What's on your Tuesday Menu?

on 2/27/24 5:55 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! I'm so glad you had a great first day and that you can take it easy on your feet and calves. I am hoping to be able to get back to my normal routine tomorrow, these allergies have really wrecked havoc on me. If I can't run on the treadmill I at least want to walk.

QOTD: I can't donate with my iron/ferritin issues. I had reschedule the appt with my hematologist last week but I can see my blood work numbers and they look okay (my new appt is April 1) so I don't think I'll need an infusion until at least the summer. I hope you are able to get an infusion or something soon.


TSS: 9 years 6 months

B: SF latte, Fiber/protein oatmeal, turkey sausage, and an orange

L: Turkey and cheese sticks, carrots, light and fit yogurt and some fruit

S: Almond clusters, a piece of fruit and yogurt


ES: yogurt and toast

E: hopefully last rest day

V/W: On track

Totals: TBD

Have a great day!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 2/27/24 6:28 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi all! Thanks for the lovely and kind notes yesterday! It means a lot. My mom's treatment (which has been a stop gap, immunotherapy to stop her mesastisized lesions in her liver) have stopped being effective. Amazingly, the FDA approved a very brutal chemotherapy two months ago for her specific cancer!!! So she will start a crazy routine if 3-6 treatments - it involves a double balloon catheter with a heart and lung bypass where they put the drug into her liver and then remove her blood and filter it in a machine and then she goes to the ICU to be watched over. They said it's going to feel awful but she's a warrior and she's willing to do whatever it takes. She finally has some hope. Swing the chickens! Her first treatment will be in a week or two! And? The cherry on the top is that her doctors were part of the trial and her doctor has done the 2nd most treatments of any doctor in the world!

Qotd: no. I'm not sure why. I donate money to various places (planned parenthood, aspca, UNHCR). Bit no blood. My iron and ferritin are always low anyway.
B: leftover chicken shawarma wrap

L: maybe a leftover half deli sandwich but the bread may be terrible

D: we didn't order in last night so maybe we will tonight!

Have a great day!!

Melody P.
on 2/27/24 6:49 am - Amarillo, TX

OH lost my post yesterday but I wanted to know that I'm thinking of y'all. That wasn't an easy conversation!


on 2/27/24 7:39 am
RNY on 06/03/15

I have a friend who's a retired profusionist (the medical people who run those machines that remove people's blood during heart surgeries, etc). This is actually the first time I've ever heard of an actual case, though! (although I'm sure it's not uncommon). I hope this treatment works for your mom!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 2/27/24 12:22 pm
RNY on 08/21/12

I'll swing chickens and a side of bacon that the new treatments work. 8m glad she's got good people working for her, including you.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 2/27/24 7:47 am, edited 2/26/24 11:47 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

it's supposed to be in the 70s today (in Wisconsin!), so I need to get my butt outside. I'll do some walking for exercise. All I have is class today at 4:00, so my day is pretty open!

I did my federal tax return last night. Egad. I miscalculated how much I'd owe for converting some of my Rollover IRA to a Roth, so we owe A LOT. I did make a couple of estimated tax payments since I knew we'd end up owing, but for some reason I really underestimated it. I'm hoping the penalty isn't too horrible - but I've learned my lesson. Yikes. I had a fairly sleepless night because I was really fretting about it.

QOTD: no. My iron/ferritin levels have been fine all along, but I'm worried that they might drop if I starting giving blood - and that it would be a struggle to get them back up. I'm fine with giving money, though.

coffee with half and half

protein shake? (it's already almost 10:00, and I'm not hungry AT ALL - I might just wait until lunch)

cheesecake-flavored yogurt pie or chocolate protein "mousse"

Ratio yogurt and a few wheat thins or Lesser Evil popcorn

bagged salad, not sure what else (for dinner)

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 2/27/24 7:50 am
RNY on 06/03/15

PS. I'm so glad to hear the first day at Berkeley when so well! I spent most of my career working in colleges and universities and loved that environment!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 2/27/24 7:55 am - Central Coast, CA
RNY on 06/26/17

G'morning all!

