LaraNicole Baby Pics!

Chelle B.
on 3/25/08 3:04 am, edited 3/25/08 3:24 am
LaraNicole, Marlee Marie, and hubby Randy - can you tell Dad is already in love? Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Janine P.
on 3/25/08 3:05 am - Long Island, NY


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 3/25/08 3:06 am - Kirkland, WA
OMG!!!!! What  a sweet looking baby, I'm glad she had a healthy baby, I so miss lara, but I can see she's been a little busy. Please give her our best

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on 3/25/08 3:06 am - Antioch, TN
What a beautiful baby and such a pretty name!!


on 3/25/08 3:09 am
Awww, how sweet. She's beautiful!!! Congratulations to LauraNicole and Randy. Thank you Chelle for sharing. Lyndee

The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

on 3/25/08 3:23 am - TN

     What a beautiful baby...  I love the name also!!!

on 3/25/08 3:36 am - Colorado Springs, CO
She's beautiful!  Please give them my best wishes.
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Henry Ford
on 3/25/08 3:42 am - Fort Worth, TX
What a beautiful little girl. Thank you for sharing. I have missed seeing LaraNicole around. Please send her our best wishes. Traci
on 3/25/08 4:29 am - United Kingdom
Oh, what wonderful news!!!!!!! Lara Nicole looks fantastic!  Please pass my love to her and her family.
Loli in London

Nicole P.
on 3/25/08 4:41 am - NH

Tell her Congrats!! What a beautiful baby!!!

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