2014 is the year

Recent Posts

on 1/7/14 10:59 pm
Topic: RE: Weigh - Ins and Weight Goals
I know right. But we can do this!
on 1/7/14 6:05 am
Topic: RE: Weigh - Ins and Weight Goals

I completely understand. This is a New Year and I really want to get serious about losing weight. For me the hardest part is getting started.

on 12/27/13 1:21 am
Topic: Weigh - Ins and Weight Goals

Today is Friday, December 27th 2013.

I weigh 226 lbs. My Body Mass Index is 37.6

I will weight 140 lbs. My Body Mass Index will be 23.3

I will lose 86 lbs. I will complete this journey no matter how long it takes.

Who's with me? How about you?

