Got Medical Alert ID Jewelry? It's a poll, please play!!

on 4/17/12 11:35 am - PA
As I wrote in an earlier post, I do wear one.  I travel extensively, and also spend a lot of time in the wilderness, mostly alone. My drug allergies, sleep apnea, hypoglycemia (which shows up in wilderness situations), and the no NG tubes may be important for someone to know if I've hurt myself and I need surgery.
Consult:239   SW:217  1mo:195  2mo:182  3mo:169   6mo:139  9mo GOAL CW: +2 from underweight
on 4/17/12 11:39 am
I agree with Dawn above. I was very recently in the hospital for actute gall bladder infection and one of the drugs they gave me was an NSAID. It was my bariatric surgeon prescribing it and he said it would calm the inflammation so he could take my gall bladder out and sometimes you have to use them. I was on it for 3 days through my IV and I have no signs of ulcers so I guess he did the right thing for the situation.
on 4/17/12 12:27 pm
I wear a medicalert bracelet 24/7.

My son is a paramedic and says this - bluntly: If you are in an accident and we are the first responders, we do NOT check your wallet or purse first. We DO check for the jewelry.

He is a little more graphic in his words, but in the interest of discretion, I'll put it as stated above.
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/12 12:50 pm - CA
RNY on 03/22/12
 LOL, I read and repeated your post the way I suspect your son "graphically" puts it. Funny, and thanks for your input, very helpful.
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/12 12:51 pm - CA
RNY on 03/22/12
Hey, thanks everyone, you all really gave me something to think about. I am leaning in favor of going ahead and getting one. Thank you all.
on 4/17/12 3:37 pm - Sacramento, CA
I wear one. It says, RNY, no blind NG tube.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



Darcy S.
on 4/17/12 8:30 pm - Clinton, CT
What is a blind ng tube and what does it do and how would it hurt us. My surgical office never mentioned a bracelet. For that matter they only said to becareful of NSAIDs.

 Decision made weight 265  SW 249 CW 153  9/4/12 next goal 145lbs  OMG                                

on 4/17/12 10:49 pm - OH
An NG tube is a naso gastric tube.  It's a skinny tube that goes up your nose, down the back of your throat and into your stomach.  They can use it to put stuff in, like tube feedings, or use it to suction stuff out of your stomach.

Normally, they can't really see where the tube is going.  They just shove it in there.  Then they listen to your belly to make sure the tube is in the stomach, not your airway, before putting anything in it.  That's a blind NG tube, because they can't see where it's going.

Since our pouch is much smaller than a normal stomach, the tube could damage or even puncture the pouch.  They need to use a little camera to see where the tube is going if we need an NG tube.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


WhoIWantToBe *.
on 4/17/12 10:35 pm
RNY on 01/10/12
I have a medical alert bracelet, but I have other medical conditions besides RnY that warrant it.  I don't know if I would have gotten it just because of the RnY.  I didn't have room on it for "blind" so it just says "No NG tube."

  - Barb, who is at GOOOOOOAAAAAAL!
                                     HW: 274  SW: 244  GW: 137 CW: 137!
              Keep on swimming!  Keep on swimming! 

on 4/17/12 10:46 pm - OH
Do you really think that's a good idea, to put no NG tube?  What if you need an NG tube?  And an NG tube will not hurt you as long as it's not put in blind.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


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