Left shoulder pain

Jul 14, 2013

Upper abdominal and shoulder pain after laparoscopic surgery is related to diaphragmatic irritation caused by retained carbon dioxide, which then causes referred pain to the shoulder via the phrenic nerve. this is the pain you feel post operatively..........for days to weeks afterwards.

This is also a PAIN you  can feel  when eating too much,that some like to refer to as a "soft stop" It's NOT wise to continue eating when you feel this pain, or eating to the point of onset of this pain.

Lap Band patients feel this PAIN  YEARS AFTER BEING BANDED for numerous reasons some of which are due to  #1 IMPROPER BAND PLACEMENT, #2 AFTER VOMITING, #3 SCAR TISSUE UNDER THE BAND, #4 BAND SLIP.Just to name a few.

REASON: your irritating the Diaphragm, it doesn't feel pain it refers it to the Left shoulder.(see above statement)

My Pain felt like someone had stabbed me in my Left shoulder, then it was a burning sensation,  This NEVER went away I was always in some type of discomfort,and eventually lead to a Limited range of motion where I was unable to lift my arm (up, sideways or behind my back) without pain, 

 FYI: Nerve damage from this type of irritation doesn't resolve immediately, yes the stabbing pain is gone but My limited range of motion IS STILL PRESENT. I've been told (neurologist) nerve tissue regenerates at 1mm per month. This started Oct 2012 after my LB slipped, I suffered until removal in April 2013. I'm THRILLED my band is gone, and hope that my range of motion is 100% soon. I wrote this in hopes of helping someone else.

