Bad day

on 6/26/11 1:06 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
Thanks Dr. L.

I think it was just a perfect storm of things going wrong that day.  MY perspective is much better today!  I do LOVE my surgeon he is really kind and compassionate, and even told me that if the drains Bothered me TOO much He would meet me in his office this afternoon to take them out.  but they are no big deal anymore.

Unfortunatly I can't take any NSAIDs.  I am allergic to all NSAIDS except Celebrex, and since the RNY can't take Celebrex and Tylenol is USELESS on this kind of pain in my estimation.  I have been taking the Percocet and will get to have my last 2 drains taken out on Tuesday, and start taking my arthritis meds on Wednesday! 

Plus today I was down about 4 pounds of swelling, which helped a lot!  And the leaking at the tubing has stopped. 

Anyway I know that it was totally worth all the pain and discomfort, and the removal of all that skin will help the arthrits in my hips and spine in the long run.  I already feel a difference in my hips and the skin is not banging into my legs and pulling my hips too far from side to side when I walk.

RNY 10/14/08 LBL 6/14/11    135 pounds lost, after bounceback regain.  And I am OK with that.  It enabled me to have double hip double knee replacements in the 9 month periond between Oct 2011 and June 2012.  

on 6/27/11 9:04 am
I went through the exact same are not alone..and like Dr. L said, I think what you are experiencing is so common.  I also was frustrated at my "need" for the percocet longer then I was accustomed to.  I tried to tuf it out, but finally, went to my PS to discuss my pain management.  I thought he would think I was a baby..or a junky...but quite the contrary.  He was upset that I waited too long..He was compasionate and kind, and treated me gently.  He explained that the surgery was huge and pain management critical.  He refilled my perscription without a negative thought...and that got me through the worst of it. 

Poor baby....just take it day by day...and know that each day is a new day...a little improvement each day (and every once and awhile a bad day will slip in).  But the next thing you know, a few weeks have passed by and you will feel a little better..... physically AND mentally....

Im sending you good thoughts.
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