Any advice for these couple of weeks before surgery?

on 6/22/11 11:41 am, edited 6/22/11 11:42 am - Cibolo, TX
 Hi Lynn,

Giving up Coke and chocolate were my two major obstacles pre-surgery, but somehow I did it.  Haven't had a bite or sip of either since surgery 4 months ago and haven't missed them a bit.  

Just wanted to add the protein shakes are very individual.  I've noticed that everyone here has a different favorite, but we all try to get at least one down a day.  The one I have come to prefer is Pro Joe by Bariatric Advantage.  I can't tolerate the powdered ones.  Although I choked them down for 2 weeks pre-op because I had to.  

As far as what to take with you to the hospital, good non-slip houseshoes are a must!  I had an IV, so I was in a hospital gown the whole time.  I took a book and crossword puzzles, but never looked at any of it.  Be sure and bring your own pillow!  That really helps on the car ride home, too.  I kept it pressed to my stomach the whole way home.

One other thing, which may be TMI, but I wished I had known about beforehand: take some vaseline or desitin with you.  They made me take a high powered laxative before surgery to clean me out, and my bottom got SO sore!  It was very painful to have a BM.  

Keep a good thought!  Half the battle is mental!  Make up your mind to be a success and you will be!  We'll be here when you get out of post-op and feel ready to "talk" again!


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