Surgery rescheduled-not meeting my preop goals :(

Mary Gee
on 4/24/14 1:30 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Most surgeons and insurance companies require weight loss before surgery, for various reasons.  One is to shrink your liver - but the other I think is to show your commitment.  The thinking is that if you're not committed enough to follow a food regiment before the surgery, will you be committed enough to follow a post-op regime?

Time to give up the sweets and time to stop skipping meals.  Plan your daily meals, weigh and measure, and track on My Fitness Pal.

Changing doctors probably wouldn't make a difference and would delay things even more.  

Buckle Down!  You can do this.  


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 4/24/14 2:56 am - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

You may as well start NOW:

Track every single item that goes through your lips - ALL OF IT.  I use the Lose It app and LOVE it.  Find one that works for you.

No matter what, get in a minimum of 70 grams of protein - start TODAY.  RIGHT NOW.  Lean protein FIRST.

NO white carbs: sugar, flour, rice, potatoes, etc.

NO fried foods.

TONS of WATER (I add a splash of 100% grape juice for a little flavor - cleared by my doc).

I'm betting you're in the nasty carb cycle - and the only way out is through.  It takes about 3-4 days of a pretty rough ride but once you've kicked em, the protein is a real game changer.

You CAN do this - most of us here did so you can too!

If you want this badly enough, you'll do what it takes.  If not, then maybe your hubster is right... and maybe wait a while until you're firmly committed!  The last thing you want to do is fail after the surgery - so get your head on straight, buckle down, and git 'er done!  



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

Jen Lyn
on 4/24/14 3:50 am
RNY on 11/11/13

OK I know it feels CRUEL and I would be very upset too.  I might even want to switch surgeons. 

Then I would think about it. He gets paid either way. The truth is this is only a tool-a tool I have to use correctly or it won't work.

You don't want to be someone who had the surgery, kept doing the wrong things, lost a little, then blew up bigger than ever. You need this to work. You don't want to blow this second chance at life.

So you grieve. You step back. You figure out what you should do. You make your very best effort to do it. 

Then you have the surgery, it will be more likely a success, and you will reach your goal!!!

The biggest hurdle is not the surgeon or the fifteen pounds. The biggest hurdle is our mind and our attitude towards food.  The surgery is only a tool.

Amy R.
on 4/24/14 4:13 am

^^^^ big LIKE.  =)    (for Jen Lyn's post)

on 4/24/14 4:41 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

You can't be angry at your doctor you knew what you had to do in order to have the surgery and you didn't follow through with it. 


Track every single thing that goes in your mouth.  Weigh and measure everything single that goes in your mouth. 

Honestly if it is true that you "struggled with not wanting to let go, especially of my sweets" then maybe you are not ready to have WLS.  Sorry to be harsh and blunt, but that is what I am getting from you post.


Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 4/24/14 4:49 am

Thank you all so much for your replies. I have read them all and I am taking it all to heart. I have the myfitness pal app and I am also going to download loseit. This morning a I had a sausage patty for breakfast and a protein shake for lunch. I did not get a calorie plan I just had a list of things not to eat such as simple carbs and liquid calories etc. 15 lbs just feels like so much. In the past it took me so long to lose that much even on plans. I have not been tracking my food, that is something I will do. I have a food scale and I know how to do it from being on WW in the past. I just wish I could have gotten my surgery. My insurance already approved me and was ok with my weight. I'm trying to understand my surgeon, I know he means well it's just I feel like if I could lose weight like that I wouldn't be in the state I'm in :/

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 4/24/14 5:36 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13
On April 24, 2014 at 11:49 AM Pacific Time, Ladybug81 wrote:

Thank you all so much for your replies. I have read them all and I am taking it all to heart. I have the myfitness pal app and I am also going to download loseit. This morning a I had a sausage patty for breakfast and a protein shake for lunch. I did not get a calorie plan I just had a list of things not to eat such as simple carbs and liquid calories etc. 15 lbs just feels like so much. In the past it took me so long to lose that much even on plans. I have not been tracking my food, that is something I will do. I have a food scale and I know how to do it from being on WW in the past. I just wish I could have gotten my surgery. My insurance already approved me and was ok with my weight. I'm trying to understand my surgeon, I know he means well it's just I feel like if I could lose weight like that I wouldn't be in the state I'm in :/

I'm sorry that it didn't work out as you wanted.

Your surgeon gave you requirements that he asked you to meet before surgery.  One of the reasons is quite possibly that he was concerned about your liver size and the complications it could cause during surgery.  If you read these forums enough, you will hear about people who, like you, did not follow the guidelines and their surgeries were not done after they were on the operating table.  The surgeon opened them up, saw that the liver was still bloated, and stitched them back up.  Depending on your surgeon's experience and comfort level, he might feel that you are high risk.  

