I've Been Submitted to Insurance for Review

Stacy T.
on 10/7/08 4:56 am
I have been on this board for some time now and I want to thank you all for your open and honest posts as they have helped me make the decision to pursue the band.

This week my package was submitted to my insurance company (Optima) for review. I am excited, nervous, scared, hopeful, I don't even know what else! I just keep thinking about how great I am going to feel once I finally have some help. I have been off my doctor-monitored diet now since July and I have fluctuated 2-3 pounds since then. I am still exercising like crazy (45 min cardio 4-5 times/week).

Now I have to start really watching how I eat my food. I am still eating too fast and too much. I know that I am not going to be able to REALLY change the too much until I am banded, but I know I need to stop eating so fast and start chewing my food better. I also need to stop drinking while I eat.

Did anyone else feel the way I do now (scared, excited, nervous, unsure, happy,  hopeful, etc) before the band? My mom (who had RNY in 2003) tells me that once the pounds start to come off I won't be so nervous anymore.

Pre-Op wt : 210 (Nov 08)

Lowest Post-op wt: 145 (Jul 12)

Removal wt: 185 (Feb 19)

on 10/7/08 5:38 am - CA
I too feel all those mixed emotions bottled up inside.  It's like I can't wait to be banded but on the same token I am afraid of failing.  I definitely need to be self conscious of what I eat and select healthy meals instead.  

For me, learning how to properly chew my food in conjunction with eating at a slower pace is the biggest challenge.  I am always on the run, therefore nutrition is jeopardized daily.  I ether skip a meal or two and end up pigging out on fast food/junk food.  I have to prioritize my goals and make healthy eating top on my list.  With the lap band, there is no beating around it.  Healthy eating habits is a must in order to make it work 100%.

Good luck and keep us posted!
on 10/7/08 9:52 am - CO
Yay Stacy!

You are going to be an amazing success and will be in a smokin' hot halloween costume next year!

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