lure.

Today the trapper comes. Wish us luck!

Otherwise, no other plans today. Operation Tidy the House continues. I went through a bunch of paperwork yesterday that had been piling for goodness knows how long. I also got a silicone mat that goes under the kitchen sink to keep drips from cleaners and whatnot from damaging the wood. So I need to take everything out from under there and organize it. And it's another beautiful day with a high of 78. I see close to 90 on the forecast horizon, so I'm soaking up the good stuff.

Drop in the scale today after yesterday's one pound jump. Looking forward to getting my next compound. I read compounding pharmacies are processing 100,000 orders a week for these drugs right now. That's insane!

Take care all!

on 5/7/24 1:56 pm

Type 3 diabetes is what a person who has had a total pancreatectomy comes out of surgerywith and what a person who has had a Whipple can develop as the remaining pancreas atrophy's (if it does or ceases to work). This is a totally different animal and must be treated differently from a person with insulin dependent Type 2 (whose pancreas has similarly stopped working).It is hugely serious. AKA Brittle Diabetes. Blows me away that such a condition might be a cause for Alzheimer's.

on 5/7/24 9:59 am, edited 5/7/24 1:13 pm

168.8 this is boring as hell, but monitoring weight helps keep me honest with myself. If I check eating, water (still not where it should be), and activity, and it?s all good, then no changes despite the scale weight.

Liz, your goings and comings, travels and guests amaze me. When I do any one thing like that, a break to ?recover my sense of home and mental health? is in order. Guess I?m just a homebody at heart.

I feel like I?m getting a true education on these weight loss medications here, and, really looks like this may develop into the new ?take a baby aspirin or a vitamin a day? approach to weight loss and maintaining. Eliminating the dreaded regain pattern would be a small miracle. Hoping the serious glitches with cost and availability are quickly fixed. Devon, Medicare has approved the use of some of these (Wegovy is one, I think), however its use is limited to those who have both serious heart problems and then the need for weight loss.

Got to bed after 1am waiting for the all clear for tornado watches and warnings to pass. There was a bad one that flattened a small town somewhat southwest of us in Oklahoma. I?m hoping Bonnie H is fairing well- Oklahoma City has been in a number of these storms this spring.

Looking at a house today. Wanting to downsize and get t closer to DS and family. Problem seems to be a combination of a lack of inventory, the economic stupidity of paying an exorbitant amount of money for a property that is smaller and worth less than the property we have, and lastly I want to live in the house I am living in- just want to move it somewhere else.

Find tour happiness as you enjoy your Tantalizing Tuesday.

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



on 5/7/24 11:30 am

My mom briefly looked into moving our house! So I understand wanting your own home, just someplace different. I'm glad the storms steered clear of you!

on 5/7/24 8:16 pm

If I thought it was remotely possible.....yes, in a New York minute!

on 5/7/24 12:33 pm

PS- Lemon Tart Oikos yogurt tastes like baby aspirin if you're into that sort of thing...

on 5/7/24 2:01 pm

on 5/7/24 1:40 pm

I'm wordy today! This was a good article:

NYT Article: A Year on Ozempic Taught Me We're Thinking About Obesity All Wrong (free link)

Really insightful article about the damage wrought by our processed diet, and continuing to overcome the idea that we're "cheating" by using medication.

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/opinion/ozempic-weight-lo ss-drugs.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.qE0.6k\_X.IaT31IxKKz UZ&smid=url-share

on 5/7/24 2:15 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

These GLP-1 medicines are so surprising! WLS proved to me that my obesity was very hormone driven. My question now is how are so many of us deficient in the hormone these meds are patching up? Diseases that were attributed in some part to obesity are responding to these drugs. Is heart disease also a product of out of whack hormones?

Liz, I hope your DD finds some success. I know some people use a combination of semiglutides, and other medications that work on the part of the brain that regulates cravings and binges. One promising drug is Contrave. Some doctors pair it with Metformin, but I don't know exactly why.

Miss 150, I wouldn't want to leave your home either! It seems so well suited to you. These are such hard decisions. My parents are in their house while it crumbles around them, while my Aunt and Uncle left a perfect for them home (I mourn that house, it was so lovely) before it became too much. But it wasn't easy.

We won't learn the terms of the tentative agreement until Wednesday. I'm very relieved, and have faith our team wouldn't bring us a bad agreement. They'd keep negotiating. But this has been such a long, ugly, demoralizing battle, that lots of my colleagues are wary and suspicious. Its going to take a lot to repair the damage between teachers and district administration. If this agreement isn't "fair", it will be even more impossible. I am going to remain cautiously optimistic.

Wow, today was interesting, foodwise. I didn't take my shot yet (I'm on day 9), and I could definitely eat more today and yesterday. Just in time for teacher appreciation week! I may have eaten a treat (or two). I took my shot when I got home. Tomorrow should be better. Although today wasn't the worst, and I certainly ate a lot less than most of my co-workers. So moving forward!

Tonight we're going to visit my BIL and family. The youngest grandchild will be there. We haven't seen her since Christmas.
