Deep in the Heart of...Houston

Nov 12, 2010

 This past weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to attend my third Obesity Help Conference this year! For those of you who have never attended one, I would encourage you to make plans for doing so next year (uh, just as soon as the dates and locations are announced, of course ;-), because it's the experience of a lifetime (or at least, the year). I guarantee you'll get pumped up, inspired, motivated and educated – everything you need to go live the most satisfying, healthy and joyful Bariatric After Life™ possible. I'm not kidding!

So, what's it all about (Alfie)? Well, here's how my 4 days in Houston, Texas went.

After traveling all day on Thursday, I finally rolled into the Hilton Post Oak around 8:30 PM and met up with Yvonne McCarthy and Shannon Watts for a lovely dinner in the hotel restaurant. I had the most glorious red snapper, garlic spinach and polenta (that stuff is dense, so I could only take a couple o'bites). It is so wonderful to catch up with my girls (they ground me :-)


Me N Yvonne in the Photo Booth



Me N Shan in the Photo Booth


Next, it was off to stuff "goody bags" with the OH team. It's hard not to steal bags of Revival Soy Chips while stuffing the bags, but fortunately, my new friend, Sean Nichols kept me busier than a one-armed paper hanger, so I didn't have TIME to filch any!

After we finished the bags, Connie Stapleton and I decided to go workout. Yes, I KNOW it was 11:30 PM. Yes, I KNOW I am a morning person. But, my body thought it was 9:30. Sorry, that's the best I got. I did an hour with "some other elliptical" (besides Enrique), and managed to burn 650 calories and go 5.5 miles. We stayed up until 2 AM gabbing!


Me N Connie in the Photo Booth


Friday morning came early (at least 2 hours earlier for this California Girl), and I did my usual puttering (and sputtering) until it was time to meet up with Yvonne, Shannon, Connie Stapleton and Chef Dave at 9AM in the lobby. Then, we were off and running for a private tour of The Davis Clinic! Okay, but NOT before Dave dropped by the "3rd Busiest Starbucks in the World" for his fix. Trust me, it felt more like the "2nd Busiest Starbucks in the World," but we girls entertained ourselves with Shannon's "Robocam" and took pictures of ourselves in the back seat. Let me explain the Robocam: This camera is "so smart," it "recognizes" teeth and smiles. I wish I were kidding, but I'm not. If you're the only one in the picture, it's fine, but if you are trying to coordinate teeth and smiles for three, well….you're gonna end up with about 15 unusable pictures. I think it went something like this:


Shannon Watts, Connie Stapleton and Me!


Steve (Connie's Husband): "Okay, on the count of 3. 1…[FLASH!] -- Cari Smiled too soon."
All: [Groan}
Steve: "Try it again. On the count of…[FLASH] Cari!"
Me: (with lips closed), "mmm…sorry…."
Steve: "Okay, 1…2…[FLASH] That was Connie…."
All: "Are you [FLASH] serious?"
Steve: "1…2….[FLASH….FLASH….]…3. Again….123! Shannon, your eyes were closed and Cari, you're making a funny face."
Me: "Yeah, but how's my [FLASH] hair?"
Steve: "1…2…"
Me: "We can use [FLASH] my cam…."
All: "Shut up, Cari!!!"
Steve: "Okay. Last try: 123 - [FLASH!] Good enough."
All: "Yea! [FLASH]
Me: "My hair looks funny…"

By this time, Dave had returned with his elixir, and we were off to be confused by Bitching Betty (our GPS with a bad attitude). Did I mention our appointment time was 10 AM? Did I mention that Yvonne made it on time and had to wait for us? Did I mention that the clinic is on this HUGE campus with FIVE parking structures? Did I mention we parked about as far away as you can park? Did I mention my 4-3/4" platform peeptoe suede heels? You need a GPS just to navigate the medical center!

Anyway, we made it (I, with blisters on my toes, and Dave with his Starbucks), and that's what matters.

Dr. Robert showed us around the facility, pointing out all of the amazing services they offer under ONE ROOF to support weight loss patients. They have an ultrasound machine, a way to do upper GI's, a thingie for filling bands, 2 registered dietitians (on staff), a psychologist, a bunch of coordinators, a huge classroom (that can fit 100 people!), and a bunch of other things I forgot because I kind of have a crush on Dr. Robert and I was giggly and flushed. I can't help it; he's the loveliest man. I do remember his photography, framed and proudly displayed all over the clinic (he's not only a talented SURGEON, he's also an accomplished lensman!) and before we knew it, the tour was over. What I can say about the Davis Clinic is: They are completely dedicated to treating obesity inside and out. Their facility caters to people of all sizes and mobility, and they are on the front lines of bariatric education. I like that :-)

With the tour at an end (and hugs given all around), we were off for the long safari back to the car. Good Lord, my feet were toast, but I didn't want to crack under pressure, so I just did my best to keep up. (LOL).

