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Hospital Angeles Tijuana... Technologically at the Top

posted 8/9/15 3:57 am

Hospital Angeles Tijuana... Professionally & Technologically Ready to Meet your Needs.

Hospital Angeles Tijuana is a 100% Mexican corporation, which since 1986 encourages and supports the field of private medicine in Mexico, and has pushed decisively for a reform in the health system, being pioneers and the indisputable leaders in this field.

For the past several months, a rumor has been spreading in internet forums, Facebook groups and fan pages, Twitter, basically all over social media, that Hospital Angeles is out of business, broke, filing for bankruptcy, practically closing its doors. Nothing is further from the truth.

The tough policy of Hospital Angeles against non-FDA approved surgical supplies, such as FDA-approved titanium staples (Covidien), FDA-approved laparoscopic band implant (ApolloEndo's Lap-Band (former Allergan, Johnson & Johnson)), sutures, etc., has been a big factor for many doctors to resign to offer their services to national and foreign patients, in Hospital Angeles. 

Since August-September 2014, Hospital Angeles has been under new management/administration. Before this new management took over, many doctors offering their service there where not following the international standards by which Hospital Angeles has been certified both nationally and internationally, meaning these doctors were not observing sometimes not even the minimal requirements for patients' safety and care.

During a 3-5 month investigation, Hospital Angeles' new management found out that such surgeons were even using recalled or black market supplies to lower their costs, which is unethical and something Hospital Angeles will never tolerate nor endorse. After the investigation was over, Hospital Angeles invited these surgeons to comply with Hospital Angeles standards and policies, in an effort to safeguard the patients health and well being. Such doctors did not agree. Some left voluntarily, while some other had to be legally required to leave the premises and stop using Hospital Angeles name and brand to attract unsuspected patients.

If you have been contacted or have contacted medical tourism companies, referral service companies, patient facilitator companies, scheduling services, you might have possibly been told the doctor(s) these companies advertise (they are only advertisement agencies playing the part in exchange for a commission for just referring patients) are switching hospitals at a short notice, because Hospital Angeles will soon be closing its doors. DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU. Its their way to keep you in their booking schedule for a big chunk of the money you are paying.

Feel free to contact Dr Lopez-Corvala's office in case you have any questions about this article. We are here 100% for our patients. Make sure you get everything you deserve for your money. You do not need a middle person to get the best you can get.

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