Really? What happened in the 2 months since my surgery!

Jul 31, 2010

Ok well my boyfriend had his surgery on Monday July 26. We had to be at the hospital by 6 am and his surgery was at 7:30am. We waited in the waiting room till Dr. White came in to tell us that everything went good but he did have alot of muscle in his stomach area and they did have a hard time getting through it. That was at 11:30 am. He also said that he would be in recovery for about 2 hrs and then to his room. At about 2:30 I hadnt heard anything yet so I went to the desked and asked , where the lady had told me that they were having a hard time finding a room for him. Now this surgery was scheduled several months ago and I was kinda confused on why they didnt have a room. So I asked if we could see him and she was really snotty and told me that my kids were not allowed in recovery and that I was not allowed to leave them in the waiting room. Mind you my kids are 11 and 8. So as I stood there getting more and more mad the phone rang and as luck would have it , it was his nurse. He just happened to be asking for us at the same time. His nurse told the lady that we could all come back but only for a few minutes. When we got back there he was kinda in bad shape. I know with my surgery they had told me that the intabation tube and everything would be removed before I woke up and it was well not in his case. He must have woke up early and when he still had tubes down his throat and everything. So after seeing him we went back to the waiting room where we sat till 6:30 that night when they finally got him a room. So me and the kids went home at like 8pm. The next morning my daughter had a doctors appointment at 9am so I didnt make it to the hospital till 10:30, but my boyfriend had called me and said that Dr. White had been in and they were sending him home!! YAY!!! Well I sat there till 7PM and then asked the nurse what was going on and she looked confused. When I asked her about going home she said the doctor hadn't left any discharge in structions!!! WTH!!!! So I stayed till 8 and then went home. The next morning my boyfrind calls me at 7:30 and tells me they are discharging him so hurry and get there. I made it there by 8:10 and though we live 30 minutes away! lol I got there and after an hr of waiting the nurse tells us that the doc forgot to write his perscription for pain meds and we have to wait till he is out of surgery which would be another 2 to 3 hrs! I was so mad by this and couldn't wait to get out of here. So finally Dr. White comes up and says he is sorry and we get to leave YAY!!! So we are driving home and since we live in Oregon Ohio I went the pharmacy I work at to turn in his pain meds to get filled. So I get his discharge folder out and no perscription. So I am sitting in Wal-Mart's parking lot and I call the hospital and I talked to his nurse and she tells me she forgot to give it to us!!!! Really??? I was not driving back so she told us she could fax it over to the pharmacy. GOOD! If that all wasn't bad enough he spent Thursday and Friday in alot of pain and was really sick to his stomach. He couldn't barely move and I wash showering him and dressing him and trying to go work all at the same time. I was sooo tired and he wouldn't do anything to help himself. Thursday I told him that either had to call Cathy or go to the hospital or stop being a baby! I didnt have any of this happen to me so I was sooo clueless and I just figured that if he was in that much pain he needed to do something about it. Finally by Friday night I was at work till 9:30 but my stepson had called me and told me that he had gotten even worse and he was now starting to get sick and he was crying alot. I left work and rushed home and made him get dressed and I was on my way back to Toledo Hospital. I took him to the Er and after about 1 hr of waiting they got us back. They did a CAT scan and some blood work and found out he had some stones of some sort in his ureters. So by 1:30 am they had him a room and he was being admitted. I took the kids home and got some sleep and came back at around noon. The doc had already been there and told him that he has 2 kidney stones and one is still in the kidney and is way too large to pass and they are going to have to break it down. So I am really not sure when he is going to be able to get out of here. He is meeting with the Urologist in the morning to discuss his options. My surgery and hospital stay alll went really smoothly and I had no issues at all but this time was a total 360.


About Me
Oregon, OH
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2010
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