Help! I'm gaining weight....

on 8/9/07 11:11 am - Greencastle, IN

Please help!  I'm 4 years out of my surgery and in the past 4 months I have gained over 15 lbs.  I need advice to kick start my weight loss again.  I am scared to death I'm going to gain my weight back.  After my surgery in 2003 I lost 169 lbs. and felt fantastic, it's unbelievable how uncomfortable you can start to feel with just gaining between 15 - 20 lbs back.  Please, any advice would be great.  Thank you in advance.   

Tracy B
on 8/9/07 11:41 am - Erie, PA
Hi There! It seems like this is common after 2-3yrs out. I know for me sometimes I get off track or just feel  normal and I allow some of those bad habits back in like~emotional eating, grazing, sweets/bad carbs, etc. Its a very scary feeling after going thru so much and working so hard to get the weight off and you're so right~its amazing how a small amount of added weight can make you feel uncomfortable very quickly!  I know everyone says it,but my best advice is to get back to basics again. Start tracking your calories on fitday or sparkpeople, push protein first and be sure to get enough protein in every day, don't drink with meals and use at least the 30/30 method, limit sweets and bad carbs and push the good carbs intead, be sure to get in your exercise. Its all common sense advice, but it really seems to be working for alot of people around here! There are several posts down below that address this issue and some success stories as well. I think the hard part is just getting back into the groove of things, but once you do I'm sure you'll get it right back off!!!  Good Luck and keep us posted on how things are going!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/07 10:47 pm
on 8/10/07 4:05 am - ladera ranch, CA
I worry about this everyday.  I am only 17 months out, but I feel like I can definitely relate.  I get on the scale everyday and I have chosen a weight for myself that I like.  It is a reasonable weight for me.  If I gain a pound or two I react immediately by increasing my exercise and adjusting my diet.  I can definitely eat a lot more than 7-8 months ago and most foods don't bother me anymore.  Bottom line is the scale tells me what is going on every morning.  Just a side note, I went on a protein shake diet about a month ago (4 low carb pre-made shakes a day) and did a 5 day 1 hour cardio session per day  and lost 12 pounds in 5 days.  I was amazed how quickly my body lost the weight. Good Luck!
Char S.
on 8/10/07 11:55 pm - Jefferson Hills, PA

Hi Tonda,

Congrats on your initial weight loss.  You can do it again.  It is not too late. By the time I was 5 years out, I gained 42 pounds. Even after I realized that I better do something, it took another year and a half  to figure out what that "something" is.  It's good that you recognize that you need help and this forum is the best place to come for encouragement.  Everyone that replied to your post  has offered great advice. You probably have heard about going back to basics a million times, but it does work if you can stick with it.  It certainly is not easy but it can be done.  Please see my profile and recent posts and be encouraged.  Good luck and many blessings.

Char S. 
Getting Back on Track Again!!
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