Month 6 appointment this week

Jun 26, 2010

I had my 6th month appointment this week.  I can't believe it's already here.  We submitted to insurance and now we just wait.  I graduated yesterday with my Master's and I will be celebrating in a few hours.  We took a really late nap today and Leo is wired.  Never let a 2yr old sleep at 6pm.  I also heard back from the attorney about my divorce and we should be able to submit final paper work in two weeks.  I have lost 19 lbs since my last appointment.  That's almost 5 lbs / week and I haven't even had surgery yet.  The really sad thing is this is still more than what I weighed after I had Leo.  I want to be down to 300 before surgery.  My Current weight is 323lbs.  My PCP's scale only goes to 350lbs and so we never new the exact weight when I started to try losing weight, but if we start counting at the 350lbs, I've lost 27lbs in 6 months.  I seem to be at a plateau and I need to move under the 320 mark.  It's just hovering for the past week.  This weekend was the last Satuday for the regulation segment on the Becker review.  It went well, but I still have trouble  staying awake for 8 hour lectures.  I finsihed school last week and have an A as my final grade.  Paper was 55pgs long.  I've had a professional resume written and I should have that on Monday or Tuesday to start the job search.  If the company where I work doesn't make a big sale soon, they are going to close in the next 45 to 60 days.  I really wan the surgery before that happens, especially since I have 2 weeks of paid vacation saved up and have been planning n using 1 for the surgery and one in case of a complication.  It would suck to not to get to use the time.  Everything will work out the way God wants it to, I just hope it's what I want too.  Overall things are not bad.  I am a little behind at work, but with everyone else taking their vacations and trips, it's been difficult to keep on track with my work.  Focus has been a little difficult, but I am working on it.  I am very close to having things put together for the first time in my life.  I want to make sure that I do not self sabatoge things as well.  I will post again when I here something back.  Hopefully in the next week or two.


About Me
Knoxville, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2010
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