Oh no what to do im 6weeks pregnant and its been 3months since surgery

on 10/29/11 3:53 am
First thing you need to do is CALM DOWN.

Second thing you need to do is DO NOT WORRY ABOUT gaining weight. You will probably continue to lose weight at least until the end. You're going to do fine, just breathe, and think rationally at this point.

There are 100s if not 1000s of women who get pregnant early out and they deliver healthy, thriving babies so DO NOT allow people to scare you right now.

And, people are going to be ******** and judge and make harsh statements, look, it happens. There's nothing you can do to change the fact you got pregnant early, so from here on out, just focus on what you need to do to take care of yourself and the baby.

Top priority is to STOP eating low carb right now. Like seriously, go eat some crackers and cheese. You can NOT be in ketosis while being pregnant especially early out. Ketosis will cause fetal brain damage.

Next, is to call your family doctor, or ob/gyn and get an appointment. You will be limited in capacity of food, but you might not have to add a lot of calories if you are still considered overweight or obese. So, stop panicking and realize that this is doable.You might have to eat multiple meals per day, drink 100% juice for extra calories. No need to eat junk food, you can safely add calories and carbs via good nutrient dense food sources.

You need to get on a good vitamin per your doctors direction. Make sure you are taking a sublingual B12 with folic acid. And, if they want you on a prenatal, take them religiously.

You need to eat and drink what they prescribe, and do not worry about gaining weight right now. Believe me, I know weight regain sucks, I was in maintenance for  a year and have gained 35lbs in my pregnancy which is perfectly normal for a woman my age, and my starting weight. As much as it has sucked to gain weight, I also know that I will lose it, and I struggled with it, I posted about it, I shared how hard it has been, but you know what, myself and my daughter, who will be here Tuesday morning, are healthy and perfect in every way.

To give you an idea, I was 130lbs when I got pregnant at 19 months post-VSG, and I was prescribed a 1700-1800 calorie diet with at least 100gr of protein and 100gr of carbs per day. You really only need to add a couple hundred calories per day to sustain you and the baby if you still have weight to lose.

Your labs will need to be monitored, you'll need to make sure you are drinking plenty of clear fluids per day, around 80-100oz due to the increase in fluid and blood volume needed for the baby.

Just get an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can. Follow their orders, and relax.

Also, just to let you know VSG has NOT complicated my pregnancy at all. You might not even be considered high risk unless you have other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc etc.

If you need to chat privately, feel free to send me a message.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 10/29/11 3:56 am - phila, PA
thank god for kindness...congrats on ur blessing as well........
on 10/29/11 4:00 am
I am so glad you seen her post. I first thought of you when I read it. I knew you would give good, level headed advice.

I was apalled at some others reactions on here. They actually suggested her to get an abortion!

I am so thankful again, that you saw her post and responded.

Have a blessed day!

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." William Duran

on 10/29/11 10:55 pm
Great advice USAF Wife, you always seem to have the right answers. You are a VSG poster child to me
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 10/29/11 3:54 am - phila, PA
shontee just talk to ur doc about this issue congrats on ur blessing.....dont let other here whom all have made big misstakes in their life becoming obese and extremly obese...depended on food to see them thru ...and have the nerve to say get and abotion...dont u dear let this stupid asses tell u what to do .....only god can judge u and only ur doc can guild u...take care sweetie dont beat ur self up......and again ur buddle is a god sent blessing all babbies are........
on 10/29/11 3:58 am
Some people will take every opportunity to take personal shots at others that they don't know and give ill advice such as abortion! Not necessary.

This forum is for support and advice, not reprimanding!

Anyways, make sure you contact your surgeon's office. Maybe they can suggest an OB that is familiar w/WLS patients.

I don't think this is perferred timing however, not the end of the world.

If your nutrition and vit's are watched closely, baby and momma can come out just fine and healthy.

If you do gain some weight, don't worry about it, it will come off. You might just find you will lose.

Be healthy for both you and your baby.

Have a blessed day!

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." William Duran

on 10/29/11 5:08 am - WA
I am so happy for you congratulations, children are such a blesing from God!!! You will do just fine, take a deep breath and take a step forward.  Enjoy being a new mom.
Jeanne T.
on 10/29/11 4:09 am, edited 10/29/11 4:09 am
Well said, USAF wife and Susan.  Enough said.   Congratulations on an unexpected blessing!!!


on 10/29/11 4:44 am
congratulations.  I know this must be very scarry for you, but I just wanted to lend my support.  I would not be too worried about gaining weight at this point... usually people do continue to lose throughout pregnancy. 
Pregnancy and a what if I became pregnant was a concern just after my surgery because my surgeon took me off of birth control and did not want me to go back on it until at least 3 months post op due to concerns about blood clots.  I asked him "what if"  not ever intending that I would get pregnant (and I am not pregnant and did not get pregnant immediatley post op), but just in case.  He told me that because there is no malabsorption that although it is not recommended, if i did get pregnant, I would be able to have a normal pregnancy without concerns. 
I would notify your OBGYN, primary physician, and surgeon, making them all aware, along with your nutritionist and see what they recommend and then follow their instructions.  They may have you go for labs more frequently and change your eating... generally the baby will take from you whatever it needs. 
on 10/29/11 5:45 am
Fortunately for me, my daughter was the result of a birth control failure.  It seemed like the end of the world at the time, but now I can see it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

I would recommend that you find a very supportive OB/GYN and ask them to have a meeting/conference call with your surgeon and NUT so they can help you devise an eating plan that is safe for you and your baby.

A co-worker of mine (non-WLS) just had a healthy baby after a pregnancy where she actually maintained her weight.  She started out overweight and ended up much thinner than when she started after she delivered a healthy baby.  She did this under the supervision of her OB, not in a crazy unhealthy way.

I think this is going to be difficult and you'll have to follow a different path than the rest of us, but it's not the end of the world or the end of your weightloss goals.
" I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent. In my pursuit after Truth I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things."  Ghandi            
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