Two Days to Surgery

Jan 23, 2010

Two days until surgery and I'm getting nervous. It doesn't help that hubby keeps telling me to bail out and not go through with it. Thank goodness I have a wide strubborn streak in me and I'm not letting him influence me. This is the first time in a long time that I'm putting myself fist and I'm, determined to see it through to the end no matter what. I did write my will just in case!

Still, it hurts not to have any support at home, especially since I foresee that reaching my goal will be a steep upward climb and I'm in no physical shape to climb. I try to focus on the future, on the final result so I keep looking through all the Before and After pictures. I keep telling myself, if all those people could do it, why shouldn't I be able to achieve at least a fraction of what they did? I don't have much of a choice anyway. My alternative is to continue to be housebound while I get weaker and weaker and my body deteriorates from fat related complications.

I didn't ask to have MS. I was doing fine with my weight and shape before the last exacerbation that left me with quadraparesis, destroyed my sight so I could no longer drive and made me gain 30 kilos in 3 months from the medley of drugs my doctors kept perscribing, trying to control the onslaught of symptoms that hit me all at once. And then everyone left me to cope as well as I could but mostly alone. And quite frankly, I couldn't cope. I left my job of 12 years to find something I could do from my home... anyway, that's another story.

I don't know why all these thoughts are plaguing me right now. I should be happy that I'm finally doing something for my obesity and yes, I am. I'm looking forward to being lighter, moving more easily, not being afraid to fall and not be able to get up again, maybe even walking again. Despite my confessed love of food, staying on a simple and healthy diet doesn't scare me, it appeals to me.
I'm ready for this and whoever says nay can kiss my ***** !

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Surgery Date
Dec 13, 2009
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