Unexpected result after plastic surgery.

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/14 3:41 am

I thoroughly agree with your assessment. It is really satisfying for my patients and for me to see and hear their feelings for finally completing their journey!! Unfortunately, the scars can be extensive and the results may not be perfect but the overwhelming consensus is that it was worth it!

on 7/30/14 10:31 am

The plastic surgeon that I am using performs more reconstructive procedures than cosmetic procedures.  I know that he sees how happy I am when he first comes into the exam room but usually the discussion rolls around to what I don't like - what I want adjusted.  To that end, I have actually sent him several emails detailing how satisfied I am with the work that he has done.  While he isn't reconstructing an injured limb or skin irradiated due to cancer, the result for me is just as dramatic and has had a substantial impact on my life.  He appears to be appreciative of that kind of information as well.  You are right that the scars can be extensive but they do fade over time - a long time for me in particular.  He is actually giving me laser treatments of the scars to help them heal faster.  He always warned me prior to each procedure that the scars would be long but my feeling is that the scars are better than the sagging skin or worse yet the skin filled with the weight that I had lost.  So, you are right - it is not perfect - but given my journey, I can't get there so I am happy to get as close as I can.

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