Fall 2011 Super Secret Clubhouse!


Liquid Diets!
October 10, 2011 7:38 pm
lost of us seem to be on or about to be on the lovely liquid diets.  i decided to copy my personal blog to here about the liquid diet in case it might help someone else, so here is the backlog, there are three.


yesterday i felt pretty BadAss.  No problem, i felt full and empowered. 
today around 4pm i started looking at the dogs beggin strips.......lol  my husband and sister are doing tihs with me for 1 week out of solidarity.  This morning my husband bagged the trash and said the food in there even looked good.
I have stuck with it though and am carrying on. I have lost weight prior to this about 57 pounds, in a weird way i am grateful for the diet because i have gradually stepped down my old eating habits and put food where it belongs,  i feel like this is important for me mentally and i will sort out alot of the feelings i am having now before waking up from surgery. 

i have learned that
1. when i am hungry my mind thinks i need food because that is all i ever gave it.  hunger= pizza.  good lord typing the word hurts...lol  however when i am hungry and i drink milk i feel full and satisfied and i feel like i a retraining my brain as to what nourishment is!

2. liquid diets make you pee like Seabiscuit!

3. sugar/carb/fat free coffee syrups have saved my life.  i am going to cash and carry to look for more flavors!

around 9pm i started telling myself that the pasta in the fridge would be my last meal, no one would know and i would never do it again.  i pictured myself creeping to the microwave and tried to justify why i deserved a break.  so i broke down, went in the kitchen and threw it in the trash and did some dishes, got a glass of milk and signed on here,  go me!
my sister told me i should have fed it to the dogs because it would be safer...lol!

4.  i dont know why i am surprised that you can drink milk and still poop, babies do it. i think people with hemmorhoids should try it if you know what i mean!
tomorrow is day 3, people say it gets better after day 3, i will let you know if they are full of it!
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Might I suggest?
October 4, 2011 4:43 pm
going to the goals section and picking out a few?  I browsed the goals and even chose ones i have achieved already so i could mark them accomplished.  it felt great!!!  plus i believe in visualization and imagining myself doing all those great things was great for the spirit. 

some of them are quite humorous.  i gave a big AMEN! to buying something besides lotion from Victoria's secret...

what is your number 1 NSG? or Non scale goal?

mine is climbing a rock wall.  dont ask me why, i feel like taking this new body for a spin and seeing what the old gal can do!
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