June 23, 2010

Jun 23, 2010

 I was so excited about summer coming and being able to get out and do so much, but with little energy I do have, I use it all on Madison  ( my  8 yr old ) and by  6 pm ,,,Im pretty much done for the day.  We still go swimming and have picnics, I took her to the fish hatchery the other day so see all the fish, we will take a vacation the middle of July, hopefully my body will hold up, I'm sure this is only a temp, problam and before long I will be back to my old self.  Ive been working on all my scrapbooking albums, but i really do not have the energy for that, I have a awesome craft room and just do not feel like doing that, although when Maddy wants to do crafts I do then with her or give her ideas as to what to do.  I'm going away for a girls long weekend with my best friend Im so excited, she is going to drive so i can save my energy for the fun stuff, we are just going to get in the car and go, we will have some kind of idea as to where we are going but nothing sound. I think we are planning on going to find old antique stores and find flea markets in little towns, that should be fun.  This weekend Im watching a friends little boy who is 9 yrs old , Madison will have a great weekend with him, they are school buddies so that helps they know each other.
     People must be getting used to the "new" me I do not get as many comments as I used to as far as my size!......other than my B.Friend who tells me to stop Ive lost enough and I tell her I can not just stop it is something that just happens, she is a size 4 so what is her problam...LOL......she was so against this surgery , she was very angry about it, mostly worried, that is why I did not tell alot of people, I knew how they would feel about it , but unless you have been in my shoes before they have no idea what it is like to be heavy, all she would say is You look good they way you are......YEAH RIGHT......
  I did order me some new clothes sunday online, Im excited to get them , as nothing fits me and I'm pinning things and rolling the tops of my shorts down so they will not fall off of me............I have not actually went in and tried clothes on ....I was given clothes that were different sizes so that is how i know my size.......I guess I should actually try some new clothes on and maybe that would help...........Well goodnight for now......this entry was kind of boring...........


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2010
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