Out-patient plastic surgery-pain not addressed- in agony for alomst 2 days

on 6/29/16 7:34 pm

My arm lift recovery wasn't too bad.  My biggest issue was that I did it in August.  I got irritated by the compression garment in the heat.  I wore a thin long sleeved t shirt under the garment which made it warmer but less irritating.  When are you having it done?  I didn't have any drains for the arm lift.

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 6/30/16 11:11 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Next week - different doctor and in a hospital, not a doctor's operating facility that closes at 5pm. (I am not sure that the nurse hustled me out of there so fast because she had a date that night or to get me out of there before I really woke up and refused to leave in that much pain. She certainly knew what was going to happen to me because I told her I my head hurt and the anesthesia was not even half way worn off. )   Now that I understand why the face work was so painful, I'm actually relieved for the net surgery - pissed as hell at the facial surgeon because HE KNEW what hell I was going to be in and didn't warn me and refused to help me when I was obviously in trouble - and all that pain could not have been good for the results of my facial surgery - what the hell was he thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I cried in a dark room for days.) There is a special circle of hell. 

I do have a thin (very soft) cotton shirt - I will get it out. That is a great idea. Better than bare skin.   I think the compression garment will be small on my arms - but I saw her measure it - 9 inches in circumference, but I have to think it will be very tight. 

I was happy that my first surgery was in Apr when the whether was still cold - Apr and May of this year were cold in the NE.   I  guess I'll have the AC on high.

I was told - NO DRAINS  YEAH   (He does drains for the LBL, not the upper)

He agreed to flush with some local as he closed. 

Since there is no muscle work and no holes being drilled into my skull, I am expecting a reasonable amount of pain - and under reasonable cir****tances I respond reasonably to pain and pain meds. 


on 6/30/16 12:55 pm

The surgical facility that my doc uses is right across the street from the hospital.  He was running late for one of my procedures and gave me the opportunity to reschedule.  I already had made all of my arrangements so I wanted to do it then so they just took me across the bridge and did the procedure in the hospital.  I could not have imagined postponing at that late stage of the game. 

Lack of pain management is poor on his/her part.  I would make sure you put a review out there for them indicating such so that the next patient gets the benefit of your experience.  Thanks for the link - interesting.


I thought the arms was one of the easier recoveries once I solved the irritation thing.  The surgical compression garments are tight and dont really breathe that much so the soft shirt underneath is wonderful.  Told my doc he might want to suggest that to other patients.  Good luck with the next procedure. 


Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 6/30/16 6:24 pm, edited 6/30/16 11:25 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Thanks about the shirt.  I'll be in ace bandages for the first week - then the compression sleeves. So I guess the swelling will come down and I'll be able to get those (small) compression sleeves on.  I'll take that shirt to the dr's appt.  It's very light and comfy, almost brand new - it's too big to wear anymore and I just couldn't bear to part with it - I thought I would take it in at some time. This seems like a great time to dig it out.

I'm pissed at that doctor like I wasn't before because now I know that he knew, in advance, how much pain I would be in, and did not warn me, or treat me, or refer me to someone who would.  If I were a dog, he would be in jail for animal cruelty. 


(deactivated member)
on 5/10/16 6:25 pm

I had a face and neck lift last month, but it is generally not a high pain surgery compared to the other procedures you see on this thread.

There is no excuse for a lack of adequate pain meds, and the doctor is not doing their job if you are suffering so much.

The biggest factor for returning to work and going out in public was getting the stitches in the front of the ears and temple removed. Once they came out at about 9 days, the healing moved very quickly and I went out in public and back to work within a day or two. 

No one noticed and I didn't tell anyone. A little makeup over the scars was all it took.

FYI - I flew to a medical center in Costa Rica and stayed at a medical bed and breakfast that took great care of me the first week. Then I flew home, had the stitches removed and went back to work. All in cost was 4K compared to 12k in NY.

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/10/16 7:01 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Although my face is still pretty lumpy and large, I know what you mean about the stitches in from of the ears.  I have a pixie hair cut and that is not really helping.  If I had more hair, everything might not look so odd. 


Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 6/28/16 9:36 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

I finally solved the pain mystery - it was the brow lift.  Holes were drilled in my skull and my forehead muscles pulled up and anchored with clips placed in the holes that were drilled in my skull. (The holes only go half way through the skull - not all the way to your brain).  Why I didn't get a long acting local or better pain meds I DO NOT KNOW.  But now I know where the pain came from.

Something just wasn't right, because ever since I played intercollegiate ice-hockey, and dealt with that level of pain, I have had a fairly high pain tolerance and could not understand people saying that the face lift was no big deal versus the searing white hot unrelenting agony I had to endure.  Mystery solved. 


on 5/11/16 10:26 am - TX

I grilled my PS about pain management and what he was and wasn't willing to do.  Other than the muscle repair from the LBL, I wasn't in pain from any of the procedures.  The facelift was probably the most pain-free.  I was numb at the incisions.  There was some bruising and swelling, and yeah, couldn't get my mouth to open all the way for a few days, but that was about it.  Once the stitches were out, I was out an about.  I might have scared a few small children, but I was feeling okay.

There's no reason for you to have been in that much pain.  If the percs weren't taking care of it, you should have gotten something stronger without having to negotiate for it. 

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 5/12/16 10:00 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

The first 2 days of pain are only major complaint - I should have gone to ER and PS could have met me there.  I was still too groggy to think.

I think I had more work done than many of the people posting - my necklift involved repositioning the major muscles going up my throat and some banding and a suture sling from each ear to under my chin.  Even now, at just over two weeks out, I claim major dental work because my jaw is still so swollen.  There is no possibility that anyone would not notice.  In another two weeks - I can see it being OK.  But the inscions at my ear are already almost invisible - I can't believe it just after 2 weeks, so I can see the longterm results beginning to emerge.  My eyes look good - it's been a longtime since i really saw my eyes.

Thanks for your support.  I thought I was going to have a job interview next week - but (without my asking) it was scheduled for the last week in May, so I have two more weeks to heal.  So I feel some of the pressure to heal faster was lifted.  Plus, when your hair is as short as mine, 2 weeks additional growth makes a change.


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