Next, it was off to Pappasito's for "the best steak fajitas on the planet." Since I don't eat meat, I had to take Dave's word for it. I ordered tilapia instead (good choice!) and we all enjoyed our plates! Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can never eat even HALF of what I'm given, so this fish went into a "to-go" box, so I could store it next to the other "fish-in-a-box" in my hotel mini-fridge. No, I didn't go back and eat either fishy leftover, choosing instead to abandon it in the hall outside a room about 3 doors down. Can you imagine the NERVE of some people? They just leave stinky fish right outside their door so room service will pick it up when they leave the paper. I'm sure there was a random fish charge on the bill. My bad.

Anyway, we returned to the hotel in just enough time for me to "poof" my hair and "polish" my face, and head down to the Q&A Panel. I am excited to report that I was actually allowed to sit at the table with such WLS luminaries as: Dr. Connie Stapleton, Chef Dave, Dan Benintendi, A Plastic Surgeon (whose name escapes me, sorry), Yvonne McCarthy, Sean Nichols and Gina Derr Robinson (a regain and reloss expert). Believe me, I felt like a freshman cheerleader riding the bus to the championship game with a bunch of seniors! Fortunately, I blended right in and had a lovely time sharing my thoughts with anyone who would ask. Shannon reports that I made "mean faces" while I wasn't talking. OOOPS. I thought I was cleaning my teeth, but she says otherwise. Pooh. It is hard to look fabulous when you're concentrating (and your feet hurt.)


Evidence of my pouty face.


After that was over, I got to meet Emily Gomez and her "crew" from Bailor. They are just the loveliest women you'd ever want to know. It is such fun to meet people you "know" on Facebook. Did I mention that Emily is a living doll??? She is a teeny thing with a wicked sense of style. Love the shoes, girl….


Me and My Homegirl Emily Gomez


My Bailor Crew Girlies

Next, I dashed back to the room to freshen up for the Meet N Greet. Yea! I finally got to wear my vintage dress and REAL pearls!


Real Pearls and a 1955 Sheath!


The hotel had put together a lovely buffet of chicken…fajitas. More fajitas??? Trust me, the black beans were fab! What little I ate, when I wasn't talking to Terri Black and her hubby Ian, or rubbing elbows with Connie and Rosemary (the twins featured in the WLSFA Documentary "Surviving to Thriving"), or meeting Dr. Alvarez' beautiful (and brilliant wife), Veronica, or just generally meeting (and hugging) about a million people I have seen on Facebook or Youtube. What a wonderful night.

After that, it was time for a little field trip, so me and ShannonWatts (I have to say her name as one word) walked over to the Galleria so we could window shop at Kate Spade and touch the clothes in the Armani store. It was so much fun (even though my feet hurt -- but I was in my cute blingie Bollywood sandals, so it was okay….) Connie and her friend, Sally met us at Kona Grill for dinner at around 9 PM (!!!) and we laughed and scratched like a bunch of drunks. The funny thing is, none of us drink, so we were just high on the conference (LOL). Sally had the sleeve done about 14 months ago and she looks and feels fabulous. Our server was really a cutie, although I'm pretty sure he couldn't figure out why we ordered food that we weren't going to eat! Hey, I worked really hard on my asparagus spears…what can I say?


Me, Shan, Sally and Connie


Okay, back to the hotel (Steve, Connie's hubby, picked us up). But, not before we ran to the Walgreens for some impulse purchases. I bought one of those totally fun travel pillows (Cheetah print, to match my carry-on, natch), and I don't remember what else. Oh, yes I do: I bought some Sugar Free Strawberry Red Vine Crap. Yes, I opened the bag in the car and, after the first bite, realized that I was chewing artificially flavored plastic wax. Which, as ShannonWatts will tell you, did not stop me from polishing off the entire bag by the end of the weekend. As an addict, I will tell you that there is NO ACCOUNTING FOR TASTE. Ugh.

Saturday morning (the big day!) hit me like a ton of bricks. Why did it feel so early? Why couldn't I find my eyes amidst the puffiness?? Why wasn't there enough coffee in our room to solve the problem? Why wasn't the sun up so I could use the natural light to apply my make-up? Which shoes should I wear? (These are the questions that plague me!)

Eventually, I opted for the giraffe print heels, pulled myself together, and ambled downstairs, just in time to hear Dave (that's Kim's hubby) warm up the room with a rousing "welcome" so we'd be ready to hear Connie speak about how the bariatric after life is a lot like a honeymoon. Okay, there was more than that, but I can't very well pimp her talk now, can I?

