Need Baby Bullet/Magic Bullet info

Dragonfly Dreamer
on 5/20/12 7:17 am - Canada
I bought one and basically I only used it for my OptiFast shakes. And the puree stage really isnt that long.. i found myself eating alot of yogurt and SF pudding in that stage.. but it really made the shakes alot better than if i just hand stirred them or shaked them
on 5/20/12 10:42 am - Canada
I am 2 years out...and I still use my Magic Bullet daily for quick protein / fruit smooties in the AM.   For me, 1/2 bananna, 6 strawberries,  1/3 cup vanilla greek yogurt, a scoop of protein powder and  1/2 cup low fat milk rock my mornings.
on 5/20/12 11:24 am - Canada

Yumm-O......that sounds very good!.... making must try that soon!  Thanks Stonelady!

MooseFactoryGirl {JEN}  
WLS:Summer 2013. Orient:March 16, 2012. Psych:April 25, 2012. SW:April 25, 2012. Dietitian:April 26, 2012. Reg Nurse:April 26, 2012. Doc:April 26, 2012.    
on 5/21/12 3:55 am - Ottawa, Canada
 I had a bulllet for about 5 years . . . LOVED IT !  It broke a couple of years ago, and I never replaced it because I had received a Ninja for Christmas.  

IMO the Ninja is way better than the bullet.  Mine came with 3 different size containers (2 cup, 5 cup and a 6 cup).  The 2 cup is an excellent size for puréeing food.  The 5 and 6 cup containers are blender style, with the 5 cup one being shorter and fatter than the 6 cup.  I use my ninja every morning for making a protein smoothy.  It's got a pretty powerful motor, and has no trouble crushing ice.  


HW: 386 - RNY: 356.8 (14-Mar-2013) - CW: 238.6 (07-May-2014)  . . . GOAL: 199  

on 5/23/12 12:24 pm - Canada
Thanks for the info Tammy!
MooseFactoryGirl {JEN}  
WLS:Summer 2013. Orient:March 16, 2012. Psych:April 25, 2012. SW:April 25, 2012. Dietitian:April 26, 2012. Reg Nurse:April 26, 2012. Doc:April 26, 2012.    
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