Expectations after WLS....

Sarah R.
on 7/12/12 6:10 am, edited 7/12/12 6:11 am
Oddly I have had zero expectations looks wise simply because Ive never been a normal weight at least not past the age of 9 or so. I have had no way to say I want to look like THIS! Its all been new to me. I did this for health and didnt even have a goal weight other than anything below 200 to get to. My health is way better but I would still like less stress on my knees and at this point I dont know if under 200 will come. A nice side benefit is looking better but as I said at still 200+ I will never exactly meet societies expectations of good looks and dont really care to either :)

I do find the drooping and loose skin more upsetting than I had anticipated.





on 7/12/12 8:10 am - PA
I think I had zero expectations at the onset, which is why I am simply in awe right now. I ave gone from a size 24w to a 7/8. I was in Aeropostale today and learned a valuable lesson from the mirror... just because I "can" fit into it doesn't mean I "should" wear it... LOL! (says the middle-aged 50-something lady)

But, the reality of my Rocky the Flying Squirrel arms, and the breasts that were once there and the lovely Shar Pei tummy and thighs makes me realize that it won't ever be perfect... and I am ok with that.

I will have PS on my arms because they were huge (HUGE I tell you) before surgery and now they look like they are dripping out from underneath my shirt sleeve. As for anything else, heck - I would rather have a down payment on my retirement home... LOL

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