nausea and sensitive tummy help for those who are suffering w/ buyers remorse

on 1/2/11 2:07 pm, edited 1/2/11 3:15 pm - Houston, TX
Tammy B.
on 1/2/11 3:07 pm - IN

Thanks for sharing your experience Dana.  I am waiting for a surgery date.
I'm really glad I found this website because everyone is so honest and helpful. Some posts have been very eye opening to me. I wish you continued success and I hope someday you love your sleeve.

on 1/2/11 3:28 pm
Everyone  is different though. I had no trouble at all with recovery. I could drink whatever they brought me in the hospital and went through my food stages with no trouble. 2 weeks clear, 2 weeks full then 2 weeks of musies. I stayed on mushies much longer though because I got too full on solids.

It's pretty much a been a breeze and it's almost been 2 years.

Some people have a very rough time in the beginning and I feel bad for them. But not eveyone does.

band 12-29-06     revision  to sleeve  Alberto Aceves  4-29-09

                                       I love my sleeve!!

                               Lost 107 lbs and maintaining

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on 1/2/11 3:35 pm - Houston, TX
I know by reading the posts on here.  Believe me, I was so jealous and wondered what was wrong with me.  Seems like the last few days there have been several posts regarding the nausea issue and I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it might encourage others who are having difficulty.  I would have never gotten through the last 8 weeks if it weren't for wonderful posters such as yourself and others.  This site is a wonderful way to communicate an individual experience.  Glad you did not have any difficulties and I pray the ones that do have them, find some encouragement on here, as I did:)
For I know the plans I have for you, Declares the Lord...Jeremiah 29:11
I have the strength to face all conditions through Christ Jesus...Philippians 4:13 
on 1/2/11 3:48 pm
It is so true that we are all different and all heal at a different pace. I have had no pain issues but I have found I can not tolerate the protein supplements. The only time I do not feel good is when I am trying to get protein in. I can drink at an almost normal presurgery rate. My only issue is food. If I could do mushies right now 5 days out I would have ZERO complaints. I would not not care if I ever got of mushies ever. I have problems with my jaw so soft food is the best for me anyway. I am VERY tempted to just add foods in slowly and eat what I can tolerate and forget the chalky chemical tasting supplements. I take my vitamins, prescribed medicationwith out crushing and get my fluids so I can not see what harm baby food type easy to digest food would harm. I would never try anything that requires work to digest like cabbage, brocoli, other fibrous veggies but why not soups, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and even baby food?
I think many may have issues like nausea from the pain medication and other meds that have a history of that side effect also just the anesthesia itself can cause nausea for weeks after a surgical procedure. Some people simply have a very sensetive digestive track and once it is upset it is hard to calm back down. Also many people have more issues with gas production that others and that feeling can make you feel nauseous as well. I have found Simethicone works great for gas issues and it is very gentle on the stomach as it is what they give to coliky babies plus it tastes good. Peppermint tea is also a great soother if you have tummy troubles.
I know my case is unusual and I know I heal fast so do not take my experience as normal but then what is normal for you is not the same as anybody else anyway. I do not have any regrets because I needed this to get control of myself. I did not like myself before the surgery and I know it is going to take time to like myself after but regretting using a tool to make myself healthier and happier will never happen.
on 1/2/11 4:23 pm - Houston, TX
MyNut and Dr. both told me if I wanted to "eat"  the protein iinstead of drinking the protein, that was my goal anyway.  So, as soon as you are on mushies and can tolerate the protein foods, I say go for it as long as your Dr. and Nut are game.  The problem I've noticed, is that my restriction is sooooo tight that I can't eat up to 50g, so that is why I just yesterday added the hot cocoa, espresso and Lactaid (23g) into my hopefully new morning routine.  I used to drink a Starbuck's every morning and this tast like a mocha.  Then, I am hitting my number for protein.  Of course, the further out I get, the more I might be able to tolerate in food, thus upping my protein amount.  It is just a struggle right now due to my restriction.  I'm literally eting and drinking ALL day long.  Going back too work should be interseting???  Good Luck to you:) 
For I know the plans I have for you, Declares the Lord...Jeremiah 29:11
I have the strength to face all conditions through Christ Jesus...Philippians 4:13 
on 1/3/11 3:56 am - San Jose, CA
Jay Robb had an egg protein you could try since you are sensitive to the dairy, or you could try soy?

Start weight: 388, Current Weight: 185, Goal Weight: 180, Weight Lost: 203 lbs
Certified Nutritionist VSG FAQsublimate: To elevate or uplift.
3/2012 Plastics: LBL, 3 Hernias Fixed, BL/BA, Rhinoplasty & Septum Fix. 6/2013 Plastics: Arm and thigh lift

Bianca F.
on 1/3/11 10:56 am

I got Papaya enzymes chewable from Walgreens and they been a life saving for me.
Sometimes the food got stuck and before i used to feel so bad that i drink water and make myself vomiting so i can feel better.

Since my husband got it on walgreens my life change. If i feel bad after i eat i chew 2 pills (they have a very nice flavor like mints) and 5 min later everything is going down.

They are not even expensive are less than $5 for 100 tablets. They are made by Finest Natural.

I recommend it, since they saved me.

Good luck!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter."

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