The start of a new year and a new life

Jan 03, 2010

January 3rd, 2010

Well it is now 2010 and I am 8 days away from my RNY surgery.  This is a new start for me.  Being 61 years old I am probably one of the older people to go through this but I am very grateful for the opportunity to have a better quality of life.  I have been overweight most of my life and morbidly obese for at least the past 20 years.  My mobility is now limited and I sometimes need a cane to walk.  I am diabetic, have high blood pressure and know without this surgery my life will be considerably shortened. 

One of the questions I have been asked is why now at my age.  Well, my 3 children are now grown.  My son, the youngest, has just finished university and is on his own.  I have spent my life looking after others and now it is my turn.  I retired last January and my husband is retiring at the end of March.  We hope to travel and at my present weight that is difficult.  Airline seats are not made for those plus 300 pounds.  I have 2 grandchildren and hopefully will have more in the near future and I so want to be able to play with and care for them and not just be the gramma in the rocking chair.

Three years ago I decided to have this surgery, but was then diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  I am now almost three years cancer free, so last January applied again.  In late November I was called and had my first information session.  Things have moved quickly since then.  My surgery is scheduled for Jan.  11, 2010 at 8:00 a.m.

So 2010 will be my year of change.  A new body, a new life, new freedom.  My prayer for all who have started on this journey is for much success, much happiness and great peace.

Happy New Year Happy New Life



About Me
Tottenham, ON
Surgery Date
Dec 29, 2009
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