For those of you considering WLS or just had...

on 8/22/12 1:47 pm - NC
RNY on 08/29/12
A great day for me to read this.  I started my seven day liquid diet (surgery is next Wednesday).  I had my pre-op appt with my surgeon yesterday and with the hospital today.  I am calm.  I am determined.  Thanks for the encouragement!

on 8/22/12 1:59 pm - Brighton, IL
We have the same surgery date!! And I am ready too!
on 8/22/12 1:58 pm - Brighton, IL
Thank you for posting this today! I just started my 7 day preop diet and this time next week my surgery will be over. I can't wait!! Hopefully I will have energy like you do. Right now I feel like an old old lady.
on 8/22/12 10:03 pm
RNY on 09/17/12
You could not have posted this on a better day!  I have my pre-op appt next Thurs and will start my liquid diet on the 3rd surgery on 17th.  I've been slightly (ok, prob more than slightly) freaking out these last couple of days since I got 'the call'.  I've been second guessing myself and wondering if I should go with the sleeve rather than the bypass.  Driving myself crazy I tell ya!  I am so glad you are doing fantastic and that you took the time to post.  It's true, most people who aren't struggling usually don't post...which is sad because people like me who are stressing out don't see that.  All we see is complications.  Thank you and cheers to you!!!

on 8/23/12 5:07 am - Canandaigua, NY
RNY on 07/02/12
 Good luck in whatever you decide!!!! I was soooo scared too, but can hardly remember that now... It seems so long ago, but its only been 7 weeks.  
Just had my RNY on 7.2.12!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!         
on 8/23/12 3:08 pm - WA
RNY on 05/21/12
 I'm not going to lie - it's work. Whether you get the sleeve or you get the RNY.  I suggest the RNY the more I've learned about both success is higher with RNY.  Beyond that - for me personally this was the best decision of my life.  I had moments where I questioned myself - freaked out before and even after surgery.  Now 3 months out I can't imagine living another day of my life the way I was.  I'm happier, sleep better, eat healthier, weight less, - so, I gave up eating fast food, and sugary sweets and I still can't take BIG sips of liquid but overall life is great. 

We are here to encourage you - so never be afraid to say "Hey I'm scared!" Because we ALL went through that and some of us still are. :) 


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