QJB - yay for a great first day. I love Rothy's for flat but good looking shoes, and they are very comfortable. Another brand that I use that even with heels are very comfortable are Sofft. Their heeled Mary Jane style is very comfortable. Although I just looked and they don't have anything smaller than size 6.

QOD: I used to donate blood regularly before surgery. I loved the calls when they would leave a message saying this is Count Dracula and I need your blood, muahahaha! But with my ferretin issues and now getting infusions for iron definitely not donating blood. At one point I even tried getting on the bone marrow donation list, but somehow at that point - I'm talking about 20 years ago, they asked me about countries I lived in and didn't like my answer so rejected me.

My meals yesterday:

  • Coffee
  • Turkey slices, avocado & cheese
  • Protein pudding, half a brownie
  • TJ kebabs w/Fage yogurt
  • E: 5 miles wog

Happy Taco Tue!

SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18

CW: High 140s

PGW: 140-142

on 2/27/24 7:55 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning,

An amazing week was had and lots of laughs and love was shared. Today starts a new adventure.

Somehow I managed to maintain my weight this last week. I am totally shocked. I will continue to be extra diligent when I can so I can come out the other end of this mania March coming up.

QoTD: Not enough iron in me, even pre surgery. Interesting thing though. When my oldest was born he had surgery at 6 days old and required a couple blood transfusions. I had health insurance that blocked baby care for the first 14 days. A combination of help got us through the financial crisis of that situation, and one of them was that for every pint the baby received, we had to "repay" 4 pints and they would credit us against our debt. We rounded up all our family and friends and all went to the blood bank and they all gave. The biggest guy in the group at about 6'4" and 300 pounds was a fainter. But other than that, we got enough donations that they waived our nearly $4000.00 bill.

Foods today are unknown for the most part. I'll be traveling. But the folks I am traveling with love eating fresh veggies and lightly, so that will help.

But for breakfast, for those that know

B: the last of my brussels sprouts from Saturday's dinner and a fried egg on top.

Peace Everybody.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

Julia S.
on 2/27/24 8:16 am - Beaverton, OR
RNY on 02/12/18

QOTD- I haven't donated since surgery. I used to donate all of the time.

QJB- So glad your first day was so good. I always go for comfort over style my typical shoes are slip on Merrells (Jungle Mocs) because they have such good support. I've worn them for years and have tan, brown and black so they go with any pants. Not that I usually wear anything but jeans.

My roommate has finally decided to dump one of his girlfriends. He's been seeing her for the last 2 years but doesn't see any future with her. I guess I'm partly to blame since when the new girlfriend came over I showed her my spinning wheel and loom and gave her a tour. The only time the other one came over she wasn't interested or I should say didn't ask. So he assumed that I like her more than the other one, I'm not sure how he got that. I'm just glad he made a decision, I feel like he's been stringing her along while he was looking for someone else. He's had multiple women on the string, up to 8 at one time. But mostly he just talks to them. Lately he's had 4 but only 2 in this area. I don't get men! Personally I'm not willing to take a chance on letting another man hurt me.

They're saying we could get snow, but so far nothing and it's 34.9 so I kind of doubt it.

I finally made it to a movie on Sunday. I saw Argylle, it was pretty silly and unbelievable but at least I got out of the house and still have popcorn left over. I'm looking forward to the new Ghostbusters and Despicable Me 4, but I have a while to wait. They are showing The Green Mile tonight, but it doesn't start until 6:30 so I'd be nodding but I would love to see it again. Of course it was written by Stephen King.

I just read September House, it's not so much the horror that got me. It really wasn't that scary, but it did bother me. I felt like the whole story and house were about abusive relationships. There were too many things that sent me back to that place, and as a warning to anyone who has been in an abusive relationship be warned. It was not what I expected at all, I was thinking a Stephen King like scary book, for me it was way beyond that. I had to sit down and write about it to figure out how to deal with it.

Enough doom and gloom, I have a beautiful kitty on my lap who is purring and I need to get back to work.

Have a great day everyone!

5'5" Age 66 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 179.8

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