14 months post op

Mar 17, 2010

Hello OH world! I am now 14 months post op and 3 months post pregnancy. I am currently down anywhere from 205-210 lbs depending on the day. I am in a size 14/16 jean and a large/xl top. I feel amazing!!! It is so great to just have the physical freedom to do whatever I want! I have to catch a train about 8 blocks away from my work every day and pre-op I more than likely would have just skipped the train and drove to work everyday because I would have never wanted to walk that far being over 400lbs! I probably wouldn't have been able to ever reach the train on time. Now I just truck my ass the 8 blocks and don't even think about it. I don't even get winded! I love it! One thing I want you all to know though is this surgery doesn't keep you from eating the bad stuff! I can eat anything I want. ANYTHING! I have to force myself not to eat the bad stuff just like dieting pre-op! I give in often. I really would love to start therapy to get to the bottom of my eating issues but I just can't afford it right now. For example I am currently drinking a Coke. That doesn't happen often but I do it sometimes and it doesn't hurt me physically. I don't dump from sugar either. The only thing that really bothers me are fried foods. If I eat anything fried I get super poopy sick!! I know I know TMI but seriously!! I want all you pre-ops out there to know that once you have RNY you will never have a normal BM again! It totally sucks but it's well worth it! I haven't started a work out routine yet. I do walk about 16 city blocks every day to get to and from work so that's a little bit of excersize but not enough. I have also started taking my daughter Anberlin and the dog for walks now that it is getting nicer out side. I would love to join a gym and that those classes they offer but I just can't pull myself away from Anberlin when I am not working. I just miss her so much when I am away! I am going to have to figure something out because my weight loss has reallllly slowed down to just about a hault! I have 40 more lbs to lose to get to a normal weight and 25 to get to 199 which is my main goal. I MUST get their!!! Now that I am close to goal and know now I will need to get a tummy tuck or lower body lift for sure and also a brachioplasty. (arms) My arms look pretty floppy! I also have a pretty good aprin or panni or whatever its called. I don't get rashes or anything like that so it's no too severe but it sure doesn't look pretty and I have to wear a bigger size than I should have to just due to the extra hangy skin. It totally sucks but much better than being obese let me tell ya!
Anberlin is doing sooo great! She is a big girl! She weighs about 15lbs and is 12weeks old. She sleeps really well for us. Some nights she give us 7-8 hrs but some night she has to eat after 5. My  husbands band is really going places! They are booking the summer tour right now and recording their next album. They are currently in a battle of the bands and have made it to the finals where they will play in front of some big lables. Everyone cross your fingers! Well I have to run but I hope everyone is doing well!


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Big Lake, MN
Aug 04, 2008
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