I can't do this anymore!

c&j's Maw-Maw
on 10/6/05 3:08 am - Pulaski, TN
Thank you, Donna! Your words of encouragement, advice and inspiration are so welcomed and appreciated! My motivation includes so many different things - my 7 year old daughter, my 3 year old grandson, my 2 month old granddaughter, my aching back, my ever increasingly aching knees and ankles, my love of the ocean and my desire to enjoy it more..............so many things! My motivation includes not wanting to have to be buried in a piano box!......at way too young an age! because of obesity! You'd think that would be enough......huh? One day at a time............maybe one day it will be. Kandy
on 10/5/05 12:29 pm - Baltimore, MD
Kandy, my struggle with food addiction will probably end abut a week after I'm dead. I can see myself, cold, stiff and lifeless on a slab at the medical school, and I'll be craving a pumpkin scone and ice mocha latte. All I can suggest is forgive yourself and start again. Kasey 365/215/195 (nonop)
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 10/6/05 3:04 am - Pulaski, TN
Thank you, Kasey! I appreciate your humor.........and your advice! I will begin again (and, I'm sure...again, and again, and again.....)! But, as long as I am going forward, I guess I'll be ok! Kandy
(deactivated member)
on 10/7/05 10:11 pm - IN
Hi Sissy This is heredity i do believe...we come from a family of wonderful cooks..food was always a comfort..remember Moms Sunday dinners..i do..food was always a huge deal in our family..the big dinners...the yummy desserts...we were victims..i rreally beleive that. Bless Moms heart she tried so many times to put me on diets..we failed..she failed too so many times. I am not blaming Mom...but our family has always be food orientated..I love you and I am here for you... You do know you should not have junk in the house..it is not good for any of you..but i am guilty of it too.. I gotta go to work..i love you V'lish
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