What's on your Wednesday Menu?

White Dove
on 2/28/24 5:10 am - Warren, OH

I read once that the custom of offering food was because people traveled long distances in their horse and buggy and were starved by the time they got to the house they were going to visit. Now people spend five minutes in their air-conditioned or heated car and we serve them enough food to keep them full for the day. This map is really interesting and would be a fascinating study to see why they are that way in different countries.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 2/28/24 5:33 am
RNY on 06/03/15

when we were in Turkey, people were ALWAYS feeding us. But then we were staying with friends, and visiting friends & family of the afformentioned friends as we traveled around. I've been to some of those other countries and was never offered food, but then, we weren't staying with people - we were mostly at hotels, so...not sure.

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 2/28/24 5:37 am
RNY on 02/14/18

I've read a fair bit about it and it seem that in those areas people are invited for company or invited for a meal, if not invited for a meal, there's no expectation of being fed. It seems to have been because of scarcity issues historically.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


White Dove
on 2/28/24 5:05 am - Warren, OH

Sounds like you finally found the job that will make you happy to go to work in the morning. I always wanted to feel like I loved my job so much that I would pay the company to let me work there if I did not need the money.

Back before the pandemic we were not allowed to tell customers that we worked from home. It was considered poor security and customers would be worried about their financial information if they knew we were in our own homes.

I hate to lie. Sometimes a customer would ask me about where I worked, and they did ask and we were supposed to tell them in a data center. I decided my home office was part of my one person data center. I would tell them I worked in a data center and it was close enough to my home so that I could walk to work.

After the pandemic nobody is upset by people working from home and it no longer something we are told to keep quiet about.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 2/28/24 5:38 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Interesting, my teams have worked from home some or all of the time since 2009. Telling people to lie about it would be an integrity issue and I can understand why you would not have been on board with that!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


White Dove
on 2/28/24 6:08 am - Warren, OH

It was because we were doing their taxes and they were afraid people would not feel their data was safe where other family members could be looking at it.

One day my husband said that every time he saw his brother his brother was asking him if he needed money. We could not figure out why he was doing that so Joe asked him. He said, I see Mary's car in the driveway every morning now, so I know she lost her job and figured you were needing money. It was back around 2000 when I first started working from home.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Amy Liz
on 2/28/24 5:12 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Sounds like things are going really well with your new job, I'm so happy for you! I've come to realize more than ever that the right fit is everything. My current staff is amazing and we have one more onboarding in early April. Things are changing for the better and the future looks good. Today, I have a month end deadline to meet and a 6.5 hour training. I'm hoping I can accomplish both - listen and do....

QOTD - I tend to go for dark in bar form and in a boxed chocolates, probably prefer milk in general, then white. I know there are tons of white chocolate haters but I like it with salted macadamia nuts and definitely on a Zero bar.

Accountability - good, seriously dehydrated and pounded water all day. 183.8 today

B- coffee x 4, L&F yogurt, protein granola, 3 strawberries

l -small chicken burrito bowl

d - carnitas tacos

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 176 GW 175

on 2/28/24 5:40 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Oh I'm glad you mentioned training! It reminded me that I am closing one of our servant leadership training sessions today, I better prep something, lol

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 2/28/24 5:48 am, edited 2/27/24 9:49 pm
RNY on 08/29/18

Good morning, everybody!

To ease back in at Crossfit, I did this long, slower paced workout called a burn. It was scheduled for 50 minutes. Well, at about 44 minutes in, the tornado sirens started going off. Our instructor stopped the music and said that, while he wasn't closing the facility, people should consider going home.

I opted to leave. I got home and Marilyn was sheltering in the basement and fretting that she was going to get hail on her Bronco. Fortunately, we didn't get either hail or a tornado, but it was a nerve-racking 30 minutes or so.

I had a Chicago style hot dog for lunch yesterday. It was really yummy. Over the years, I have gotten more adventurous and ordered more and more of the toppings. I don't like raw onions, so those are the last holdouts for me, but I even got the day glow green relish on it this time.

Marilyn had a super productive day, got all of the laundry from our trip done, restocked the house with food, etc. I'm work from home today, Crossfit, Happy Hour tonight. We still have TV shows to catch up on.

QOTD: I love milk chocolate. The other two are a distant second. Milk, Dark, White.

Breakfast: Bagel

Lunch: Roast beef

Dinner: chicken

Have a great day, all!

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

on 2/28/24 6:03 am
RNY on 08/11/14

So glad you guys are okay.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

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