At one point, I got the chance to get everyone in the room to do a shout out to our Kiwi Brothers and Sisters in New Zealand, who are having their first ever Meet N Greet (something like our OH Conference, but a tad different) on November 19/20, 2011. We wanted them to know that they are loved and supported -- even from way up here in the northern hemisphere! We made a video which I will be editing and sending to my good new friend (and event organizer) Janine Hallewell! It was the coolest thing EVAH!

After that, I wandered over to the vendor hall so I could see some of my friends: Shannon Watts (Revival Soy booth!), Susan Maria and Michelle Rojo (Journey Bariatric Vitamins), Dr. Alvarez (Endobariatric), Annessa Chumbley (Flourish!) and a bunch of other people who are sort of a blur to me because I was sorta punchy that day.

Next, I wandered over to hear Dr. A. speak. Unfortunately, I ended up in Sean Nichols' room, but it was for "men only." Can you imagine how uncomfortable it felt to be the only woman in a room full of men? Okay, I take that back…they had to drag me out, but still.


Me N Dr. Alvarez


After I was *unceremoniously* ushered out of the room (pssshhhh…) I jogged over to hear Dr. Alvarez speak about the exciting future of bariatric surgery –– You cannot BELIEVE the stuff they are working on! It is extraordinary to think about how bariatrics will evolve in the next 5 years! I will be watching with wondering eyes, trust me!

After that, I ducked in to hear "Iron-Man-Dan-Benintendi" give an incredibly motivational and inspirational talk about the things we can ALL do after bariatric surgery. He is really the neatest guy you'd ever want to meet and talk to. Wow. It was the first time I got meet him, and I'm looking forward to working alongside him at future OH events :-) He's bomb!

You know, there were many speakers that day (Dr. Garth Davis, Dr. MaryJo Rapini, Anessa Chumbley, Chef Dave), but I'd heard them speak at the other events, and I didn't want to embarrass anyone by mouthing the words along with them like I do when I watch my favorite movies. (Like, When Harry Met Sally.) Okay, I'm kidding. They don't repeat themselves like that -- they keep it totally fresh. But I wanted to go mingle. That's the truth ;-)

Before I knew it, the conference day was drawing to a close, and it would soon be time for the fashion show and dance. We had just enough time to dash off to dinner at Pappas Steak House. Now, if I actually *ate* steak, this would have been thrilling, but since I don't, I really enjoyed my caesar salad! And the company. Let me not forget that the company was divine, and we laughed and scratched our way through the entire thing.

Back to the hotel, and time to put on my Ralph Lauren LBD. I was so excited about this, as I'd purchased it in Cincinnati, but hadn't gotten to wear it until now! Let me tell you, this dress travels like a dream! You can roll it, stuff it, wad it, crush it -- and then hang it, and it will never bely the secret abuse of the suitcase! Anyway, after my friend, Shannon Watts, came to my room for moral support (yes, she did sing "I Feel Pretty' to me…I just love her), I was off to my first ever fashion show. Yes, I was fashionably late (my bad!) but Yvonne McCarthy did a remarkable job of keeping everyone in line (literally) and building the excitement in the room! Before I knew it, I was on the catwalk, strutting my stuff to Black Eyed Peas, "I Gotta Feeling" -- and I DID have a feeling :-) I had a feeling I was gonna fall -- so I just kept moving, smiling and limiting the spins! LOL.


Trying to Vogue in my LBD. Epic Fail!


If you have NEVER been to one of these events, I must tell you that the fashion show is the highlight! I was surrounded by beaming, happy, confident people who would never have done anything like this in their before lives, and yet, here they were, putting it out there for the entire room to behold. It was magical, exciting, liberating and refreshing. Yes, there were handsome men in the show, and one woman even stripped down to her bathing suit, while another did the SPLITS on stage! The show ended too soon, as I could have stared at the before pictures for hours while I tried to reconcile the "after" proudly strutting on stage. This surgery is a miracle. That's all I can say.

Anyway, by this time, (4 pair of sky-high-heels later), my feet and I were DONE. I couldn't take another step (in or out of rhythm), so I staggered up to my room where I crashed and burned until morning.

The event was over too soon for me (although my feet have a different attitude about it ;-) I cannot believe I got to attend ALL THREE OH CONFERENCES this year. I am so blessed by the wonderful people I've met, and the changes in my life. My deepest hope is that all of you reading this will find a way to attend a conference in your area next year. It WILL change your life, and it WILL inspire you to do great things in your own Bariatric After Life™.


(Because I want you to meet Traci!)


The pictures don't do it justice. The memories will last a lifetime.

Thanks for reading, and see ya next year for OH 2011!!!

