Longterm graduates

on 12/13/07 8:58 pm - Renton, WA
I am 5 years out from surgery. I lost 120 pounds in the first year. In 2005 I got pregnant and only gained 16 lbs with during my pregnancy which I lost. Last year was a stressful time for me as I lost my husband. I have gained almost 40 pounds in the last year and a half.  I am so scared. I still can not eat huge quanities of food at a time, but I nibble all the time, especially on sweets. I need to get a handle on it NOW. I came back to this site for support. I have to say I am a bit discouraged as I keep reading of people who have gained back most of their weight after four or five years. I really need to know there are people out there who have had gastric bypass surgery and kept the weight off for several years. Or if you have had a struggle with regaining and found a way to get back on track.  I really want to be an insprirational story for others who have had or continplating wls as I truely believe it was the best thing I ever did. I just have to get a handle on this. Help
on 12/13/07 9:14 pm - Houston, TX
I'm very sorry about your husband.  Of course you're over eating - it's the worst time of your life!  I don't have any answers regarding death, but I can tell you about regaining and losing weight.  I may not be far enough out for what you want, I had surgery almost 3 years ago.  I lost 144 pounds in about a year.  Last year, I had a major life change and in about 3 months, I gained 35 pounds.  I was scared and miserable.  It came on like it did before I had surgery.  It was because I was nibbling throughout the day and I was making bad food choices.  Several times, I decided to get back on track, and several times I failed.  I had to keep reminding myself that it's hard to exercise and eat right, and that it was okay that I was having problems.  (It was still depressing!)  It's taken me 9 months of work, but I've lost 25 pounds.  The good thing about regaining and then losing the weight is that I fully understand now that I'm in control of my weight.  Weight gain and weight loss don't just happen - they're a direct result of how we're living our lives.  You can lose this weight, it's just going to take some work.  I wish the best for you! Becky
on 12/13/07 10:03 pm - Wilmington, NC
Please refer to my recent post.  You are not alone. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! So sorry for your loss(((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

Tracy B
on 12/13/07 10:25 pm - Erie, PA
Hi Cynthia. I am just 3yrs out, but I wanted to lend you my support. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband~I can't begin to imagine how difficult that must be. I know there are many here that have maintained after 5yrs out or who have gained and then lost with success so I'm sure you'll find alot of compassion and advice. I know its not easy when you get off track, but you already identified where the problem is coming from, now you just need to figure out a way to stop grazing and eliminate sweets. This time of year might not be the right time for you to start, but maybe after the first of the year you can try?? My heart goes out to you and my thoughts are with you.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 12/13/07 10:43 pm
Cynthia, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I will be praying for peace for you during this holiday season.  I have for the most part maintained so far, not quiet 3 years out though.  I do understand though the weight gain and food as comfort.  I've had some things happen the last 6 months that are stressors and find myself battling food allot right now.   Do know you are not alone, the grad board is a wonderful group of WLS friends here to help any way we can. Keep the faith.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Tammy McDonald
on 12/13/07 11:44 pm - Mukwonago, WI


Even though I am not dealing with the loss you are, I am personally dealing with a "bounce back" of sorts myself.  I am 3 yrs 2mos out and had a 17lb creep up. and was 30lbs from goal.

3 things I've changed since November 19th,  after I couldn't get my flannel jeans zipped. (I said enough is enough!) 1. stopped grazing.  I keep good snacks with me and have to keep reminding myself that food is not a reward or a good source of comfort.  I have found myself jumping into the chat here at times when I have been faced with temptation when available.  We've had a couple office "food days" for Christmas and its been hard! 2. I have walked everyday but 4 since 11-19.  Last night was the hardest, it was 24 degrees, slushy and the wind was like a typhoon!  But I am walking and taking the stairs every day.  Excercise has really helped my mood too.  The holidays are difficult for me as is for so many of us. so the walks are good therapy. 3.  Get the water in!  64oz a day.  Please feel free to join us on the move it to loose it post in this forum if you need a place for accountablity and support.  I have leaned on it big time!   Without detail, I can relate to your loss even though not as recent and I hope you find peace this holiday and everyday. Be healthy and an inspiration for your child.  I'm sure that is what your husband would want for the both of you. God Bless, Tmac

Tammy McDonald    
Char S.
on 12/14/07 5:07 am - Jefferson Hills, PA
Hi Cynthia, Congratulations on you initial weight loss.  I also found myself with a 42 pound weight gain about 5 years out.  I had the same problem of grazing and eating too much of the wrong foods. I am now on the losing side again after "starting over" for what I hope is the last time last January.  Since then I have lost almost 30 of the 42 pounds I gained.  It was not easy but it can be done.  Please read my profile and be encouraged.  You can do it.  Good luck and many blessings! Char
Char S. 
Getting Back on Track Again!!
on 12/15/07 3:56 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I'm so sorry to hear of your issues! I wish you'd posted a week ago as we had 3 support groups here this week and you maybe coulda found someone to buddy up with you and be accountability supporters. We have meetings in January, herein Puyallup, Jan 8 & 9, so please post agin that week and i'll get you here.

If you email me privately, I can send you a starting over plan that might help? [email protected]

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 12/16/07 9:55 pm - Spokane, WA
I am just two years out, but I also worry about the regain.  I see so many posts about it.  I asked my surgeon if the "bounce back" gain is inevitable, and he said no.  But I do think we have to really stay n top of things.  I know I too can snack/graze/nibble all day, so I have to pay a lot of attention to that already.  I do a lot of knitting to keep my hands and head busy--I can't eat while knitting!  I find complex patterns so I don't want to stop to eat something or I'll lose my place.  That's not the same for reading or watching tv.  With both of those I can munch the whole time. I really like the book "Beck's Diet Solution" as it is not so much about any diet but about getting your thinking right so you can be successful with whatever diet you chose.  And I figure I'm really on a diet for life--just like most people.   Eating out of habit, whether it is boredom or emotional stress, is tough to stop.  So I aim to just manage it a bit better each week.   Good luck, Sally
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