Enlarged stoma

on 3/3/05 2:16 am - Northwest USA
Can anyone give me information for enlarged stoma's and how they can fix them? Is there some type of a band they use? Do they have to make an open incesion? Is this a major surgery? Thanks for any help.
on 3/7/05 12:58 am - Grand Rapids, MI
First of all if you haven't been diagnosed they will need to do an upper GI and possibly a scope to check it out (I just went through both of these myself). My stoma (opening) was fine. If yours is too large then in Grand Rapids from how I understand it they do a procedure called sclerotherapy where they inject a solution into the stoma which causes it to produce scar tissue which makes your opening smaller. This procedure may have to be done a few times depending on the size of your opening. It is done as an outpatient. They go down your throat through a scope and inject the solution. From what I was told the majority of us think that our stoma is too large because we freak out at how much we can eat but in actuality when they do the upper GI and scope the percentage that actually need to have the procedure done is very few. Good luck.
on 3/15/05 6:41 am - Grand Rapids, MI
I did have an enlarged stoma...I think mine had always been too large...I never ever had the "full feeling" you expect. Finally after 3 years and a weight loss of 75-80 and holding, I talked to my doctor. He was certain that my stoma was enlarged. I had also had a baby, and he attributed that with a certain amount of stretching (everything inside gets pushed around with pregnancy). Mine was over 22mm...the ideal is 12-15 (I think). I had this procedure done 3 times. Finally, I get full easily and really see how the pouch tools are meant to work. The procedure is as described: scope, inject an irritant that causes scar tissue. The scar tissue is what tightens up the opening. It isn't that bad...I always get sick for about 20 minutes afterward, then I'm a little sore for a few days. They sent me home with vicodin, but the pain wasn't intolerable. If you think your stoma is enlarged, I recommend discussing with your doctor. I went far too long thinking I was just failing at this, like all the other weight loss attempts. I watched family members lose twice as much as I had and felt angry and envious. Now that mine is corrected, I am losing weight again (average is about 50 more pounds...following pouch tools), but I also realize that it wasn't just me failing, there were lots of other people who were experiencing the same thing. I am lucky and thankful that my doctor (Randy Baker)is making so much progress in this area of weight loss surgery
Debbie C.
on 3/23/05 1:24 am - Carrollton, GA
Hi Brenda, Sorry to kinda hijack this post but I think I have the same thing going on...I have had an upper GI already (normal) and I go for the scope on April 4th. My question is did your insurance cover this? If no, do you mind if I ask how much the cost is? Also I've done some questioning to my surgeon and he says he can not do this procedue because it is not FDA approved. I asked him how can other surgeons do this if it isn't FDA approved and he said "I don't know". He also said he didn't know of any gastric bypass surgeon in the Atlanta area performing the procedure. Any and all help you offer is most appreciated. Possible enlarged stoma - only lost 38 lbs. doing all requirements by surgeon as far as diet, liquids & exercise go. Debbie
on 3/23/05 6:16 am - Grand Rapids, MI
Debbie: I'm looking at my statement from the doctor...it is listed as "upper GI endo w/submucosal inj" the charge is $625. My insurance covered it, with the exception of my deductible. I don't know what other suggestions to offer...my doctor is head of Michigan Medical PC Center for Weight Management. I think he is constantly learning and finding ways to perfect the procedures. In fact, he told me in a year or so, he expected to have a solution for "patients like me"...who haven't lost as much as expected and are struggling...and are following requirements. He wouldn't elaborate, but it is promising to hear that there are more possiblities in the future. Hopefully, thanks to the other procedure, I won't need to take advantage of his future progress. I wish you the best of luck and wish I could offer more than my support. Brenda
D S.
on 3/24/05 2:05 am - PA
I had my surgery on 8-10-04. I lost 67 pounds from then until december. Since December, I have only lost 4 pounds. (I go up and down those 4). I have never really felt that full sensation either. Does this sound like what you went through? I see my doctor on 3-30-05, is this something I should ask him about?
on 3/24/05 11:40 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
It is similar to how I felt. I never felt full. I would eat and wait and nothing. I had to judge by what amount I felt I should be able to eat, rather than having my body tell me. I would absolutely tell your doctor. You should bring any concerns you have regarding your surgery to him. I would also keep a food journal (what, quantity and what time you eat) for a couple of weeks to show your doctor or dietician the amount of food you are eating. When you have an enlarged stoma, you may become hungry more often. When your stoma is the proper size the food is in your stomach longer, so you don't get as hungry as when it passes through more quickly. Talk to your doctor at your appointment, tell him your concerns...I waited so long to talk to my doctor and was depressed about the weight for far too long...the sooner you voice your concerns, the better. Best of luck
on 2/12/09 12:16 am
I just read your posts and am having the same issue with my stoma.  I am not able to find a physican who has a solution to fix it.  I am in the Detroit area and would like to speak to your physician please send me his information.     
on 8/29/11 5:31 am
 Did your insurance pay for the procedure? I am going to have a scope to check and see if that is my problem since I have regained 50+ lbs in last 4 years, had surgery in 2001. I feel that I can eat a lot more food then what I should be able to.
on 5/1/14 1:27 pm

I an so greatful that I came across your post, I just had an upper GI done and they said I had an enlarge stoma. I have appointment with surgeon May 27th, however don't believe he will do anything. I'm soooo depressed because I know I'm going to be right where I started. I'm 40 lbs over my weight, do u have any suggestions? You can email me @ [email protected]. I could really use a supporter. I hope to hear from you soon.

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