From what I've learned, it seems that surgeons are more lenient with those who have lower BMIs and weights in regards to the pre-op diet.  I think your BMI is around 45?  15 lbs is not that hard to lose if you're motivated.  Tracking your food is crucial.  You'll be doing it after surgery so you might as well get the practice now.  Weigh all your food.  Drink lots of water, at least 64 ounces per day.  Cut out the sweets entirely.  

ALL of us have battled weight.  MANY of us had to comply with a strict weight loss program right before surgery.  Put your big girl panties on and do it.  If you need guidance on a diet plan, google LOW CARB DIET PLANS.  I lost almost 30 lbs in six weeks prior to surgery.  It can be done, but only YOU can do it.   Good luck.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 4/24/14 5:48 am

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.

Henry Ford

 Go on walks as they don't tend to build up muscle that can add weight on and follow other people's advice about tracking your food. Search Pinterest for RNY diet or gastric bypass diet and you'll come up with all kinds of yummy recipes. My program doesn't require me to lose weight but if I follow it fully there is no way I can't lose weight.


Surgery will be hopefully in October or November 2014, with Dr. Megan Gilmore


on 4/24/14 4:55 am, edited 4/24/14 4:55 am - Kansas City, MO
VSG on 05/06/14

As diamond said above "At this stage in the game you can not afford the luxury of negative influences or self defeating thoughts."

I have changed programs because I was not able to meet the loss requirement ... and delayed myself by over a year ... and ended up losing over HALF the weight required by the other supervised diet ... (I think they just wanted to see I was willing to make SOME progress ... could be the same with your doc).

I do not say that to brag!

I struggle with a lot of shame and self-defeated feelings about my weight, and about my inability to lose weight. All that has led to for me is more eating, and feeling worse, and more eating. It is a vicious cycle. I have been overweight my whole life, and am about to have VSG with a BMI of 64.

I am SO SORRY that you are feeling down and defeated. Please don't be embarrassed. We are here to support you and pat you on the back when you're doing well, and help when you struggle.

What's in the past is in the past. You have done a great thing posting here and getting your feelings out and asking for help.

Let's forget about the past and look to how we are going to tackle the future:

  • Do you have someone you can text when you feel like eating? (I am on the liquid pre-op diet and you BETTER BELIEVE I am blowin' up peoples phones when I feel like eating!!!!!)
  • Do you know what your triggers are (stress, late night, etc?) and do you have some strategies to deal with them? Even if you only know the triggers - post them and WE will help you strategize :)

If you decide that changing doctors is for you (I am not advocating one way or the other - that is your decision and I respect whatever you decide), find a program with an integrated psych and nutritionist and use them. I have had so many psych visits its ridiculous - but that is what he's there for. And he compasionately helped ID my triggers and come up with coping strategies for my stress-induced and mindless eating.

There is help - either here or through your doc or another program.

Take it from someone who has been through 2 different program and quit the supervised diet FOUR TIMES ... and is still standing.

All the best to you!!!!!!!!!! Friend/PM me and you can text ME if you want :) :) :)

What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me? 

I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord,  I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful ones.  

O Lord, I am your servant; I am your servant, the child of your serving girl. You have loosed my bonds. -- Psalm 116:12-16

on 4/24/14 6:16 am

I had my first consult end of September2013. My Dr. started me on a 3 month supervised diet in which I was to lose at least 10lbs. I started doing what I thought was a good job cutting out regular soda, most fast food, etc. but come end of Oct I had lost nothing, then end of Nov, nothing, end of Dec, nothing!! I was so damn frustrated I was ready to give up. It wasn't until I seriously started tracking food on MFP, working out 5 days a week, cutting out bad carbs and sugar that I managed to lose 10lbs in February, and another 3lbs in March, and so far 2.8 since I started my 2 week pre-op diet (my surgery is scheduled for April 28) I can tell you that I cried and cried both at the Dr's office and driving home from those visits questioning whether or not he was being deliberately mean, or if I was even going to be successful! BUT now I understand why he did what he did - I have completely given up soda and sugar, and bad carbs. I no longer crave sugar like I used to, and cutting out all fast food. I work out 5 days a week most weeks and I am loving it. I've already noticed a difference in my energy levels and that is just from losing 15lbs! I am so excited  to see what I will be able to do after I lose another 120! Your Dr. knows what he is doing. Hang in there. Track your food, if you lie about it you are only hurting yourself. Give up the carbs, sugar and the bad stuff and it will only help you for after the surgery! Good luck.

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